Eh, I'll bite. Keep in mid I don't keep abreast of the Errata or read it at all, so if there are glaring errors, that might be why. This is a 382 BP build (I think, math is hard)
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Name: Jackie Borden
Race: Human
Type: Sniper
STATS (270BP with Edge and Magic factored in)
BOD: 3
AGI: 5
REA: 3 (4)
STR: 2
CHA: 2
INT: 5
LOG: 4
WIL: 3
MAG: 5
EDG: 5
Skills: (124 BP)
Longarms: 5 (Sniper rifles +2)
Perception: 5 (Visual +2)
Pistols: 4 (Heavy +2)
Infiltration: 4
Climbing: 3 (+2 Freehand)
Armorer: 3
Tracking: 3
Hardware: 1
Computer: 2
Qualities (-25BP)
Adept 5
Ambidexterity 5
Sensitive System -15
Weak Immune System -5
SINner -5
Mild Allergy Sunlight -10
Knowledge skills (0BP)
Mathematics 3
Anatomy 4
Poetry 2
Security Systems 3
English: N
Japanese 3
Cantonese 3
Farsi 3
Spanish 3
Christianity 3
Adept Powers
Imp reflexes (1) 2pts
Enhanced Perception (4) 1pt
Improved Longarms (2) 1pt
Improved sense (Scent, Flare Comp, Sound Dampening, Direction Sense) 1pt
Equipment: (13BP)
Ares Viper Slivergun (Smartlinked)
Ares Desert Strike (Smartlinked)
Enfield AS-7 (Smartlinked, drumbarrel)
Full Body armor suit
2 forearm gun slides
Ghille suits (urban, forest, desert)
Monowire (5 meters)
GAZ-P179 (Pickup truck)
Commlink: Hermes IKON w/ Novatech Navi OS, AR Gloves, Subvocal Mic
Programs: Browse, Edit, Analyze, Firewall rat 6, Agent rat 2
Armor Jacket
Fake SIN rat 3 x3
rating 6 maglock with rating 4 antitamper circuits
Middle Lifestyle (1mo)
Armorer kit
Binoculars w/ Thermo, Vision mag, Vision Enhance rat 3
Goggles w/ Smartlink, Image link, Ultrasound
Endoscope w/ Thermographic, Low light
RFID Tag sensors: Camera, directional mic, laser range finder, and 10 motion sensor RFID tags
[ Spoiler ]
Born John Paul Borden, Jackie Borden is the son of Matthew Borden, an ex-Priest in Boston. His father Matthew was a gun afficionado and was obsessed with going to the range after church on sundays. Matthew was also a fairly talented mage in addition to leading his Parish for several years. Jackie was Matthew's Illegitimate son by Matthew's longtime love interest Ginny Fallon. Ginny kept their affair secret until Jackie was 10, and Ginny discovered Betameth. Ginny blackmailed Matthew into supporting her habit for 3 years until he finally ran out of cash and began embezzling church funds. After Matthew's excommunication scandal, he took it pretty bad and never really mentally recovered. He began his life as a Shadowrunner and assassin, morally justifying his killings with a severely judgmental eye. Matthew dissappeared from Boston and Jackie's life forever when Jackie was 13.
His Mom spiralled out of control and eventually dissappeared too. Orphaned, Jackie spent the remainder of his adolescent years raised by his uncle Noah Borden on a farm in upstate New York. Jackie took after his father when it came to shooting but never outwardly manifested awakened powers. Noah discouraged Jackie's wild side as much as possible, but there wasn't much for the youngster to do besides hunting and shooting. His uncle was a retired DocWagon Paramedic and taught Jackie as much as he could about emergency medical care. Jackie also excelled in math and literature, easing his uncle's mind that the wildness exhibited in both of his parents would not manifest in Jackie.
Jackie joined the UCAS army at age 18 and did a bit of traveling around the world with his platoon. Meeting lots of people, getting to see more of the world, and learning a few languages did much for Jackie's maturity level. He left the army at age 25 and decided assassination would be a fun career.