Emperor Tippy
May 20 2008, 10:21 PM
Look at the demolisher's from Augmentation, they normally aren't that effective because the target can just wash or scrape them off. But drones and vehicles can't do either.
So take the Dragon Fly from Arsenal and instead of its regular attack munitions use Demolisher's. Sure its not quick acting but if you need to disable an airplane, car, or drone it can be quite nasty.
May 20 2008, 10:40 PM
But it will take a long time. 1 hour for it's first kilo, and 6 hours for full effect. Good for prepping an area though. Also an expensive prank joke for drivers.
Emperor Tippy
May 20 2008, 10:46 PM
QUOTE (borg286 @ May 20 2008, 06:40 PM)

But it will take a long time. 1 hour for it's first kilo, and 6 hours for full effect. Good for prepping an area though. Also an expensive prank joke for drivers.
And the best part is that it turns the vehicle into a recyclable powder.
May 20 2008, 10:51 PM
Doesn't the dragonfly use a physical weapon that doesn't use ammunition?
Emperor Tippy
May 20 2008, 10:59 PM
QUOTE (Aaron @ May 20 2008, 06:51 PM)

Doesn't the dragonfly use a physical weapon that doesn't use ammunition?
Or you can give it an explosive. It doesn't seem like that big of a modification to replace it with a little nanite sprayer.
May 20 2008, 11:02 PM
hrm . . Splash-Grenades with that possible? O.o
or is it possible to have them rain down from a spray-weapon like, say, from a crop-sprayer-plane? O.o
i see some real nice terrorist uses for this weapon . . not really a weapon of mass murder, but certainly a weapon of mass destruction o.O
no biological weapon, no nuclear weapon and no chemical weapon either . . just a mechanical weapon right?
and with this single post i must have hit at least 6 different signal words for the FBI, CIA and NSA to get jittery about . . now imagine if those weapons were used on government buildings for example . . ok, now there'S 10 signal words *g*
Emperor Tippy
May 20 2008, 11:18 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 20 2008, 07:02 PM)

hrm . . Splash-Grenades with that possible? O.o
or is it possible to have them rain down from a spray-weapon like, say, from a crop-sprayer-plane? O.o
i see some real nice terrorist uses for this weapon . . not really a weapon of mass murder, but certainly a weapon of mass destruction o.O
no biological weapon, no nuclear weapon and no chemical weapon either . . just a mechanical weapon right?
and with this single post i must have hit at least 6 different signal words for the FBI, CIA and NSA to get jittery about . . now imagine if those weapons were used on government buildings for example . . ok, now there'S 10 signal words *g*
Haha yeah. I think Smart Demolisher's are the real fun. Spray them on a power line. Or on the road.
May 20 2008, 11:35 PM
if they can be made to activate ona given point of time, put them into a water-reservoir . . effective distribution system right there . . and if people drink them they will get eaten alive from within, just like with a good old chemical weapon or an biological weapon *g*
May 20 2008, 11:44 PM
Won't they be washed away by the digestive system?
May 20 2008, 11:46 PM
hmm, can they be coded to attack specific gene traits?
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