Well, ok here. Im a fan of the melee guy, so I might could be some help.
First keep in mind you might want a couple points in throwing weapons. But if your Agility is high enough you can default in an emergency.
You want to boost up that Agility. It's your melee skill and will help out with things: and Strength helps running.
Now, i'm assuming you are using the Availability rules at chargen. Here's something i'll whip up:
[ Spoiler ]
''Lightning Jack, Killer Elf d00d''
+ Qualities:
Martial Arts(at least 10 here, say get +2 DV to your attacks)
- Qualities: Ill take the full allotment of 35. Ok, it's a little cheap, but bear with me.
185 BPs left.
B: 4[+2 damage](30)
A: 6[8](40)
R: 4[6](30)
S: 5[7](40)
C: 3(0)-hey,might as well take advantage here, unless you see him as a bit more likable.
I: 4(30)
L: 2(10)
W: 3(20)
E: 2(10)
I: 8(10)/1(3)
Now, for ware. Cyberlimbs are some serious beatings-but they have some problems of being rather costly essence, and eventually nuyen, after awhile. Getting the Raptor Legs will really boost his run speed. I don't have Augmentation in front of me however-so i'm going to go a more basic route.
Resources: 40 BPs(200k). You can adjust this a bit.
Muscle Toner 2(.4)
Muscle Augmentation 2(.4)
Synthacardium Level 3(.3)
1.1 essence halved to .55, 60k nuyen
Wired Reflexes 3(3 ess)-32k nuyen
Either Aluminum or Ceramic Bone Lacing. I suggest Ceramic as it doesn't scan on MADs and adds an extra point of impact; but i forget it's essence cost and nuyen cost. Aluminum is 1 essence, and 15k nuyen.
Eyes or ears if you want.
145 BPs, lets put 5 to contacts, if you are using the Cha x 2 contact houserules. If not, say 9 to contacts.
134 BPs skills:
Unarmed Combat(Martial Arts): 6(+2)-24
Athletics Skill Group: 4-40
Blades(Swords): 3(+2)-14
Etiquette(Street): 2(+2)-10
Pilot Ground Craft: 1-4
Negotation(Bargain): 2(+2)-10
Thrown Weapons: 1-4(you CAN cut this if you want)
Infiltration(Urban): 2(+2)-10
Perception: 2-8
Shadowing(Tail Evasion): 1(+2)
Martial Arts Manuvers:
Kick Attack(+1 reach)
Finishing Blow
Get Watchful Guard if you can scrape up 2 more BPs. I like that one.
He's got 18 BPs on Knowledge/Language skills, too.
He throws 16 dice in unarmed combat, and with hardliner gear, bone lacing and martial arts he hits for 9P or S damage, which is a freaking assault cannon on legs. He also has some swords to back him up(13 dice before reach, 11 dice for other blades), and still throwing 7 dice for street etiquette, 12 dice for urban infiltration and even has other skills to round him out. He throws 15 dice for Agility linked Athletics tests and 14 for Strength based athletics tests, thanks to the Synthacardium.
I dunno about 40-50 mph without the raptor legs, but this is the non raptor leg version.
I would totally build the machine with them if I had Aug in front of me(I have my own elf guy with uberlegs and torso...and let me tell you the things he can do is a little...crazy. Like, i only really feel not guilty playing him in the occational one or two nights at a time before I switch back to a more...reasonable character that doesn't shatter skulls before breakfast. He WAS built without Availability at chargen though so your guy would be a bit different in the end.)
But you CAN build a cybered up monster that isn't gamebreaking, so don't worry.
Hope this helps.
But yeah, Raptor Legs with Nightengale Feet of Fury would give another...4 DV to kicks?