Apr 20 2008, 08:11 PM
Hey I was looking through the list of gencon activities for stuff and I couldn't find a seminar type object of catalyst announcements. Are you guys doing something like that this year? If so when/where?
Apr 20 2008, 08:16 PM
We submitted seminars for a What's up with CGL Seminar and I believe a couple of others to GenCon. (In addition to the one "Whose Run is it Anyway" seminar that was approved. We're still going back and forth with the convention staff about whether or not those events will happen. It'd be premature of me to announce any times. Sorry!
Apr 20 2008, 08:34 PM
The observant might note that there are no RPGA events listed, either, which suggests the system is once again fuggered up. And since once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times is tradition, it would seem a new Gen Con tradition has been born.
EDIT: The RPGA thing is a bit misleading. WotC hasn't given Gen Con any events as of 17 April. However, there's still an ugly traffic hit that should have been anticipated by Gen Con.
Apr 20 2008, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (the_dunner @ Apr 20 2008, 03:16 PM)
We submitted seminars for a What's up with CGL Seminar and I believe a couple of others to GenCon. (In addition to the one "Whose Run is it Anyway" seminar that was approved. We're still going back and forth with the convention staff about whether or not those events will happen. It'd be premature of me to announce any times. Sorry!
<Jaw Drops>
What possible reason could the convention have for not letting you run those events? I am very confused by this news.
Apr 20 2008, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (graywulfe @ Apr 21 2008, 07:25 AM)
What possible reason could the convention have for not letting you run those events?
Time and/or space restrictions?
Apr 21 2008, 12:56 AM
I imagine they'll get on the schedule eventually. This year, GenCon has less space than they've had since the Milwaukee days. It's created a bit of a problem for the folks at scheduling.
Apr 21 2008, 06:41 PM
QUOTE (the_dunner @ Apr 20 2008, 08:56 PM)
I imagine they'll get on the schedule eventually. This year, GenCon has less space than they've had since the Milwaukee days. It's created a bit of a problem for the folks at scheduling.
But when the renovations are complete we'll have lots and lots of room...or so is the idea anyway right?
Jun 2 2008, 01:00 PM
Hey just curious any update on information about Seminars at Gen Con?
Jul 1 2008, 02:09 AM
I did sign up for one Shadowrun event and one Battletech event. I didn't see the seminars listed the last time I checked.
Can you post them here with their number, so I can just enter them in at the GEN CON website and sign up?
Jul 1 2008, 03:26 AM
QUOTE (tweak @ Jun 30 2008, 08:09 PM)
I did sign up for one Shadowrun event and one Battletech event. I didn't see the seminars listed the last time I checked.
Can you post them here with their number, so I can just enter them in at the GEN CON website and sign up?
I know what you're saying. "If only I could look it up myself, then I wouldn't have to ask somebody else to look it up for me." Good news:
Jul 2 2008, 01:16 PM
QUOTE (Aaron @ Jun 30 2008, 10:26 PM)
I know what you're saying. "If only I could look it up myself, then I wouldn't have to ask somebody else to look it up for me." Good news:
NOW YOU CAN!thank you for that link. Now I just have to deal with the fact that I won't be able to go to it as I am already in an event that I really want to go to at that time. oh well such is life.
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