May 7 2008, 02:05 AM
Assume a Rigger with implanted simrig and implanted controlrig.
Assume the rigger has jumped into a drone. (I believe the combination provides a +4 bonus.)
If I understand the book right, to fire a drones weapon the rigger uses his gunnery+sensor+4 dice for the test?
(And a complex action.)
If a driving test is called for, that would presumably use the rigger's driving skill, the same +4 bonus, and some property of the drone (it's pilot?) for the test?
Given that, the other question (probably by some lights abusive, by other lights reasonable) is the rigger can use skillwires and an activesoft for those skills? (The goal being to get the +4 bonus.) I expect a GM would rule against it, but I am not sure. (And as I don't have a GM handy to ask, this seems the next best choice.)
Thank you,
Joel Halpern
May 7 2008, 04:41 AM
The hardware combo you're using should only grant +2 to your vehicle skill tests (the control rig), and drop the Threshold of the tests by 1 (for driving in VR via the sim module in your simrig). Of course, you would get another +2 if you're rolling in Hot Sim (cold sim doesn't provide a dice pool bonus).
For passive sensor gunnery (which is the mode you described) you would roll gunnery + sensor + 2(or 4) +/- the target's Signature. Your to-hit threshold is also reduced by 1.
The driving test would be <vehicle skill> + response + 2 (or 4) +/- Handling. And, again, your maneuvering threshold would be one step lower than if you were physically in control.
All that aside, there's nothing I can think of off-hand that would outright prevent you from using vehicle skillsofts while in VR. The skillwires/activesofts feed pre-programmed routines through your neuro-muscular system (which would more than likely involve sending data through the "middle brain"). The control rig optimizes the dataflow going through that particular system. And the sim module is converting all of that data into a machine-readable format. So they should probably all work together. And, perhaps more importantly, nothing in the crunch or fluff explicitly says that they don't or shouldn't.