Apr 30 2008, 11:38 AM
Transmetropolitan without the drugs, Vietnam with youtube and embeds, War on terror with all the bullshit.
Listening to Rage Against the Machine with Public Enemy just before I go off to do some very hedonistic drinking with amazing people, my fingers tapping as fast as I can on my mobile phone to bring you this news bulletin. DMZ comic books published by DC under Vertigo. Worth it. Get it. It is just amazing.
Your first recdtion as you move your lethargic mouse pointer to click away from a not a Shadowrun topic. Which is not true at all. Where else can you see, perceive, visualize what would be the external reasons for having barrens, what kinds of companies would be involved, and how, how could you set that all in the boxing ring we call New York.
Really really good comic with amazing drawing, plots and storylines. Where else can you see "villains" portrayed as heroes, where "heroes" are the real villains.
Where have all the true reporters gone?
Apr 30 2008, 11:44 AM
DMZ's a really great read, wish I could get my hands on the "second season".
I don't think any "villains" got portrayed as heroes though. Doesn't everyone always root for the scrappy underdog reporter who just wants everyone to know the truth? And I think soldier stopped being seen as hero's after we double tapped the last Nazi.
That's one of the things I liked. Everyone fucking sucks, no one is pure and everyone has their agenda.
Slick and perfect for Shadowrun, slot this one chummers, it's the real deal.
Apr 30 2008, 11:45 AM
Not everyone wants to see 'heroes' as 'villians.' Anti-heroes are a bit over-used, IMO. I much prefer 'shades of grey,' like John le Carre's spy novels. And sometimes, heroes are just that, heroes, and villans are the same. Grey doesn't exclude the option of black and white.
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