Ghost in the Machine
Apr 22 2008, 11:02 PM
When creating a mage or a technomancer, is it worth the loss of Magic/Resonance to get some of the cyber/bio impants?
Specifically: Trauma Dampner, Platelet Factories, Cerebral Booster and/or Neocortical Nanites (with necessary Nanohive)? Do the bonuses these give make up for it?
Apr 22 2008, 11:08 PM
There has been much discussion. If all you're interested is turning living things into dead things ad a mage or especially adept than the answer is generally "yes get some bioware". Synaptic accelerators are popular. However as you get interested in being more versatile getting the bio is a bit hard on the ol BPs.
And technomancers tend to be so BP starved that you'll find it hard to get it in there at all. You'd do better using some drones.
Apr 22 2008, 11:19 PM
Yeah, it's a trade. for 1 point, you could get, say, Synaptic Boosters(.5), Muscle Toner and Augmentation 1(.4), and a Synthacardium(.1). For an adept, for an example.
The total nuyen cost of this is 105k, though, and that's 21 BPs. BUT, if your magic is 5(4), that's still 4 points of adept powers to play with; and since you got the initative boosters out of the way(the real costly stuff in magic), you still have plenty of room for cool stuff.
You could do the above for a combat mage as well, if you want them a little balanced between meat combat and spellslinging. a 4 magic is still pretty good. You could always bite the bullet and max magic for 6(5), but that will be cutting into your skills for sure.
But yeah, it's been proven alot here that a little bio on your spellslinger/adept is a nice thing.
Technos, though...yeah. They're lucky to get enough BPs for what they need, let alone extras.
Apr 23 2008, 12:55 AM
For Adepts, bioware is an exellent choice, especially with Type-O. For Hermetics, you have got to love Cerebral Boosters. Cyber/bio eyes & platelet factories are excellent for any magician (platelet works with drain).
Apr 23 2008, 01:03 AM
QUOTE (Muspellsheimr @ Apr 23 2008, 01:55 AM)
For Adepts, bioware is an exellent choice, especially with Type-O. For Hermetics, you have got to love Cerebral Boosters. Cyber/bio eyes & platelet factories are excellent for any magician (platelet works with drain).
Don't forget the Trauma Damper.
Apr 23 2008, 01:10 AM
Not a big fan of that one personally. Not sure why.
Apr 23 2008, 01:10 AM
Trama Dampner, Synamptic booster 1 and cybereyes can be made to squeeze into 1 essence, and is hugely effective for a mage. Later on, a pain editor is fsking awesome for a mage who's doing summoning, because it oblivates much of the risk when binding high force spirits.
Apr 23 2008, 01:45 AM
QUOTE (Muspellsheimr @ Apr 23 2008, 11:10 AM)
Not a big fan of that one personally. Not sure why.
I'm not sure why either. I would rather have a Trauma Damper than a Pain Editor any day.
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