QUOTE (Whipstitch @ Apr 5 2008, 04:45 PM)
Pistols are if anything overpowered in SR4; modern body armor that's available today stops pistol rounds rather effectively. As for the assault rifle thing, remember that any time you connect with a shot you already by definition have at least one net hit boosting your damage value, so it's only going to take two net hits with everyday ammo to start threatening physical against someone in an armored jacket, which is kind of a problem for the defender since it's really easy to have an 8+ firearm dicepool while it's rather difficult to have an 8+ ranged defense pool without eating into your initiative passes. I personally wish that AP was a little higher on many of the rifle and assault rifle type weapons, but as it stands now a Barret 121 will handily deal physical to the majority of targets, and knocking someone out and pushing them into physical overflow is often more effective than dealing physical anyway since heavily armored individuals tend to have higher Physical Tracks than Stun Tracks.
Modern *light, and partial body* armor stops Heavy pistols rounds efficiently? We're talking about armor that makes a desert eagle useless, and that's light armor, because armor vest isn't a SWAT suit (and armor jacket DOES stop any non-critical predator round). I wouldn't call guns overpowered with that kind of light armor. Remember that armor rating also takes into account the fact that some parts of the body are unprotected. It makes sense that an ares predator could deal lethal damage against a guy wearing an armor jacket and no helmet: that's called "Don't leave your brain matter on the ground".
The barret is a sniper rifle. It deals tremendous blows in vital organs, punching through armors as if it was paper. I'm not that much a specialist on sniper rifles, but I recall that they can do that kind of stuff.
Having 8 dice in an NPC dicepool means that the NPC is a professional. A tough minion. 8 die is a lot, fairly specialized runners have 14 dicepool in good conditions (except for munchkins, but I never think about them when doing calculations).
Now, a body 4 character is affraid to get shot by an AR EX burst? First of all, that won't be a damage soaking type, so it either means an agile type (and then, yes, you can use an action to dodge, if you even need to) or something else (and then you can always pile up armor and lose some agility. So what, it's not like you were a vital part of the gunfight anyway; that, or -1 agility won't change much, or you have magical/mystical armor on top of your jacket and you barely care.)
Or you could just grin and bear it. If you can't stand it, you shouldn't be in such a situation to begin with, so it shouldn't happen too often. When it happens, we're talking about a burst; that's 9 DV, and the damage reduction roll has 11 dice, so it goes back to 5-6 damage. Painful, but not deadly. But then again, shadowrun IS suppose to be about doing tough things against unforgiving adversaries, in unforgiving conditions.
And if the guy goes narrow full auto, he empties his dice pool because of recoil. That's -7 dice. Unless you're fighting a very tough guy, this is easy to dodge. If you fail your dodge... well, it's suppose to be lethal, isn't it? Maybe you picked the wrong fight (and even so, that's only 16 damage, it's totally possible to survive that without burning edge. Of course, you're unconscious and dying, but that's what your biotech specialist is for).
I think that things were relatively good with BBB, and that the only problem come from this stackable-with-only-half-normal-encumbrance-factor thing, which doesn't make much sense to me anyway. I'm just changing it to "stackable but with the normal helmet/shield rules"