I've got a good sized player base (7) and am working to ensure they all have things to do on the various runs. In the group currently I've got the following:
Gunslinger Adept
Bioware based Street Sam
Combat Mage
Moon Maiden Shaman (Face/Illusion/buff, not direct combat)
Bear Shaman (healer/combatant focused)
I'm having a somewhat challenging time figuring out how to get the hackers and rigger involved more completely during the run itself. The mages tend to be versatile to the point of needing little help for things like scouting, etc. To that end I'm considering adding more drones / automated defenses and less in the way of immediate people. Thoughts?
Also, I've been asked by the rigger if there's any device that would allow her to have a drone or other PC connect the device to a camera or other security apparatus and be able to hack access to the system's security. Arguably the hard wiring would provide the vector for the hack attempt into the security center. The question is whether this is possible and potentially allow her to depend on someone else to get through the first layer of physical security, set up the device probably with a signal booster or repeater or something and go from there. Thoughts / suggestions?
The same sort of question works for the hacker too. Existing systems for key executives would be with a signal of like 0 locked in an office somewhere to be inaccessible until after the security has been defeated. Is there a device again that could be used to provide the hacker remote access to the system? How would that work?
Along a similar vein, a drone would count as a node or launch point for a hacking attempt, correct? The thinking being that a drone could be sent in somewhere and be able to subscribe to the local AR feed (or allow it to be used as a platform for hacking into the local network) so that data requires a technological approach rather than just a magical one. In a prior run the group was scoping out a warehouse that was shipping products and the mage went for an astral scout to see if the schedule or anything was posted. He was looking for a bulletin board. I pointed out that there was likely an AR equivalent but that it would require someone/thing infiltrating to subscribe to the signal to find out.
In another weird combo thought, has anyone "mounted" a level 1 foci on a drone? My thinking is that channeling a spell from the astral into the physical space requires a foci to act as the conduit or at least that's my recollection at least from SR3. The drone flies around with the foci and allows the astrally projecting mage to drop repeated mana related spells in an area without fear of hurting the conduit. Thoughts?
With a sweep of his...