QUOTE (toturi @ Apr 16 2008, 09:10 PM)
Personally I'd ask that the commlink upgrades be done in-game and those who want to use the trodes to have sim modules. The vision mods to the camera are ok, but they should not get the bonuses unless the guns are in use. Otherwise, looks alright.
QUOTE (paws2sky @ Apr 16 2008, 09:18 PM)
Regarding the Predators, as I understand it (and maybe I'm wrong) you can't add those enhancements to the smartlink itself. You'd need an Imaging Scope, which is what you'd apply the modifcations to. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Is the Hacker cracking programs, firewall, etc to install on multiple commlinks? If so, I'd suggest that be done in-game, rather than pre-game. That's your call though.
On the other hand, if they paid for everything with starting resources, then don't worry about it.
The hacker cracked the programs (rolled dice in front of me) and the entire team spent extra for their lifestyles to account for the time.
For the smartgun enhancements, I'm relying on this rule:
Smartgun System:
The smartgun system connects a firearm or projectile weapon directly to a user’s smartlink (see p. 323). It incorporates a laser range finder and a small camera, and keeps track of ammunition, heat buildup, and material stress. It allows a smartlinked character to mentally switch between gun modes, eject clips, and fire the gun without pulling the trigger. The camera allows for targeted shooting around corners, without exposing oneself to return fire.
The system makes use of advanced calculation software, allowing the user to aim even weapons with a highly ballistic firing arc (like grenades) with tremendous precision over any distance. The smartgun system can also be accessed via wireless link, llowing for the gun to be remotely fired or to block the trigger (in case an opponent gets ahold of it). When used with a smartlink, it provides a +2 dice pool bonus on the ranged attack test.
Retrofitting a firearm with an internal Smartgun system doubles the weapon’s price. An external smartgun system can be attached to the top mount or underbarrel mount with an Armorer + Logic (4, 1 hour) Extended Test. The small camera can be equipped with vision enhancements (p. 323).
Am I misunderstanding the last line? They did deem that the enhancements on the smartgun only works when it is in hand. QUOTE (Beetle @ Apr 16 2008, 09:31 PM)
The Predators have the smartgun system built in. You need some type of imaging device (contacts, goggles, cybereyes, etc.) with an image link to display external data such as info from your commlink, then you add in the smartlink and other imaging enhancements to your imaging device.
So does this mean that the last line of the smartgun description is in error then?QUOTE (sunnyside @ Apr 16 2008, 09:31 PM)
Well for one thing I've never found, in any edition, that SR works will with a six person group. But I guess you guys worked that out already.
Without seeing the character sheets it looks like you've got the three worlds covered (Matrix, Magic, Meat)
Tricking out a gun is fine.
I'm not sure if you can go hot with trodes though. I'm away from my book and my guys use jacks or wouldn't want to go hot anyway.
Contact lenses business is RAW, though I think it's getting a bit ahead of even the SR4 tech curve.
On that note a wonderful thing about SR4 is glitches. See there's a lot of annoying things that can happen in real life that would be silly to have special game rules. You get to add them in with glitches.
What I'm saying is sometime when they glitch an athletics or damage roll have one of those contacts pop out.
Not sure why your people aren't more cybered. Are they actually running on less than they could or is it just that they blew all their cash on a couple top of the line pieces of equipment in order to leave themselves open for more future enhancement? Two to four choice pieces of bioware can easily use up all starting resources while only costing you two essense.
Oh spend a little time thinking about how your goign to handle the face. (I've got a thread on social skills around here somewhere).
Also the matrix. You don't have a real good example in the book of how to run it. And unlike in SR1/2/3 it's everywhere so your hacker may be doing all sorts of stuff. A quick way to hangle things is to just decide to have all the ratings of comlinks be a certain number depending on the person and use device ratings for most other stuff (except with higher firewall on security things).
Six is the maximum I'm willing to handle, once they get used to the rules, they'll go back to their gaming groups and begin running them in SR4 as well so that we'll probably have 7 groups (avg of 4 players each) working on a singular large story-arc that all 7 of us have been working on for the past 2 months. In the mean time, they (and I) are still running our other games (GURPS for me, d20 for most of the others, except for 1 group that is currently into BTech again). We tend to share our books (pool the cash to buy them) since all of us work. When we played SR 1, 2, & 3, we used to do the same thing, occasionally with a massive 32 players, 1 GM + 5 assistant GMs on a Holy Week special (Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday).
As far as going into the matrix, these guys have spread out their points a bit, only a few skills at 4, most at 3 (since that is the average) and have decent attributes, but nothing maxed out. They intend to succeed via strategy, tactics, logistics, and guile. I'll be posting the finalized characters later on. Most have used up only 2 or less essence on bioware (except for the Trolls) and they are sharing (pooling the cash) to purchase things, including their "team van" and their "team residence" Medium Lifestyle + 5 guests.
How big a difference is the matrix now? I'll look for the threads describing that. Thanks.