A security unit on patrol has got to deal with all sorts of potentially nasty things:
Mages, heavily armoured drones/spirits, trolls tanks on the rampage, threats that are normally invisible, stuff solely astral, and a whole host of other nasty critters.
So what would a small patrol unit look like that can cover everything but not break the bank?
A patrol will consist of 3 units:
Security Guard (Ork, built with around 250 CP to make sure he's not too good at the job)
Body 5
Agility 3(4)
Reaction 3(4)
Strength 4(5)
Charisma 2
Intuition 3
Logic 2
Willpower 3
Athletics (Group) 2
Perception 3 (visual)
Clubs 1 (stun baton)
Long Arms 2 (battle rifles)
Thrown Weapons 1
Dodge 2 (ranged)
Etiquette 2 (corporate)
Con 1 (sense motive)
Intimidation 2
Infiltration 2
Wired I, muscle replacement 1
He's the face of the group, there to notice stuff (8 dice to see stuff), talk to people, and he has some chance of resisting a con or an intimidation attempt.
Since he is also the most accurate of the 3 (10 dice to shoot with a smartlink) he gets the anti drone/spirit gun.
Since the BBB doesn't offer a gun that does what we want, we'll have to make on up:
Battle Rifle (RL equivalents: FN-FAL, M14, G3, etc)
Skill: Long arms
Range category: Sport Rifle
Damage 7(-2)
Modes: SA only
Feed: 20 round detachable box magazine
Features: RC (1) from recoil pad, smartlink
Cost: ~1250Y
Loading APDS in the rifle gets you a damage of 7(-6), and you can threaten stuff with 13+ points of hardened armor, so you can damage a stock steel lynx or a force 6 spirit.
He also gets an armored jacket + helmet (armor 9/8 total), with some fire proofing
Goggles with smart link + ultrasound
Earphones with +2 hearing enhancement (so he rolls 8 dice to hear stuff too)
A stun baton
Some thermal smoke and flashbang grenades.
Typical combat response
Take cover, direct the dogs to fire, and call in a contact report. If there is evidence of magic, he'll use a free action to set off one of the thermal smoke grenades he is carrying and switch to ultrasound. Concentrate fire on anything picked out by the hellhound, or at heavily armored targets, as appropriate.
Trained Hellhound
Wears armor that provides around 5/3 armor, plus radio and biomonitor.
The hellhound has astral perception, letting it spot spirits, invisible guys, etc. It is well trained enough to bark when it sees something. It will also breathe fire at any magically active guys as a first choice. Note that the rest of the security force will tend to concentrate fire on anyone who is scorched looking, on the assumption that they are mages.
Typical combat response:
Observe targets in detail, looking for any that are magically active. Give bark code identifying that you have spotted a [magic threat type] and breathe fire at the greatest threat (by highest magic rating). If don't see anything magically active, just breathe fire at some random guy.
Doberman drone
Stock Doberman with white knight LMG (loading regular rounds)
As the cheapest thing in the patrol, the doberman is there to take the fire.
Normally directed by voice from the security guard and running in autistic mode to prevent hacking. If the guard it's following becomes incapacitated (guards biomonitor will broadcast), it activates wireless to get directions.
Typical combat response:
With only 6 dice to shoot something, the Doberman can't really be relied on to hit most things, so it will be using the spray and pray rules, so that it doesn't actually have to roll to hit. it'll just keep putting 10 rounds into the combat area every pass and hope to distract the other side. Plus all this fire will tend to make the other guys concentrate fire on it, protecting the other 2 units in the patrol.