Apr 15 2008, 10:24 PM
Please tell me what you think of my shadowrunner, and what would you change.
Body 4
Str 2
Agi 5(7)
Rea 4(6)
Cha 5
int 4
log 3
will 4
edge 3
Double Jointed
Astral Chameleon
photographic memory
Allergy Cats Moderate
Allergy beer Moderate
Disguise 3
Infiltrate 3
Palming 3
Shadpwing 3
con 3
etiquette 3
leadership 3
negotiation 3
dodge 3
pistols 4
perception 4
pilot groundcraft 2
Beat Cop 3 3
Fixer 5 5
those are his skills and stats his items are
synaptic boosters 1
tailored pheromones 3
muscle augmentation 2
skill wire 3
reaction enhancers 2
ares predator
hidden gun sidearm
armor jacket
fairlight caliban
novatech navi
subvocal microphone
ar gloves
linguasoft (spanish) 3
linguasoft (itallian) 3
linguasoft (japanese) 3
linguasoft (chinese) 3
linguasoft (german) 3
fake sin 4 mario
fake sin 3 joseph
vision enhnacment 3
vision magnification
audio enhancement 3
spartial recgnizer
autopicker 6
mini welder
survival kit
mid lifestlye 1 month
Apr 15 2008, 10:30 PM
Rigth now my group is a cowboy with about 20 dice to his pistol, a weapon master and a mage. I tried to make him a face like person but with some other stats so he wasnt useless when my team got to combat
Also i forgot to put his knowledge skills
English (Native tongue)
Food 4
Political figures 3
security companies 5
cooking 4
book keeping 2
Apr 15 2008, 10:33 PM
You might want some fake licenses to back up what you are carrying on your person.
Disguise 3
Infiltrate 3
Palming 3
Shadowing 3
con 3
etiquette 3
leadership 3
negotiation 3
Also did you take these skills as group skills or as individual skills? If so go for the group skills. What about a chameleon suit for stealth? Also you have no ammo for your gun.
Apr 15 2008, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (masterofm @ Apr 15 2008, 03:33 PM)

You might want some fake licenses to back up what you are carrying on your person.
Disguise 3
Infiltrate 3
Palming 3
Shadowing 3
con 3
etiquette 3
leadership 3
negotiation 3
Also did you take these skills as group skills or as individual skills? If so go for the group skills. What about a chameleon suit for stealth? Also you have no ammo for your gun.
i took them as skill groups the stealth and influence group, and as for the ammo, i just reliesed i didnt have anyone, good thing i have 3375 left on my guy incase you guys thought of something that i might want to buy
Apr 15 2008, 10:46 PM
I would take a point or two out of Agi and put it into Cha. If you are a face that will help you with your specialty more, and with an Agi of 5 you'd still be tossing a base pistols DP of 11 (or 13 if you pick up a specialization right away).
Apr 15 2008, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (Kingmaker @ Apr 15 2008, 03:46 PM)

I would take a point or two out of Agi and put it into Cha. If you are a face that will help you with your specialty more, and with an Agi of 5 you'd still be tossing a base pistols DP of 11 (or 13 if you pick up a specialization right away).
alright yeah that actually makes some sense, and ill have a smartlink so there is a +2DP right there for my weapon
Apr 15 2008, 10:54 PM
I'm not using all of augmentation yet(I have stuff slowly come out). Wasn't there some must have gizmo for faces?
I don't think synaptic boosters works with reaction enhancers. But it's been a while since I really mucked around with the FAQ.
Let your skillwires handle some of the lower skills, maybe dodge(really should be gymnastics) and pilot groundcraft(though risky with glitches!)
With the points from dropping those(and maybe the reaction enhancers if they aren't compatable). You could buy the stealth and influnce groups up a level, and take, maybe perception, up to a 6.
I'd also be tempted to reduce bod, logic, and will by one each to raise up agility and charisma to proper elven face/stealther levels.
Also with your contacts I'd shift one of them to more of someone who knows everyone. (Someone that can tell you who to meet when your face wants info). That might be what you meant with the fixer.
Finally get some sneaky non leathal weapons. Like a stick a shock hold out pistol (and regular stick and shock ammo for the preditory).
Also I'd suggest some nanopaste disguises and maybe another throwaway ID.
Finally maybe some flavor. You're trying to be a face and you're looking for some interesting RP, and you're an Elf. Hmmmmm.
Ok how about this. Elves aren't known for being particularily broad shouldered at any rate. And the slender guy look is occaisonally in. I believe it's all the rage in japan at the moment.
Anyway the point is your char could be a transvestite. Yeah. Just throw in a voice modulator(fairly cheap if you're losing the reaction enhancers). You've got the disguise skill already. An elvish frame, and fake breasts are probably quite impressive in this day and age. So you can go out as either.
Makes for interesting roleplay, and, I suppose, it could even confir game advantages as you can seduce (to a point obviously) anybody.
Just a thought.
Apr 15 2008, 11:19 PM
Allergy Beer doesn't make a lot of sense. Beer is full of ingredients and it would make more sense to be allergic to one of those ingredients rather then the whole. Say brewers yeast or hops for instance.
Apr 15 2008, 11:23 PM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 15 2008, 03:54 PM)

I'm not using all of augmentation yet(I have stuff slowly come out). Wasn't there some must have gizmo for faces?
the thing is my GM will not allow any book he does not own and he dosent habe augmentations so i couldnt use that
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 15 2008, 03:54 PM)

I don't think synaptic boosters works with reaction enhancers. But it's been a while since I really mucked around with the FAQ.
they do stack
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 15 2008, 03:54 PM)

Let your skillwires handle some of the lower skills, maybe dodge(really should be gymnastics) and pilot groundcraft(though risky with glitches!)
it would cost about the same cause the activesofts are 4000 apiece so that is what i would use to make the BP into nuyen and the reason i have so many languasofts is cause we travle around and no one else in my group speaks more then english, japanese and russian so i have those incase we are ever in a situation like that again, where no one speaks the language of the country we are in
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 15 2008, 03:54 PM)

Ok how about this. Elves aren't known for being particularily broad shouldered at any rate. And the slender guy look is occaisonally in. I believe it's all the rage in japan at the moment.
Anyway the point is your char could be a transvestite. Yeah. Just throw in a voice modulator(fairly cheap if you're losing the reaction enhancers). You've got the disguise skill already. An elvish frame, and fake breasts are probably quite impressive in this day and age. So you can go out as either.
Makes for interesting roleplay, and, I suppose, it could even confir game advantages as you can seduce (to a point obviously) anybody.
thankyou for this but i probably wont for a couple of reasons, right now we play with a all male group and half of them already think i am gay (i am not) and if i did this they would never
EVER let me live it down, no matter how much RP karma or how good of a face i was
Apr 15 2008, 11:24 PM
QUOTE (Edge2054 @ Apr 15 2008, 04:19 PM)

Allergy Beer doesn't make a lot of sense. Beer is full of ingredients and it would make more sense to be allergic to one of those ingredients rather then the whole. Say brewers yeast or hops for instance.
oh ok, i dont drink much so i didnt actually know
Apr 15 2008, 11:50 PM
so i took away from agi 1 point and put it into cha, made me allergic to alchohol (not sure if it works better then beer)
Apr 16 2008, 12:07 AM
If you're sure about the synaptic accelerator. Might want to run it by your GM though.
You don't need a skillwire for linguasofts though. But activesofts are cheaper, BP wise, than skills.
And personally I wouldn't drop agi. You use it for infiltrating and pistol shooting. I'd say Agi and Cha shuold both be high for you.
Apr 16 2008, 12:22 AM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 16 2008, 10:07 AM)

If you're sure about the synaptic accelerator. Might want to run it by your GM though.
He's sure. The FAQ (stupidly) disallows the combination of Reaction Enhancers and Wired Reflexes (only).
Apr 16 2008, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 15 2008, 05:07 PM)

If you're sure about the synaptic accelerator. Might want to run it by your GM though.
i know it works cause the cwboy has the same thing and my GM approves it
Apr 16 2008, 02:31 AM
Astral Chameleon can only be taken by awakened characters. You don't need it, anyways, though, because a mundane character won't be leaving any astral signatures.
I don't know if your resources are maxed out or not, but a sequencer (rating: 4) and maglock passkey (rating: 4) are about 8,800 Nuyen - that's 2 build points with money left over, and they are essential gear if you are breaking in and don't have the electronics skill.
Apr 16 2008, 03:31 AM
I reworked him a bit
Body 4 Str 2(4) Agi 5(7) Rea 3(6) Cha 6 Int 4 log 3 Will 4 Edge 3
Double jointed and Photographic memory
Allergy Cats moderate Allergy Alchohol Moderate Scorched (hope i dont run into some cats soaked in beer handing out drugs)
Stealth Skill Group 3 Influence Skill group 3 Pistol 4(6 with automatics(spec)) perception 4
Beat Cop (Murphy) 3/3 Fixer (phillip) 5/5
cooking 4 Famous People 4 political figures 3 security companies 5 2070 Pop Culture 2
synaptic boosters 1
tailored pheromones 3
muscle augmentation 2
skill wire 3
reaction enhancers 2
muscle toner 2
ares predator
hidden gun sidearm
armor jacket
fairlight caliban
novatech navi
subvocal microphone
ar gloves
linguasoft (spanish) 3
linguasoft (itallian) 3
linguasoft (japanese) 3
linguasoft (chinese) 3
linguasoft (german) 3
fake sin 4 mario
fake sin 3 joseph
vision enhnacment 3
vision magnification
audio enhancement 3
spartial recognizer
autopicker 6
mini welder
survival kit
mid lifestlye 1 month
Skill Soft (Dodge) 3
Skill Soft (pilot Groundcraft) 2
Oh and i have 19 BP and 5056 minus the cost of bullets cause i havent bought any nuyen left over incase you think of something that might help my shadowrunner
Apr 16 2008, 04:04 AM
How does one make a stealthy face? IMO, no matter what your facial expression, it will not give you a bonus to stealth. So there's nothing to critique!

Sorry, the title of your thread just tickled me and I had to have a grammar nerd moment.
Though it's not like you could have made it more clear. Like if you said critique my stealth, face, it would have been ordering a face to critique your stealth. And if you said critique my stealth. face. it would have been a nonsense sentence fragment! And critique my stealth-face would have the same problem as the actual title. I think you should have gone with "Critique my character who is a face who is also stealthy." Booyah!
What is wrong with me?
Apr 16 2008, 04:15 AM
QUOTE (Larme @ Apr 15 2008, 09:04 PM)

What is wrong with me?

you didnt tell me anything about my character
Apr 16 2008, 05:58 AM
QUOTE (piiman @ Apr 15 2008, 08:15 PM)

you didnt tell me anything about my character
Oh, snap!
Apr 16 2008, 06:16 AM
Do you have a fake license for that gun? What about the cyberware in your system? If you get scanned and don't have a permit for what you are carrying, that might not be all peaches and cream.
A sealed chameleon suit if you are even thinking about stealth is a must have. If you are going with skillwires get the programs @ r4, because you are going to upgrade your skillwires at some point and it might be nice not to have to pay more money for something you already have.
Also are you running 4th ed I take it? Do you have augmentation? If so I suggest you look at the master skillwire system (it allows you to spend edge on skillwire tests.) <- if you are taking dodge as a skillwire then GET THIS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THIS. If you fail or roll badly on dodge w/o this system you are totally boned. You would be better to have automatics skillwired then dodge, since it makes you not die.
Apr 16 2008, 06:17 AM
Actually what's the GM think? He's a face putting down 12 dice on social skills,and a stealthy guy putting down 10 dice when infiltrating.
Is he going to be able to operate like that or does he have just enough skill to get in a lot of trouble?
As for advice maybe consider turning most of that money back into a BP and then buy two more points of edge. I think you're going to need it.
Apr 16 2008, 07:29 AM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 15 2008, 11:17 PM)

Actually what's the GM think? He's a face putting down 12 dice on social skills,and a stealthy guy putting down 10 dice when infiltrating.
I am the GM of which you speak.
The majority of my "standard" soldiers are normal folks given guns and taught to use them. 6 dice for their dice pool in things they are trained in, and 2 dice in the ones they aren't.
The standard Johnson they've interracted with so far has had a Charisma of 4 or 5 and about a rating 5 or 6 in Negotiation, but that's because the Johnsons they dealt with were specifically chosen for their negotiating skills.
That being said, there are some eeeeeeeeeeeevil things lurking about in my games. They have faced (and dispatched, surprisingly) a "super soldier" with most dice pools between 13 and 18, as well as legendary Edge. Really, I can't believe they killed it.
As to relevence to being a Face...not a whole lot has been going on in the social department, as the group consists of combat specialists. Really, it wasn't until just before the last mission that they got any stealth skills, so perception wasn't even something I really worried about, as...they were pretty easy to perceive.
But in general, I like keeping dice pools at 6 for the average guy at what he does, up to 12 for people who excel at what they do, and above only for the "holy shit, how much are we getting paid for this again?" encounters.
But don't tell the OP. It's a secret.
Apr 16 2008, 10:18 AM
Elf: Body 4 Str 2(4) Agi 5(7) Rea 3(6) Cha 6 Int 4 log 3 Will 4 Edge 3
BP: 250
I suggest:
Human: Body 4 Str 2(4) Agi 5(7) Rea 2(5) Cha 5 Int 4 log 3 Will 3 Edge 2
Effect: Worse statline, 200 BP
Ork: Body 5 Str 3(5) Agi 5(7) Rea 2(5) Cha 4 Int 5 log 3 Will 3 Edge 2
Effect: non-face statline, 180 BP
PQ: Photographic Memory
NQ:Allergy Cats(moderate), Scorched
I would cut:
- Double Jointed, gimmick advantage that will rarely come up.
- Allergy Alcohol (Moderate). Practical reasons - many things have alcohol in them
Stealth Skill Group 3 Influence Skill group 3 Pistol 4(6 with automatics(spec)) perception 4
cooking 4 Famous People 4 political figures 3 security companies 5 2070 Pop Culture 2
Thats it? Lets say you play a human and invest some 50 BP more.
Stealth 4, Influence 4. - Do not stand in front of your teammates, they handle combat.
Athletics 1. - Running, Climbing, Swimming +2 for 10 BP. Get synthacardium and do gymnastic dodges.
Electronics 1.
Perception 5.
Firearms 3. - A DP of 12 for smartguns, and more fitting for your combat group.
Knowledges should provide flesh to the concept AND be usable on the run.
Lets try:
Cooking 2 Corp. Gossip 4 SurveillanceTech 3 Trademarks&Logos 5 Pop Culture 2 Black-Market 2 Japanese 3
Beat Cop (Murphy) 3/3 Fixer (phillip) 5/5
- 5/5 contacts give me the creeps. Connection 3 on a beat cop has to be explained. KurenaiYami?
synaptic boosters 1
tailored pheromones 3 - you will hate dogs. go without.
skill wire 3 - for what? driving? get a higher rated system ingame
reaction enhancers 2
muscle augmentation 2, muscle toner 2
Try to get:
- Synthacardium for your Athletics pools
- Senseware, at least Cybereyes. You miss Flare Compensation, and your team alone will make sure you need it. Photographic Memory goes well with video footage of important scenes, too. Remembering and Proving are different things.
You are missing key software for your link (Analyse to detect intrusions, Amped Firewall, Browse for Legwork, Edit for faking evidence)
Apr 16 2008, 01:40 PM
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Apr 16 2008, 03:29 AM)

The majority of my "standard" soldiers are normal folks given guns and taught to use them. 6 dice for their dice pool in things they are trained in, and 2 dice in the ones they aren't.
The standard Johnson they've interracted with so far has had a Charisma of 4 or 5 and about a rating 5 or 6 in Negotiation, but that's because the Johnsons they dealt with were specifically chosen for their negotiating skills.
So fair chance of facing some and maybe sneaking.
Now on the Johnson. What does the group how now for a social character, and has the Johnson been laughing all the way to the bank after negotiations?
If, like many GMs without a face, you've just been ignoring the social rules you could pretend like you hadn't been and just up the pay or conditions when your faceish guy comes into the game.
Apr 16 2008, 07:26 PM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 16 2008, 06:40 AM)

Now on the Johnson. What does the group how now for a social character, and has the Johnson been laughing all the way to the bank after negotiations?
They've only had one job that had a Johnson. The other two were given via fixer. And yeah, the one Johnson negotiated them out of money. Though they get paid insane amounts of money for the stuff they're given, as they have a very focused skill set. Basically being doing long-term bodyguard work of particularly cautious individuals, as well as wiping out a (non-Canon) Knight Errant base.
Apr 16 2008, 09:24 PM
Ok so they don't have anyone facey, you do use the social rules, I guess the last thing is would your jobs expand a little if a more flexible character.
Stealth has a way of just being useful but if it's all combat having face skills and some of the B&E gear becomes pointless.
Though regardless a face can still be good. Just remember to be proactive. Spend a little time using ettiquit and a little RP to get the guy your guarding to like you and suchnot.
Apr 16 2008, 09:44 PM
I was just about to say something similar to Sunnyside. Being a face and having stealth doesn't really do much for you. My face has stealth, but can also change his appearance (with adept powers: facial sculpt and melanin control) at will and impersonate someone. Or with time, i can impersonate anyone, with my voice control power. Additionally, witha little emphasis on on B&E, you can do a lot of things, and persuade people to believe you weren't doing anything wrong.
Apr 16 2008, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Apr 16 2008, 09:26 PM)

They've only had one job that had a Johnson. The other two were given via fixer. And yeah, the one Johnson negotiated them out of money. Though they get paid insane amounts of money for the stuff they're given, as they have a very focused skill set. Basically being doing long-term bodyguard work of particularly cautious individuals, as well as wiping out a (non-Canon) Knight Errant base.
In that case, I´d stress the combat part of the char - that means choose to be an ork, buy synthacardium instead of tailored pheromones, and by all means buy the Firearms group. Your group will face combat because that is what the others are good at. Do not sit back from the action.
Apr 16 2008, 10:59 PM
QUOTE (klinktastic @ Apr 16 2008, 05:44 PM)

I was just about to say something similar to Sunnyside. Being a face and having stealth doesn't really do much for you. My face has stealth, but can also change his appearance (with adept powers: facial sculpt and melanin control) at will and impersonate someone. Or with time, i can impersonate anyone, with my voice control power. Additionally, witha little emphasis on on B&E, you can do a lot of things, and persuade people to believe you weren't doing anything wrong.
Disquise, shadowing, and palming are useful skills for a face. So it's like he gets infiltration for free and the others at a discount with the skill group. And infiltrating to get an ambush and such is something that comes up (at least if you make it come up as a player).
It's more of a matter of having adventures that aren't just shoot 'em ups. But still that's partly due to the players. A face should manage to do some stuff proactively regardless. (Using the fixer to point them to people to get useful info, making friends with the guy your guarding, actually trying to sneak past the guards for a while.) At the least they might catch when a Johnson is lying and their negotiating skill should nearly pay for their place on the team all by itself.
And he's not worthless in combat at any rate.
Apr 16 2008, 10:59 PM
QUOTE (klinktastic @ Apr 16 2008, 05:44 PM)

I was just about to say something similar to Sunnyside. Being a face and having stealth doesn't really do much for you. My face has stealth, but can also change his appearance (with adept powers: facial sculpt and melanin control) at will and impersonate someone. Or with time, i can impersonate anyone, with my voice control power. Additionally, witha little emphasis on on B&E, you can do a lot of things, and persuade people to believe you weren't doing anything wrong.
Disquise, shadowing, and palming are useful skills for a face. So it's like he gets infiltration for free and the others at a discount with the skill group. And infiltrating to get an ambush and such is something that comes up (at least if you make it come up as a player).
It's more of a matter of having adventures that aren't just shoot 'em ups. But still that's partly due to the players. A face should manage to do some stuff proactively regardless. (Using the fixer to point them to people to get useful info, making friends with the guy your guarding, actually trying to sneak past the guards for a while.) At the least they might catch when a Johnson is lying and their negotiating skill should nearly pay for their place on the team all by itself.
And he's not worthless in combat at any rate.
Apr 17 2008, 12:59 AM
alright, has taken all your advice and grabbed the athletic skill group, have about 13 dice towards an automatic group, 15 with assualt rifles (got ride of pistols for automatics, sure i can sneak a pistol easier but i got a small uzi for that) and got ride of some of my items so i can get more in the stealth skill grup. got ride of allergy alchohol and double jointed. if there is anything else you guys can think of it would be usefull, i got 2 more days to perfect this guy before i might have a chance to play him. (i say chance cause Im only using him if my useless monk dies or the group takes a vote and they would prefer this guy over my monk)
Apr 17 2008, 06:20 AM
QUOTE (piiman @ Apr 16 2008, 04:59 PM)

i say chance cause Im only using him if my useless monk dies or the group takes a vote and they would prefer this guy over my monk)
Oh, come now. He's not useless. He just...hasn't had a use thus far.
Apr 17 2008, 10:34 AM
Also, you might want to pick up a melee skill, to work with the Gymnastics Dodge in close. It doesn't have to be high; with your good Agility a point or two in Unarmed Combat or Blades(or even Clubs) would suffice. Even a 1(+2), which isn't that expensive.
Apr 17 2008, 04:26 PM
Never done one before, so I thought I'd try my hand at it. The guy's not a combat monster, and in a fire fight is meant to hunker down under cover and provide indirect support. This guy's gearing is a little weird and that's because the premise I am working off is that this guy is a young wannabe that's just managed to get noticed by a fixer. He took his life's savings and went willy nilly purchasing all the wiz-bang stuff first and only then finding out he didn't have enough nuyen left for many of the "essentials". And without any idea of what he was doing, his health suffered from all the cut-rate surguries he underwent.
Race: Elf
BOD: 3
AGL: 5
REA: 3
STR: 3
CHA: 8
INT: 3
LOG: 5
WIL: 3
INI: 6
EDG: 2
ESS: 1.6
Photographic Memory
Sensitive System
Sensitive Neural Structure
Biosystem Overstress
Nano Intolerance
Cerebral Booster 2
Muscle Toners 2
Tailored Pheromones 3
Sleep Regulator
Clean Metabolism
Enhanced Pheromone Receptors
False Front 3 w/ Mimic capability
Chemical Gland/Internal: False Front Trigger
Dynamic Chameleon Skin
Voice Modulator
R2 Cyberears w/ Dampener, Record, Audio 3, Select 4, Link & Spatial
Olfactory Booster 3
(Alpha) Attention Coprocessor 3
(Alpha) Datajack
(Alpha) Fiber Optic Hair
(Alpha) R4 Cybereyes w/Flare, LLTV, Smart, Thermo, Vis Enhanc. 3, & Magnification
[Stealth]: 4
[Influence]: 4
Data Search: 3
Hacking: 3
Heavy Weapons: 3
Pistols: 2
Unarmed Combat: 3
Contact: Fixer (2/2)
Cash: $65
1 Month Low Lifestyle
Metalink w/ Vector Xim
Armored Vest
Mag. Passkey 4
Mag. Sequencer 4
Autopicker 6
Armtech MGL-12 w/ 2 Extra Clips, External Smartlink and Airburst Link
Ares Predator IV w/ 2 Extra Clips, Concealable Holster and R3 Fake License
Yamaha Pulsar w/ Concealable Holster
3 Frag Grenades
30 Rds. Predator Ammo
10 Rds. Pulsar Ammo
Apr 17 2008, 05:38 PM
NativeRigger - i am assuming you are using more books then just the core SR4 book, which is the only one i have, so im not really sure what some of that stuff you listed is
Apr 17 2008, 05:53 PM
On your old Monk character. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's a human skilled only in close combat, with other players who are highly skilled at range.
Therefore it sounds like you've spend the last sessions doing nothing until combat. At which point you run forward catching lead, but by the time you actually get there the enemy is usually dead to the shooters. I don't see why that paradigm would change.
Careful about not making your new guy too combat oriented. I guess it's a trick of finding a good balance. But you'll want ~12 dice at least in the things your good at (social skills and infiltrating) so you can't relaly cut from there.
Once the char is finalize you might want to see if the GM will give you a little Karma to start with. Maybe half what you've made in the adventures so far? So less than everybody else, but at least something to keep up with.
Lastly you might want to flesh the guy out beyond the numbers somehow.
Apr 17 2008, 05:57 PM
QUOTE (piiman @ Apr 17 2008, 11:38 AM)

NativeRigger - i am assuming you are using more books then just the core SR4 book, which is the only one i have, so im not really sure what some of that stuff you listed is
Yeah, I also used Augmentation
Clean Metabolism: Gets rid of unpleasantness such as flatulence, BO and burping.
Enhanced Pheromone Receptors: +3 to scent-based Perception tests, +2 to social tests
False Front 3 w/ Mimic capability: Let's you physically alter your body to alter your looks. Somewhat random unless you take the
mimic upgrade. Mimic lets you duplciate someone else, but requires and expensive custom-synthesized trigger drug.
Chemical Gland/Internal: False Front Trigger: This gland produces the drug that triggers the basic False Front transformation
Dynamic Chameleon Skin: You can quickly and selectively change your skin color. Besides the obvious "blend in to background" it can also be used w/ False Front so that you can change your skin color also.
(Alpha) Attention Coprocessor 3: +3 to perception tests, taken more as an RP thing as it'd allow a face to focus their attention on one individual while simultaneously working the crowd.
(Alpha) Fiber Optic Hair: Change your hair color and style with a thought.
Apr 17 2008, 06:08 PM
I remember an earlier post about you trying to improve the role play ability of the character, building a new character is a good chance to do it, but it will help if you can put together a good story for the character. Have you worked on one yet for this character?
Referencing that thread, this might help some
There used to be a section in the rulebooks (SR1 & 2) called 20 questions to help you flesh out characters. I've also seen various character info / background sheets over the years that help. The basic idea is the same in all of them though, a fluff sheet for your character.
Start with the basics
Hair Color
Eye Color
Ethnic Heritage (Troll isn't an ethnicity, Norwegian is, Norwegian Trolls can be lots of fun)
Add a few favorites
Favorite Band / Style of Music
Favorite Food
Favorite Trid Show
Family / Friends
Not contacts that you use for game purposes, but people you know that help define the character
Religious or Political Affiliations
In the Sixth World all sorts of religious groups and political parties sprouted up
Interests or Hobbies
Pick a couple, good way to pick Knowledge skills, a guide line I use is reserve at least 1/3 of your Knowledge skills for these
Pet Peeves
Everyone has little irrational things that bother them
Why does the character run the shadows?
Some do it for thrills, others for money, others for more personal reasons.
What (if anything) did the character do before running the Shadows?
Were they gainfully employed, did they lose everything in the crash of 2065, were they born on the streets and come up in a gang?
If you're feeling like you really want to add some depth to a character you can try some of these:
Does the Character do drugs? If so what is the character like when they are high?
Has the Character been raped or abused, how has this affected their world view?
Has the Character ever been in Prison?
Does the Character Drink? If so what is the Character like when drunk?
Does the Character have a psychological disorder? If so what?
I found in college this was a favorite of psychology students, and with a little research can create a very convincing character. It doesn't have to be something very extreme either.
Once you have a background worked up some other things to keep in mind for RP is to play the character in line with what you've developed. Sometimes that means doing something dangerous or stupid to stay in character. Making a habit of doing dangerous or stupid is generally considered "being a bad player" but my bias is if you do something dangerous or stupid because it's what the character would do that's doing a good job staying in character.
Apr 17 2008, 07:07 PM
Don't get a Predator as a weapon. It is a one-shot deal and so therefore kinda sucks to be honest. Get a sniper rifle instead and try and load it up w/ AP ammo. It's cheaper, you get to fire two shots instead of one per IP. Although the down side is it does not fall under heavy weapons. Still use a heavy machine gun or something like that. Also instead of going 8 cha go 7 instead for your elf. You already throw enough dice and having 25 BP for a single dice on your social tests is not worth it in the slightest. Remove your pistol skill and buy that w/ ingame karma and move some points into longarms for a sniper rifle. After that you will have a few more bp to kick around. May I suggest boosting one of your skills to 6 or two of them to 5? Man is it really important to have something like that, because it will be a long time before you go and improve your skills because of the karma NR. Those are my suggestions.
Apr 17 2008, 07:08 PM
@ Piiman - yes your monk has not been used, because generally you have to set yourself up in a situation where you would be useful. It's a shame since you already have the gun nut, who will out-damage and out-range you every single time. Hand to hand is just not where it's at and if your character only has skills in that I would suggest having another character. If he does have other skills try to play those out instead, and move in for the neck breaking after you stealth up to someone. Helps a lot, and is totally silent.
Apr 17 2008, 07:29 PM
QUOTE (masterofm @ Apr 17 2008, 12:08 PM)

Helps a lot, and is totally silent.
This actually got me thinking. I've never personally snapped a neck, and I'm sure the movies play up the noise a lot, as they do with all speciel effects.
How loud is the sound of a neck snapping? What would be the threshold for hearing a neck snap in the next room?
Now I have stuff to think about.
Apr 17 2008, 07:41 PM
Well killing the person is mainly about severing the spinal chord. I'm not sure myself, but I have had chiropractic work done on me before and mainly I think what you hear would be as if someone was just popping their joints. My neck was pretty stiff at that point and it was quite audible, I don't think you would really even hear it through a closed door, maybe if the door was was made out of paper. This is SR though so I would set it pretty high honestly because who would be trying to hear specifically for that sound. It also might just sound like the guy was cracking his neck, so even with a perception test he might hear the sound, he might not know exactly what just happened. Maybe even just say "Dang Morris you O.K. out there? That sounded like you need to stretch out more." If there was no response I would have him check out what happened.
Apr 17 2008, 08:56 PM
QUOTE (masterofm @ Apr 17 2008, 02:07 PM)

Don't get a Predator as a weapon. It is a one-shot deal and so therefore kinda sucks to be honest. Get a sniper rifle instead and try and load it up w/ AP ammo. It's cheaper, you get to fire two shots instead of one per IP. Although the down side is it does not fall under heavy weapons. Still use a heavy machine gun or something like that. Also instead of going 8 cha go 7 instead for your elf. You already throw enough dice and having 25 BP for a single dice on your social tests is not worth it in the slightest. Remove your pistol skill and buy that w/ ingame karma and move some points into longarms for a sniper rifle. After that you will have a few more bp to kick around. May I suggest boosting one of your skills to 6 or two of them to 5? Man is it really important to have something like that, because it will be a long time before you go and improve your skills because of the karma NR. Those are my suggestions.
The pistol is there for times when you can't talk your way out of a situation. Given that I only expect to use it at close ranges, icould drop the skill down to 1 and use the point somewhere else. Using a snipe rifle's really not a valid option for me because I don't have the cash to spare.
Apr 17 2008, 09:42 PM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 17 2008, 10:53 AM)

Once the char is finalize you might want to see if the GM will give you a little Karma to start with. Maybe half what you've made in the adventures so far? So less than everybody else, but at least something to keep up with.
the karma, my GM has said is up to my party/group to see if i start with any
Apr 17 2008, 09:49 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Apr 17 2008, 11:08 AM)

I remember an earlier post about you trying to improve the role play ability of the character, building a new character is a good chance to do it, but it will help if you can put together a good story for the character. Have you worked on one yet for this character?
Referencing that thread, this might help some
yeah i remebered to go through those steps, and i think about those and other questions that people have sent me on both my monk and my face/stealth person
Apr 17 2008, 10:01 PM
If you have time post it, we can help you tweak that too.
Apr 17 2008, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (NativeRigger @ Apr 17 2008, 03:56 PM)

The pistol is there for times when you can't talk your way out of a situation. Given that I only expect to use it at close ranges, icould drop the skill down to 1 and use the point somewhere else. Using a snipe rifle's really not a valid option for me because I don't have the cash to spare.
Right and wrong. Right is that a pistol is great for a stealth of face guy because it's small and concealable.
Ok, it's true that most GMs don't bother with encumberance and the size of things so you could sneak around with a 12ft ladder in your backpack. But at some point they'll ask for a role to contrort through a tight space and they'll remember your hauling around a huge snipe rifle.
And for the face part. Well that's just a no go.
However using it as short range is no excuse to have a low skill! If you're sneaking and you shot/taser/sticknshock someone you need them to go down on the first shot, definitly by the second. That means you need to raise that damage value up.
Apr 18 2008, 12:09 AM
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Apr 17 2008, 03:01 PM)

If you have time post it, we can help you tweak that too.
yeah ill put it up and the other information that i made after i finalize it all
Apr 18 2008, 07:46 PM
my group is tomorow, anymore idea's or suggestions before i go?
Apr 18 2008, 08:21 PM
QUOTE (piiman @ Apr 18 2008, 03:46 PM)

my group is tomorow, anymore idea's or suggestions before i go?
Your GM said that he'd do what the group felt like. You might want to try contacting them ahead of time so you can plan and possibly gain favor. I'd see if they'd let your new char start with 1/2 the Karma you've collected over the course of the campaign on different characters.
Cupcakes and similar snacks may help.
Save one for the GM though.
And whatever you do. DO something this time around. This would likely be easier with the face/infiltrator character. Remember with that fixer contact he should be able to direct you to who you need to see for what you want to know.
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