The build in question is a physical Adept. Now I'm going to skip out on the auxillery side stuff and cut straight to the trouble. The guy has 4 strength, a 4 rating in his unarmed combat. He took critical strike at level 5. So DV 7
He then took as many martial arts that have +1 DV and crammed for them. Now, I know there's a rather lengthy topic in the forums with a long heated debate as to the how valid it is to stack up martial arts as opposed to becoming a savant of a singular style. For intents and purposes this game is allowing the combining of multiple martial arts as per the rules as written.
His style list is as follows:
+Karate (+1 DV on Unarmed Combat)
+Kung Fu (+1 DV on Unarmed Combat)
+Muay Thai x2 (+1 DV on Unarmed Combat)
+Tae Kwon Do (+1 DV on Unarmed Combat)
+Wild Cat (+1 DV on Unarmed Combat)
That's +6 DV for a total of 13 DV unarmed. So there you go, someone who hits almost as hard as a mortar round with his fists.
Now, arsenal has the following lines page 156:
A character gains the advantages of all martial arts styles she knows; should they overlap, these dice modifiers stack. The maximum number of dice that can be added to or subtracted from a character’s dice pool from martial art modifiers is equal to the rating of the relevant Combat skill.
Now the argument brought up is DV is not a dice pool. However in my book it tends to be more powerful then dice since on average 3 dice over your target in the long run gives roughly +1DV. So, I figure it would be more in the spirit of the rules to treat the damage value bonuses like dice pool bonuses an cap it at his unarmed combat sill of 4 leaving him with only +4 DV and 11P damage with his unarmed strike.
However, one could also argue that since it isn't a dice pool, the stacking rules may not apply, one could try only applying the largest bonus.
Granted of all those rules, the martial artist still has to get in the face of whoever he's dissaembling with his bare hands before he can actually apply any of these large damage modiers. So this makes him absolutely useless in car chases and sniper fire and likely to end up dead vs stuff like dragons.
So the grand question of the hour is has there been any consensus reached on the DV stacking?