Dec 7 2003, 11:48 PM
Okay, so it's "nearly one thousand meters" high and "stretches more than ten huge city blocks on each side" (New Seattle, p. 37). This is a little too vague for my needs at the moment, so let's see if we can't come up with measurements that are a tad more specific.
Given that the average length of a city block in the US is 300 feet (91 meters), that would mean that the arcology is at least 3000 feet (914 meters) long on each side. Unfortunately, given the picture of arcology (RA:S, p.11) and the angles it implies, there's no way that--at 1000 meters high--the arcology is only 914 meters wide.
However, they do cover their butts by saying ten "huge" city blocks, so that gives us a lot of leeway. I'm still working out the math, but does anyone have any ideas?
Dec 7 2003, 11:54 PM
According to memory, it's approximately 1 kilometer per side, and slightly less than a kilometer high - something like 982 meters.
Art and what the authors intended don't always go together.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 8 2003, 12:01 AM
I'm just curious. Why isn't that sufficient for your needs at the moment?
Dec 8 2003, 12:57 AM
Well, I can't go into details here--two of my most mischievous players scan this board--but I'd really like to have a clear understanding of the arc's footprint in downtown Seattle. I'd also like to know what shape the arc is: is it a narrow isocelese (sp?) pyramid or a squatter equilateral one?
Adarael wrote: Art and what the authors intended don't always go together. |
Okay, I realize that sometimes the art department doesn't actually read the descriptions they're sent and that no-one at at Fasa/FanPro has an engineering degree. I can accept some fudging, but if we accept the "official" numbers (from New Seattle) and ignore the representation in RA:S, then we're talking about a pretty steep pyramid here. Personally, I've always conceptualized the SCIRE as a flatter, more equilateral shape (like what's illustrated in RA:S).
Adarael wrote: According to memory, it's approximately 1 kilometer per side, and slightly less than a kilometer high - something like 982 meters. |
Do you remember where you read this? I'm looking through my sourcebooks for concrete info on the arcology and I've only found mentions in the two texts I cited earlier.
Dec 8 2003, 01:02 AM
Yeah i read that somewhere, For some reason im thinking brainscan. Tho can't you work out height from the number of floors?
Dec 8 2003, 01:21 AM
Brainscan..? D'oh! completely forgot to check that book...
And it's not the height I'm worried about, it's the footprint and the shape.
Ancient History
Dec 8 2003, 01:26 AM
R:AS lists the height of the building as 969 meters, with 320 floors (not counting the 21 basements). Please remember this is not a perfect pyramid: it's flat-topped for helicopter access.
I'll look harder when I havea moment to go through the Seattle SBs and double-check Brainscan.
Dec 8 2003, 02:12 AM
If you have the old Seattle Sourcebook you know that old gold colored one check the fold out map in the back of the book it has an out line of the ARC That might give you a really good idea of the size and shape of the structure including the exact location where it sits.... Idon't have my book with me right now and i can't reember if it has a scale for the map but it might. Check it out hope that helps.
Dec 8 2003, 02:12 AM
Thanks AH, but what about the width at the base? That's really what I'm interested in more than anything else. If I had the width I could deduce the angles and then the shape.
Dec 8 2003, 02:42 AM
jeez, you sound like you're actually planning on BUILDING one...
Dec 8 2003, 03:15 AM
The actual footprint of the arcology has always been presented as a generally square shape. It being a pyramid I'm not so sure about; they specifically call the Aztechnology arco the "Pyramid", but the Renraku arco has never been referred to as such, to my knowledge.
I'd probably imagine it structurally as a series of buildings, constructed wall-to-wall, with a large outer wall (about 2 stories) to envelop the whole things. The actual grounds would extend beyond that, to contain parking lots (for Renraku folks who don't live in the arco), and even a few offices (the stuff that has to deal with the outside world, naturally).
Ancient History
Dec 8 2003, 03:35 AM
The parking for the arcology is in the sub-basements, where the Ork Underground broke through.
According to the Seattle SOurcebook, while under construction the arcology was
780 meters by 650 meters by 828 meters (969 meters tall when completed.) |
It's described as a truncated pyramid with silvery-green tinted window; the shadow is reduced by reflecting sunlight from the other side of the building (somethign tot hat effect, in any case).
Dec 8 2003, 03:43 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
jeez, you sound like you're actually planning on BUILDING one... |
That's the idea.
Dec 8 2003, 04:21 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it)
jeez, you sound like you're actually planning on BUILDING one...
Lol, this doesn't have a tie in with the Legos for SR minis thread does it?
Seriously, I believe it would be nicer if it was square based and a pyramid with a missing top. mind you this quote here shows it isn't pyramidal at is actually at best a psudeo trapezoidal extension...
QUOTE(Seattle Sourcebook)
780 meters by 650 meters by 828 meters (969 meters tall when completed.)
This isn't bad either, it means however it isn't a mathematically accurate pyramid, but instead a 320 floor 3d trapazoid with ground bases 780m and 650m. Judging by the truncation and knowing at least a Helipad is up there, I think we can safely asume about 78 by 65 meters on the roof, this allows for easy angular math for when building your model.
Dec 8 2003, 04:55 AM
QUOTE | Fix-it wrote: jeez, you sound like you're actually planning on BUILDING one...
Kagetenshi wrote: That's the idea.
Kag, for chrissakes... what part of "Top Secret" don't you understand? When I enlisted you in this project, I was clear: only members of the Shadowy Inner Circle of Knowledge, Order and Secrecy can know the details of our arco-project. SICKOS is a
behind the scenes group!
Now go arrange
Fix-it's suicide and let's get a milkshake.
Eindrachen wrote: It being a pyramid I'm not so sure about; they specifically call the Aztechnology arco the "Pyramid", but the Renraku arco has never been referred to as such, to my knowledge. |
True, but I'm basing my conception of it as a pyramid from the image in
RA:S. Granted, we've already ascertained that the image in question isn't
entirely accurate (*ahem*), but that's what was sticking in my mind.
However, the trapezoid described by
Ancient History and
Dende sounds like the most plausible shape (and size) so far, especially seeing as how it's, y'know,
Thanks to both of you--and everyone else--for the help. Once again, Dumpshockers have come through for me.
Dec 8 2003, 05:01 AM
QUOTE (Velocity) |
Now go arrange Fix-it's suicide and let's get a milkshake. |
Already done. I may be a blabbermouth, but I'm an
efficient blabbermouth.
Dec 8 2003, 09:06 AM
Dec 8 2003, 08:58 PM
Planning to live-action roleplaye the finale of Brainscan?
Or maybe the entire shutdown?
Dec 8 2003, 09:09 PM
*Hides the Medusa prototype* Um... we just want to look at it. That's all.
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