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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So heres the plan I ask you to make an assassin for SR4 then I rate them on
Cheap-ness neuyen and an other for BP karma
And Simplicity
plus any other categorys i think of later on today.

Have fun Im thinking of expanding this in to may be a few challenges to be beaten with point base on the same criteria.
Ill come up with one as well. as an example later.
Two Skin Pockets, one for a Cherry Blossom using Stick-n-shock and the other skin pocket for a Monowhip. Since the items are inside your body you can easily justify using counterspelling dice to keep them from being detected even if you cant see them.

The Cherry Blossom is a light pistol. Mod it with reduced barrel length and after chargen save up to get one thats made out of plastic/ceramic to defeat MAD detectors. In the meanwhile have your Fake SIN have a medical record of a metal plate, organ, etc near where the skin pocket is. If you want to kill spirits too consider a Victorinox Memory Blade made as a Weapon Focus. It rolls up like a used up roll of toothpaste which makes it more concealable (and appropriate) for hiding in a Skin pocket. Your GM may have thoughts on whether a weapon focus hidden in a skin pocket is able to be aura perceived. If you dont have the Quickdraw adept power forget about fast drawing a weapon from a skin pocket and the Victorinox Memory Blade takes one full round (not just 1 pass!) to solidify so it wins style points to an Assassin IMO.

Human looking Elf with Genetic Heritage (Genetic Optimization, Agility) and then max AGI out. Consider Muscle Toner. Once you have 50 million points of agility and get good Infiltration skills and get skills to use the monowhip and cherry blossom well you can decide if you want martial arts (Krav Maga/Firefight may fit well here) and any other gimmicks like 'ware or magic based abilities.

As an assassin one route rarely explored is a mystic adept with astral perception, enhanced perception power (which adds to assensing) and tons of counterspelling. It doesnt require much of a magic rating and can be used to see through the initiate metamagic Masking, illusion spells, to turn off buffs like the Combat Reflexes spell and the Increase Reflexes spell, and to avoid being detected on a Detect Enemies spell. Mentor spirit - Adversary (Counterspelling) can help here as well.


If you prefer plain old cheapness you really cant go wrong with a Human looking Ork physad with maxed str and agi, Power Throw 3, and Missile Mastery. A box of toothpicks can fuel your machinegun like throws. Not a good basis for a character style-wise but with a damage code on par with a troll bow user concealed within a box of toothpicks you can get some effect from it.

EDIT: Originally suggested Power Throw 6 but the Street Magic Errata v1.2 hard caps it at 3.
Heres mine I dont know quite to pull him off but Mystic Adept with Power Throw, and Missile Mastery plus the ability to form ice shards. Im not quite sure what spell he would need he'd also probs have a weapon focus blade and a his skills and stats in str, agi throwing and blades stealth and what ever you want with any other skills to round him out.
QUOTE (Wasabi @ May 15 2008, 05:21 AM) *
...Power Throw 6...

Erratta limits to level 3.
Drogos, thanks for the heads up... I was unaware of that until you posted it! smile.gif
Daier Mune
are we limited to a 400bp character, or is this just a "grab whatever you need" type of design?
Grab what you need the score will drop for being expensive on the BP karma front but if it ticks all the other boxes youll still get a good score.
P.s any one got any help for ruling stating my idea?
Best option that would tie together stealth, simplicity and cheapness would be a mundane unaugmented human with positive qualities like Aptitude, Blandness, Murky Link or other beneficial ones. Max out Edge and the other attributes and skills and then buy some equipment. Anything magic or matrix related can be handled by outside contractors. I'll have a go at writing him/her out later tonight or some time tomorrow.
Eh, I'll bite. Keep in mid I don't keep abreast of the Errata or read it at all, so if there are glaring errors, that might be why. This is a 382 BP build (I think, math is hard)

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Daier Mune
all right, so he's a little over the starting character points, and has a few bits of illegeal gear.

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He's not a fighter or a sneaker. he's an assassin who can walk up to his target in broad daylight, slice thier throat and then disapear into the crowd. with a Fake SIN, stolen clothing and some behavioral coaching he can be anyone he wants to. with a dice pool of 18 for disguises you'll never see his real face or know his real name.
Here's one who's a siren type - lure the mark, then kill him.

Relevant dice pools:
Seduction: 18 dice plus potential modifiers for first impression, biosculpting, and vocal range enhancement.
Enthralling Performance/Dance: 16 dice.
Monofilament Whip Attack: 20 dice, including reach.

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mine's slightly illegal (ok, royally over the starting rating limit... but hey.), but he's completely within the buildpoint limit. He's got the whole "one gun to kill them all" thing going for him. And he's completely built from the BBB

Relevant dice pools:
Sneaking: roughly 14 dice plus -4 to baddies spotting him.
killing things: roughly 16
converting his gun: roughly 14 (5, 1 min)

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