So here goes. The second guy i am playing around still with these wonderful martial arts rules that i havn't gotten a chance to play in game yet; but i wanted to put a different twist on the character. The first guy i wouldn't call....original, but, well...I just had to try.
Both have backgrounds too in spoilers.
Our usual house rules are in effect(most know already, but for the newer folks it's Cha x 2 contact points, no Availability limit at chargen and we converted the SR3 edges and flaws to SR4.)
[ Spoiler ]
Henry Nigelson
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Gray, short, clean cut
Eyes: Brown(cyber replacement, but natural color)
Age: 61
Positive Qualities(10): I haven't picked them yet! I have to do some combing around. Since we use SR3 qualities too, I might give him Friends In High Places or Friends Abroad, which would really fit him.
Negative Qualities(25): Still choosing them. SINner(+5) is one, and i'm going to try to stay away from the allergy this time. I'll be combing around; if anyone has good ideas for his background, let me know.
415 BPs-200(Attributes)=215 BPs-30(edge)=185
Body: 3
Agility: 3
Reaction: 3
Strength: 2
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 5
Edge: 5
Essence: 4.22
Initative: 7/1
Active Skills(136):
Longarms(Rifles): 4(+2)
Pistols(Revolvers): 3(+2)
Automatics(Assault Rifles): 1(+2)
Unarmed Combat(Subdual Combat): 2(+2)
Influence Skill Group: 3
Stealth Skill Group: 2
Dodge(Ranged): 2(+2)
Perception: 3
Pilot Ground Craft(Wheeled): 2(+2)
First Aid(Combat Wounds): 1(+2)
Small Unit Tactics: 2
Hunting: 2
Security Procedures: 3
Housekeeping(Cooking): 3(+2)
Opera: 1
Finances: 2
Corporate Leaders: 1
British Military(SAS): 2(+2)
English: N
German: 3
French: 3
Fixer: C4 L3
Former Company Man: C2 L3
Ex SAS squad unit member: C2 L3
Resources: 200,000(40 BPs)
Cybereyes Lv. 4(w/low-light, thermographic, flare compensation, smartlink, vision magnification and vision enhancement 3)
Cyberears Lv. 4(w/audio enhancement 3, select sound filter 3, damper, and spatial recognizer)
Skillwires Lv. 3
Sleep Regulator
Lifestyle: Luxury(1 mo)
Mitsubishi Nightsky Limo(20k)
Remaining Cash: 43,250 for gear
(not paid for yet):
Form Fitting Body Armor(1200)
Lined Coat(700)
Renraku Sensei Commlink with subvocal mic, skinlink, and sim module, Renraku Ichi OS
I havn't bought weapons yet. He won't have many; a heavy revolver, a light revolver if i can find one and since Availability isn't an issue, damned straight i'm getting him the Barret Model.
[ Spoiler ]
At 61 years old, Henry Nigelson might well be one of the older(and still living) runners in the Shadows. Well, Henry isn't really a runner anymore. He's more of the-Johnny on the Spot if you will. Henry, these days, is a butler. Yes, Henry you could look at as being a bonafide Battle Butler, like the ones of old. He's British, he's proper, he's smart, and he's got alot of skills you wouldn't expect the old, rich, proper coot to have. He seems to know alot, too. And he's got a rather amazing streak of luck. When you live as long as he has, with one foot sort of always dangling into the shadow pool, it's sort of expected.
Henry was born in 2009, so yes, he's seen about everything there is to see that's happened between 2015(you know, stuff that happens when your real young can get forgotten), and 2070. It would take too long to go into everything in this more of a briefing; but you could imagine. Henry was actually fairly well off growing up, intelligent and in good shape; and he decided to join the British Army at 18, when he got out of his schooling. Henry's patience, steady hand and eye funneled him into the sniper range; in addition, his gutsy willpower made him able to actually
handle the job of a sniper. He wasn't cold or callous however, and basically did the work that was laid out for him. He became a natural leader and eventually proved to be good enough for the SAS; which he was in until he was 35 years old; when he finally removed himself from the military and got a corporate job for Schroeder Pharmicuticals. (It's not a canon corp, but we do make up our own for the campaigns).
However life as a company man and life in the military were two different things; at least in the military he was sort of doing things he believed in. After seven years of servitude he finally, with his vast contacts and networks built up over the years, managed to escape and create a new life.
Henry had always had an interest in cooking; so he began to do that part time while settling in; he had alot of money still from his family and was easily able to live off of it while doing some cooking on his spare time. He then met a man by the name of Fredrick Wellington and his wife, Nancy. They were also a rather rich couple who started frequenting the place where he cooked at on his spare time; eventually, through twists and turns, he was hired on as their butler and housekeeper. For the now 43 year old man who was perfectly happy to retire after a rather decent career, this was a great thing.
Fredrick and Nancy eventually had a daughter named Jaina; an extremely intelligent young lady who proved later to be magically active. The parents were heavily into buisness and didn't get to see her as often as they could; but Henry helped in raising her. When Jaina was 15 in 2060, her parents were killed in a bullettrain accident; it hit the young lady hard in several ways, mainly because she felt that she really didn't get to know her parents as well as she should have, but Henry raised her the rest of the way. He now ends up involved in many of her running antics. She runs with a team nowadays and has; her main thing was alchemy and magical scientist; she was a bookworm and labrat obessesed with knowledge. Henry, now the father figure, knows the team sometimes gets themselves into hot water-and helps pull them out(hence his Johnny on the Spot bit. But he never lets the team know he actually helps unless it's to be an emergency driver or something. He helps in more-subtle ways.) Henry has also been known to occationaly revisit things in the underground for old friends if needed.
Physically Henry is of average height(five-nine or so), and medium build, while he's still in excellent health for someone his age, years have taken a small toll on his physical fitness. He dresses nice and top of the line-suits or Polo shirts and slacks, nice shoes, and keeps his white hair short and well groomed, as he does with his mustache. He has light cyberware-eyes, ears, Skillwires and a sleep regulator-picked up years ago; he was never one for heavy cybernetics, though he doesn't mind if others do it. Henry has done all kinds of jobs in the past; nowadays he prefers to have a much more 'background' involvement-although, there are times, once in a great while, where he will lend his sniper rifle to the cause again, and there
could be an instance where he would actually join a team again, if it was needed. He's got a wide variety of skills; from combat, but he prefers that as a very last resort-his social and stealth skills help him as well(especially when he's trying to keep himself quiet around Jaina and her colorful team.)
Henry enjoys cooking still, keeps the manor that Jaina now lives on(as well as Aden, one of the heavy-hitting fighting members of her team and almost-boyfriend, who lives in a converted dormitory on the estate), still enjoys recreational hunting(he's an old British guy and he is perfectly fine with the jokes this causes; he even makes some himself), and an occational opera. (He makes it a point to remind the knowledge magical-knowledge obsessed, sometimes spirit dealing Jaina about Faust quite often.)
He is indeed the quintessential ''Cool Old Guy/Battle Butler''.
A few of his quirks/likes/etc: He's a good skeet-shooter and still goes to the club with the other old fogies; his age hasn't dulled him in the least here. He prefers deer and fowl hunting of all of it and is damn good at cooking it. One of Henry's downsides is the insistance of helping people out with his range of skill, experience, and knowledges-even though it prevents him from really ever getting totally out of the shadows. His current favorite opera is the classic Carmen.
Author's Note: Ive been a huge fan of Battle Butlers, from the main man Alfred himself to the (sort of like that) Waylon Smithers(ok, he's a comic version), to others. I basically stole every Battle Butler trope in the book for this guy, but, ya know...sometimes you don't have to go 100% original for the character to be fun. I also wanted to play an older character who has seen more; in addition to a more lightly cybered-non magical type(I usually go heavier cyber or magic), who is a generalist rather than specialist. He throws between 5-9 dice for his skills(his firearm skills get a smartlink too, so he actually shoots rifles with 11 dice which is rather good.) His high Edge can help him here, too, I think.
Character 2:
[ Spoiler ]
Ethan L. Heinlein, ''Blue Lotus''
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5''
Weight: 210lbs(cybered)
Hair: Black hair/couple blue streaks, long, straight
Eyes: Dark blue
Age: 26
Positive Qualities(20): First Impression(5), Martial Arts(15): Muay Thai(Savate) Lv. 2(+2 DV), Kung Fu Lv.1(??????)
Negative Qualities(+35): SINner(+5), Allergy/Have to Choose(+10), Enemy(+5, will be an old mob guy from story, unsure of name yet), need +15 more. I want to study Arsenal and Augmentation more before choosing, as they have a few.
Total BPs: 415
Race: 30
Attributes: 200 BPs
Remaining: 185
Body: 4(5/+2 damage)
Agility: 4(7)
Reaction: 3(6)
Strength: 4(7)
Charisma: 6(+2 to all Charisma and Social tests)
Intuition: 4
Logic: 2
Willpower: 3
Edge: 2
Initative: 7(9)/1(2)
Essence: 1.5
Active Skills(130)
Unarmed Combat(Martial Arts): 5(+2)
Pistols(Semi-Automatics): 2(+2)
Etiquette: 5
Con(Fast-Talk): 4(+2)
Negotations(Diplomacy): 4(+2)
Intimidation(Mental): 3(+2)
Perception: 3
Athletics Skill Group: 1
Pilot Ground Craft: 1
Knowledge/Language Skills-18
Esoteric Trivia: 2
Imported Coffee: 1
Seattle Corporate Hosts: 2
Classical-Metal Music: 1
UCAS Politics: 3
Wuxia Action Theater: 2
English: N
Japanese: 4
Russian: 3
Martial Arts Manuvers:
Kick Attack
Finishing Blow
Watchful Guard
Contacts(12 free+1BP=13):
Fixer C4 L3
James Andretti, Politician: C3 L 3
Resources: 42 BPs(210,000)
Cyberware:(3.4 essence)
Wired Reflexes Lv. 1
Aluminum Bone Lacing
Reaction Enhancer 1(I know this doesn't stack for initative, but as far as I know it does still add to his raw Reaction score, which is why his Initative score is 9 rather than 10.)
Bioware(2.2 essence, halved to 1.1)
Muscle Toner Lv. 2
Muscle Augmentation Lv. 2
Tailored Pheremones Lv. 2
Synthacardium Lv. 3
Total Spent: 171,500 nuyen
Remaining for Gear: 38,500
Form-Fitting Body Armor(6/3)-1200
Actioneer Buisness Suit(5/3)-1500
Lined Coat(6/4)-700
Armor Vest(6/4)-600
Shin Guards-(0/1)-150
Forearm Guards(0/1)-200
[The array of armor is due to switching it up when needed.]
I have not bought other weapons and gear yet. Assume a fake ID and the like will be in there, along with a lifestyle and vehicle. I'll update this again when im done buying gear. Im thinking an array of linguasofts and knowsofts would be awesome for this guy.
So, the help needed:
I have 6 BPs left-I might need some more Resources for this guy so I might spend yet another two of them there, leaving 4 to maybe dump into another skill-either an existing one or at least start him on a Stealth skill. Any ideas here? Im quite happy with his stats-he's got a good, solid, balanced level of stats for what he does(even though his Logic is completely average and unexceptional. He is highly intuitive though, and that strikes me as good for a Face since it's that 'hunch' kind of stat.)
This is my first Face-type of character; and while Im learning all the martial arts ropes well(i am the melee fan, im just trying out other things to mix melee with so it's not just 'melee and gun' or 'melee and ninja stealth' guy), Im hoping I have the face/diplomacy/social aspect of the guy down. Any toys or skills Im missing for the Face half? I also need to pick a Kung Fu bonus. (I might go Wushu instead since it does indeed fit the flamboyance; and i just plain like Savate and ended up not using it for my last character, so i brought it out with this guy.)
[ Spoiler ]
You know, sometimes you think your life is all set and ready to go; but naturally, the proverbial drek can hit the fan. It just so happened that the young man named Ethan L. Heinlein was standing under said fan when the monkey-house at the zoo ended up winding up their arms and pitching all at once.
Growing up, Ethan enjoyed a rather good life; he was fairly proud of his elven heritage, though not racist in any way and was generally a rather pleasant guy to be around. His slightly effeminate but very good looks, long blonde hair and hazel eyes made him a hit with the ladies in his rather nice schools. His parents had stable corporate jobs and with Ethan's natural charm, charisma and interest in the workings of politics and buisness, seemed to have a life as a 'face-man' all set out for him. Ethan was no frail prettyboy of a bookworm, though; since he was young he had an almost unhealthy obsession with Wuxia Action Theater type of movies and to keep himself healthy and in shape, studied martial arts under some of the more skilled teachers around that his parents found; they encouraged it(a diplomatic, charming man good with words can get plenty of work-a diplomatic, charming man good with words who can also defend himself and whoever he is helping out/speaking for from hostile rivals is even better; and he was alot more low key than the obvious cyber-monster ork with the gun a diplomat might take with them.)
It turned out that a politician by the name of James R. Andretti(no relation), whom knew Ethan's parents, was interested in young Ethan, whom at 20 had had two years of university under his belt, plenty of knowledge and skill in the social realms and had been taking said martial arts since he was 10. See, James R. Andretti had a bit of a secret past. While he was genuinely was trying to reform and be a better man these days(sure, he accepted brib...erm, donations and coughed a few out himself, I mean, UCAS politics are UCAS politics), 15 years ago he was known as ''Larry the Hammer'', as in the hammer of a revolver and yep, he worked for the Mob until some rather unsavory things happened.
Well, Lar...erm, James managed to stay rather off the radar; and even in his aspiring political career managed to. Ethan worked as his mouth, his faceman, and his bodyguard all in one. The elf enjoyed the prestige-he knew what he had in him and he really enjoyed the travel and getting to actually utilize his varied skills in real-life situations; having nice food, a fairly big paycheck and limo rides was a bonus. His socially trained skills were the most used; but on occation he had to forcibly explain to some rather hostile people via negotations, a few intimidating words and/or a glare or, failing that, a kick to the head, that attacking he or his 'charge/boss/this politician guy' was a bad idea. He trained a bit with small arms to help; the world of politics and diplomacy in the mid-late 2060s could be a dangerous buisness.
Naturally, though, things fall through the cracks and a past mob contact, now enemy, caught on that James Andretti was actually yep, Larry the Hammer. He was none to happy about this and sent a few large men to deal with the matter in that time-honored method. However, they men sent to 'discuss' things were not expecting Ethan there; Ethan, being paid to both work with and protect James, dispatched the three of them bare-handed in a rather permanent manner; he knew sometimes that 'knockout' combat wasn't an option, given the large shotguns the men had. Well, it was a damned if he did, damned if he didn't situation, and Ethan was now caught up in James' crap(even if he hadn't killed the men, he would have been caught up anyway). So, Ethan decided it would be in his best interest to head to the underground after a couple other harrowing situations where he was now half-targeted also. James understood this and actually felt bad about dragging him down with him, not to mention the political backlash that was going on at the moment.
So after getting a change of address, a change of city, and a change of hair and eye color along with some fake IDs and the like, Ethan started setting himself up in the shadows best he could-luckily James had had a few contacts that weren't hostile to him and were able to help. Ethan quickly made himself very useful to teams, his excellent charisma and social skills were in want for dealing with everyone from Johnsons to guards; and his very formidable martial arts skills came in just as handy; after using some of his funds to invest in a little more cyberware(to help both his combat and social skills) he was able to hold up to a samurai in hand to hand as easily as he could hold up to a Johnson in negotiating or a politican in diplomacy.
Ethan can back himself up in firearms and has a smattering of other skills besides social and martial arts; however he isn't known for being the stealthiest person around yet, but he's trying to change that(he had no reason to know how to sneak in his past.) He's more likely to use his charm, charisma or looks to get his way into(or out of) things. He's taken all kinds of jobs from a talk-in-to snatch-and-grab to even wetwork; the shadows had opened his 'moral view' a bit, so to speak.
Physically, he stands around six-five(a little over 1.9 meters), with long, black hair(touched with a few dark blue streaks) pulled into a tail in the back, but worn to his chin in the front, dark blue eyes and fair skin with no beard-growth at all. He's built quite athletic. He can change up clothing to whatever is needed; from nice suits with form-fitting body armor and his beloved dark gray longcoat to his preferred jeans, sleeveless shirt, boots and gloves; with armored vest, shin-guards and arm-guards if combat looks imminent, to whatever else in between. He's charming, as said, he knows he looks good and and is actually a rather helpful person to his team, and he is rather loyal. He loves to see new things and meet new people; he's 26 years old so has quite a few years left to do that. He's got a taste for imported coffee and usually keeps a ton of types at his house; he drinks it almost like water, he also likes the classical-heavy metal combination of music and has a whole lot of varied Wuxia Action Theater movies, from good to cheesy(leaning more toward the right on that one according to those who have seen. He happened to borrow his rather amusing nickname from Kickmaster 3: Revenge of the Blue Lotus, which can't really be called a well-known film.) Teammates will find him very easy to get on with; even though he can, has and will preform some darker deeds in the shadows such as assasination for hire or whatnot, and tends to be protective of those he works with(a throwback from being a part time bodyguard), he really tries to be a good guy.
A few quirks/likes/etc: His current favorite Wuxia Action Theater actor is Kain Andersson, the elven adept star of the high-action, high-acrobatic, high-body count and mildly high cheese series of movies called Kickmaster. His favorite bands are two that most folks don't know about anymore as they existed back in the 1990s-2000s, Apocalyptica and Therion. One of his little downsides is that while he does try to stay low key, he can get a bit flamboyant and tends to fight a little bit flashy and stylish(but still effective, but occationaly it's good not to be remembered.) He does a good job of staying serious on a job-but in a tournament-like environment he's gone as far as to name some of his moves. However, he hasn't gone as far as to call them out.
Author's Note: Im not too experienced with Face-types, and wanted to try it; but i wanted it to be in conjuction with something else. Ive seen plenty of mage-faces, sniper-faces and stealth-faces; but no real 'battle-diplomat'' types. With me still toying around with Martial Arts rules in Arsenal i figure it would be fun to try. I wanted a suave, really good looking and good with words/social skills guy who could still kick ass in a dangerous way. He throws 14 dice in martial arts(DV of 9P or S after everything, 11-14 in social situations, which are his two specialities; he can shoot a semi-automatic with 13 dice after a smartlink. He defends with 11/15 melee regular/full, and 6/10 dice ranged regular/full, so he's very competent at his chosen fields.