Anyway, first ...
QUOTE (SR4 pg. 296)
Individual Powers: Animal Control, Compulsion, Corrosive Saliva, Fear, Influence, Noxious Breath, Venom.
My question: Other than the hint under Feathered Serpents in regards to Venom, how does one decide which dragon has which Powers? How many is appropriate? Too much?
The text under Great Dragons has this to say ...
QUOTE (SR4 pg. 297)
In addition to all the innate and individual powers of their species, great dragons also possess two additional powers ...
But which Individual Powers belong to which species? Or do Great Dragons just have all the Powers? That isn't really the way it seems to read, but it would solve the 'species' question by having every dragon capable of having every Power. Not necessarily something I would want in my games, and I don't really think that was the original intent of the authors, so ... back to the original question. Which Individual Powers belong to which Dragon species?
And second ...
Can a Shapechanged Adult (non-Great) Dragon speak normally, or would he still have to rely on Dragonspeach?