QUOTE (SprainOgre @ Apr 23 2008, 02:43 PM)
But how did she afford the Leonization?
Would it make you happier if I said Britney Spears-esque?
I'd also add Media to that (for the voice of the nation news sort, although that could be an acting skill...) and Media Darling (no real talent other then being able to catch and hold the spot light longer then they should), and if you're willing to change the name (and theme) of the ability a little bit, trees like Politico and Lobbyist. The positive quality becomes something more like Influential Personality at that point though.
First off, I like the "Influential Personality" for the Positive Quality name. It gets across what we're going for here.
Second, I love "Media Darling", because it allows for characters like Paris Hilton or Kim Cardassian, people who are famous for being famous. You know what I mean?
So here's a few of the "disciplines" I was thinking over today:
Artist - Your creations are inspiring and they make people think. You're usually a low key celebrity - you're not in the direct spotlight often - but that's because you let your creations speak for you.
Media Darling - Hey, what can I say? The spotlight loves you. You've done something right, anyhow, because people fall over themselves any time you're in the news for a sex scandal, an appearance, even if you're just shilling for whoever's decided to use your fame for their purpose. You know how to manipulate the media in such a way that no matter the story, you look good.
Musician - Music is life. You're the pop idol belting out Top 40 hits for the nuyen or an Ork rapper spittin' out rhymes about the Barrens. Either way, your music inspires the crowd to the greatest heights and the lowest lows. *shrug* No one's saying you gotta be a crusader though, and the benefits off being famous sure are good...
Orator - Your voice is your weapon, and you're damn skilled in its use. When you speak, people pay attention, but some charisma (or a pretty face) will help you go a lot farther...
What I like about these is that I can see multiple uses for them as not only character tweaks, but roleplaying add-ons as well. Take artist, for example; you could play a hacker who's programs are so awesome half the 'rix breaks when you release your next opus. Orator can cover everyone from the Fire & Brimstone preacher to a news reporter entrenched deep in the Yucatan. Hell, Media Darling could cover someone like Perez Hilton...
Now to figure out the "maneuvers"....