May 1 2008, 07:38 PM
The 6th World Wiki is very lacking for info on the subject.
I've searched dumpshock and found a few things, but most of it looks non-canon.
I've got an email out to my old SR buddies looking for a copy of Paradise Lost.
Is Hawai'i mentioned in any other SR source books or novels?
May 1 2008, 07:45 PM
I thought something is mentioned about it seperating from the US... But if not its trying to, evidently its taking some hints from the recent NAN uprising as well:
Hawaii Reclaimed
May 1 2008, 07:45 PM
House of the Sun < = read, pretty much good fluff
May 1 2008, 07:49 PM
QUOTE (Nightwalker450 @ May 1 2008, 02:45 PM)
I thought something is mentioned about it seperating from the US... But if not its trying to, evidently its taking some hints from the recent NAN uprising as well:
Hawaii ReclaimedAm I reading the URL right? That happened TODAY?!
Whoa... that's really freakin' weird...
May 1 2008, 07:53 PM
Actually it was yesterday, though they said they'd be back again this morning. Basically the natives just took over the old palace, and it was closed to visitors. And they claim they'll be there every day until they get their nation back. It's peaceful, at least as peaceful as a Samoan can be (they are quite intimidating)
May 1 2008, 08:17 PM
Shadowrun Timeline is pretty contradictory about Hawaii. The Neo Anarchist's Guide to North America puts the withdrawal date at 2038 from the UCAS, while Paradise Lost puts the withdrawal date at 2017 from the United States. That's a big difference.
May 1 2008, 08:19 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ May 1 2008, 03:17 PM)
Shadowrun Timeline is pretty contradictory about Hawaii. The Neo Anarchist's Guide to North America puts the withdrawal date at 2038 from the UCAS, while Paradise Lost puts the withdrawal date at 2017 from the United States. That's a big difference.
Good to know, actually. Hmm... 2017 seems awfully early considering everything else.
May 1 2008, 10:47 PM
Yeah, I know there's no point to using our timeline in the Shadowrun universe but...
9 years? Seriously? 9 Years and Hawaii will decide it doesn't want to play nice nice with the country that sends it food and tourists with bad clothing?
Screamin Demon
May 1 2008, 10:59 PM
Yeah, Iolani Palace is under seige! Traffic on King st is all jammed up. Good thing I ride a bike, buzz right past all those cars. Locals are just pissed because they've being fucked out of land promised to them for hundreds of years. That with the economy drop and Aloha airlines (And their sister cargo service) fully closed down a week ago, everyone is fuming to get pissed over something.
One thing people should keep in mind is that Hawaii (Especially high population islands like Oahu) is incredibly dependent on shipping to bring us pretty much everything we use. Shut down the shipping lanes for a week and the whole island starts to go hungry. Imagine all those Samoans and Tongans and crazy Micronesians after shipping lanes got cut. Finding fruit and hunting pigs would work for a while, but these islands are small and have no hope of supporting the populations they hold without constant supply from outside parties. I presume we would have felt the crashes worse then anyone.
They like to blame the Haoles for everything, but I personally believe the Japanese exploit the local people far more then the round eye ever has.
May 2 2008, 12:46 AM
Hey as a Japanese who works for the round eye I take offenses at that!
Not really
That's crazy man, i had no idea that Aloha airlines went tits up.
And no, I really don't want to imagine groups of people who are adept at killing japanese people with knobby clubs going hungry for long periods of time
That's just a recipe for disaster.
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