So I'm starting in a Shadowrun campaign fairly soon. No one in the group has had alot of experience (I've played, and a one other guy has as well), and for the most part the players either haven't RPed before, or haven't done so in a long time. To make matters worse there are going to be 7 PCs, which isn't a problem as we're all good friends and the GM is up to the task (and we think it works, sort of an Ocean's 11 thing).
What I'm looking for are good Shadowrun resources. Myself and the GM have read Snowcrash, but books take alot longer to read and absorb than movies. I know there's Bladerunner, and most of us have seen that. Mad Max is a little bit of a stretch, but it isn't bad.
So do you all know of any good resources (be they movie, comic, book or what have you) that'll be a good introduction to Shadowrun?