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Okay. I really like the "A Team of the Sea" concept thats developing. Just the kind of crew I need... or rather Mr. Johnson is going to need.

crizh: I love that character. I can't imagine a better seafarer magician.

TheOneRonin (who is not wounded...yet): Also a very good presentation. I especially like the detailed explanation of how he went from an operator to a borderline criminal. I'm always a little skeptical about that since most ex-ops can make a killing in legitimate security work, but your back story is good and plausible.

BlackHat: also very nicely done. You're character is definitely jumping to the forefront as a useful support character and the underworld connections play directly into my evil plans. Muahahaha...

pragma: again a very good character concept. Oddly enough I met a dude last night at a bar called the Kangaroo and the Kiwi here is Seattle that almost fits that description. He sails around on his boat surfing and writing programs and working by satlink and then puts to port to fly to meetings all over the world. Oh and he was apparently a monk of some kind. Anyway, I like it.

As of right now I think this will be the team, since these four characters all fit together nicely in form, function and motivation and they have pretty much all the basses covered in terms of skills and abilities.

However, given the flood of interest, I am seriously considering adding one more player, though I'm not sure who. I wanted to give everyone else some feedback so you can try to sell me on your characters. I know its difficult to create a character that fits the GM's vision without knowing the plot, but believe me this plot will be better served if left unspoken.

DireRadiant: I absolutely love the character. I'd love to GM that character in a more traditional SR setting, but as it is I'm just struggling to see how she will fit in with this team and in the context of the story I'm envisioning. Plus, to be fair I should say that the opportunities for a face will become more limited after the early part of the adventure (basically once the crew sets out to sea). Her combat skills would be useful, but I just don't think she would shine in this adventure the way I'd like to see her. Plus all those wonderful plot hooks would largely go to waste. Any other ideas?

Dakka: overall your concept is sound and mixes in elements of OneRonin and pragma's characters. I really like the image of the merc past his prime, spread a little too thin and trying to keep himself in the game as his edge starts to dull. Its very "John McClane" or "Rick Deckard" and has a real gritty cyberpunk feel to it. The main issue I have is that I would foresee a lot of overlap between your character and OneRonin's, both functionally and in terms of role playing possibilities. If I were taking a large group I wouldn't hesitate to take him as well- sometimes overlap is good. But I really want to keep this group small in order to keep the game moving (less waiting / schedule conflicts) so I would really like to see the team as lean as possible. Any other ideas?

Lidralyn: So heres the deal. I know you are really interested in getting into a game and I'd love to give you a shot. I think that there is some good stuff to work with in your character concept, but it seems to me that most of what you have presented would be hard to incorporate into this somewhat niche game. Like I told DireRadiant I think this particular character would be better served in a more traditional SR campaign where he is free to really explore his prime motivation- finding those dastardly parents (out of curiosity what did they do exactly?). The issue I have is that you've presented him as having *only* one motivation- one driving force. Its hard to work that into this particular adventure in any meaningful way and doesn't easily incorporate the rest of the group- its kind of a solo quest for vengeance deal. Any thoughts?

Also, regarding the plot-driving PC. Nigel was the first to express interest, but if he's not able to swing it I'd be happy to work with you on that. The character I need would require a distinctly different motivation than revenge though in order to fulfill his place in the plot. Understand that this arrangement would in effect bring the game up to 6 players, which is way beyond the number I wanted, so I'd really need you to stay active or else the character would have to revert to an NPC. Anyway I'm waiting to hear from Nigel so I'll let you know.

Nigel: any ideas? If so its probably safest to PM me so you don't give up any spoilers. I hate to ask this, but if you really can't think of anything you might consider stepping aside so Lidralyn can have a shot. As I understand it you are already involved in Dakka's PbP game, and Lidralyn is dying to give this a try. Just a thought.

Mickle5125: given the high demand for spots in this game and your rather severe schedule limitations in the crucial near future, I don't think there's any way I can hold a spot for you. Thanks for your interest though.

I welcome any feedback.

As for lifestyle / team boat- let me think on that a bit.
How about a normal jack of all trades. Nothing really special about him, just got caught in Carter's wake as a deck hand. I'm envisioning an islander with small to medium dreadlocks. He'd be part mechanic part gunhand (sort of a Jayne type from Firefly...except not such an ass as he's always smoking pot or downing red stripes)

All in all, nothing really spectacular about him other than the job. "Jack of all trades and Master of None" type.

Also might be a good PC to actually know capoirea
I think I'll let someone else have the spot. There'll be more games.

PS: Small nitpicking, but it's Imperialus's game that I'm involved in, not Dakka.
Knocker an Old character from another game.
Well the idea was basically just something you could work with or not work with, he has been established with the team and therefore works with them and has finally found a group that accepted him so his loyalty is with the team, not only finding his parents.

The parents thing was just background, either to be handled or not handled, was up to you. They didn't neccesarily "do" anything, he is angry at being abandoned, and that left longtime problems with him being overly aggressive with trying to find new friends and therefore pushed them all away...he hates them for leaving him.

I left it basically open ended so you could either do something with it, or not do something with it, it was mainly just an explination of why he would have the skills he had, more of a reason to have the numbers before I made the numbers kind of thing.

As far as the plot driving NPC goes, I am not SOLD On the backstory of the guy, it was just something I thought up, I can always change some things around by working with you, as long as it is some sort of mage I would be happy playing it...I'd make some sacrifices to get my foot in the door if thats what your asking.
well, I just finished hacking out the character, so if you change your mind or find yourself in need of a tracker or orc, lemme know!

Thanks for the consideration.
Nigel and Mickle125: thank you guys for your consideration. I'll put you on a backup list and if anything opens up (for example I don't get a completed sheet from someone) you guys will be first in.

So what did ya decide about me Method? or gotta wait and see about the npc?
I just sent you a PM with some details. Gotta run, but let me know what you think.
Alright, took a moment to think what might fit in, would have to flesh it out a touch, but what about a Techie type with mechanic skills, a touch of infiltration. Basically a safe cracker. Usually works in teams, been caught a few times but gets out of it by performing jobs for whomever caught him last, essentially perpetually working himself free of some kind of debt. Someone always needs the safe cracker, and it's amazing what you find in people's safes that you can keep for a rainy day. SOme computer and hacking skills obviously, but focused on the industrial mechanics, security procedures and equipment end.

Feel free to say no. You've got your four, and Poor Cinzia will get into some other game I'm sure, and I have fun making characters and backgrounds anyway. smile.gif
Okay, after a great deal of deliberation I think I'm going to keep DireRadiant as the fifth for a number of reasons. First, because I stated from the outset that I would give special preference to players from the "New/Old Moon" games and I invited him to throw his hat in for this one. Second because I think the idea of a mechanically inclined but stealthy tech wiz could actually fit into a niche roll within the group and add some flexibility (especially in the stealth/infiltration arena).

Dakka: Thank you so much for your interest. You really did come up with some great ideas. I really wish I could give a spot to everyone that applied, but I really need to set the cut off somewhere. I will add your name to the backup list. Thank you for understanding.

I will post Character Build Guidelines some time tomorrow and PM an email address for submissions. The builds will likely be pretty standard except for the 450 BP previously discussed.
I'll start working on some stats, but as people think of things, feel free to post them publicly, so we can make sure we've got our bases covered - also, now might be a good time to work any backgrounds together that we felt like doing. For example, if DRs character tends to work of debts for people who catch him, did we catch him up to something?
QUOTE (BlackHat @ May 25 2008, 08:49 AM) *
I'll start working on some stats, but as people think of things, feel free to post them publicly, so we can make sure we've got our bases covered - also, now might be a good time to work any backgrounds together that we felt like doing. For example, if DRs character tends to work of debts for people who catch him, did we catch him up to something?

Agreed. Looks like Desmond is going to be the teams primary muscle, so I've tweaked my skills just a bit (keeping within the 450BP limit)

Athletics (Group) 3
Stealth (Group) 3
Firearms (Group) 4

Demolitions(Breaching) 4(+2)
Dodge 3
Diving(SCUBA) 3(+2)
Pilot Watercraft(Motorboat) 2(+2)
Parachuting 2
Perception 4
Etiquette 2
Unarmed Combat 4

Also have Martial Arts II
Muay Thai
Adantages: DV improved by 2
Maneuvers: Finishing Move

So Des can really handle himself in a fistfight (hits as hard as STR 8 characters), and with his ware (Smartlink and Ref Recorder) rolls a very respectable 13 dice with any smartlinked firearm. He's certainly not a bullet sponge, but should be able to dish out a whooping when necessary. Also, he has plenty of nautical skills, and can easily handle all of the teams Demo needs.

Spose now would be a good time to ask Method how he feels about cracking programs pre-char-gen.

Specifically, let's say I own two water vehicles, and 3 drones. Do I need to buy a high firewall 6 times (one for each vehicles, and one for my commlink) or can I buy one copy of it, and assume that I've cracked it only my other devices?
I usually use the following rules for pre-game cracking:

Rating 1-3 can be cracked at will; no test necessary
Rating 4-6 require a [Logic + Software] Success Test just to check for glitches
- Threshold = [Rating - 2] (2 for ratings 4, 3 for rating 5 and 4 for rating 6)
- a standard glitch reduces the rating by 1 (introduction of bugs, etc into the code as you strip the copy protection)
- a critical glitch destroys the program
- all time requirements waved

In game is an Extended Test as described on page 228.

You can purchase a single copy now and roll the success test just before the game starts. If you happen to glitch you can purchase another copy and try again (also before the game starts).

I hope that seems reasonable.


Also, BlackHat: before you get too involved with purchasing vehicles I think I'm going to "gift" the team a mid-sized vessel because it will require certain abilities that the listed boats might not have. We can discuss modifications and amenities over the next week, but don't go too bonker's spending your build points on that. Drones, secondary crafts (a speed boat or whatever) would be fine.
Very reasonable. Just trying to get a sense of how much of my money would be sunk into redundant programs - it sounds like, as long as they're not complicated (rating 3 or less) I don't have to worry about it biting off too huge of a chunk. Firewall is one of those things I might want to splurge on. wink.gif

I'm thinking Carter won't be particularly good at cracking programs (might give a few a whirl before game begins, though). Pragma's hacker might have better luck - although he'll probably have less use for copied programs. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Method @ May 25 2008, 07:29 PM) *
Also, BlackHat: before you get too involved with purchasing vehicles I think I'm going to "gift" the team a mid-sized vessel because it will require certain abilities that the listed boats might not have. We can discuss modifications and amenities over the next week, but don't go too bonker's spending your build points on that. Drones, secondary crafts (a speed boat or whatever) would be fine.

Build guidelines are up.

If everyone is comfortable posting their builds here for discussion as BlackHat suggested we can just go with that and skip the whole email submission business. I'll probably PM you guys my email anyway just in case there you need to get a hold of me or send me stuff.
Method, what's your stance on availability? 12 max like canon? Or do we have some wiggle room? Already answered.

I think I have Desmond's stats are about done...with the only change I've made is dropping Parachuting and picking up Heavy weapons for UGLs.

I made a few adjustments to his background as well. I've also included a blurb on what the crew/general public knows about Desmond since his past should be at least a little bit of a mystery.

[Edit]Changes in Bold[/Edit]

[ Spoiler ]
Desmond Connelly
Nicknames: "Des", "Connelly", "That Crazy Scot!"
Scottish Male Human
Age: 37
Height: 6'
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Build: Average/Fit

[ Spoiler ]

I figured I'd add spoiler tags for the info since that's what everyone else is doing.
What I have got so far (9 points left, some parts bound to change)

Joseph Carter

Attributes (200)
[ Spoiler ]

Disadvantages (5)
[ Spoiler ]

Skills (164)
[ Spoiler ]

Contacts (16 free + 20)
[ Spoiler ]

Gear (50) $250,000
[ Spoiler ]

Specifically, if we get "gifted" a boat, I might tone down Carter's fishing boat, or remove it altogether (changing his background so he ditched the boat to avoid being tracked by it).
OneRonin/BlackHat: Both characters seem to be coming along nicely. I haven't looked at them in great detail yet, but I don't see any glaring problems.


All: this week I'd like to work through all the character creation stuff and finalize the teams shared background. I will be out of town next weekend (starting Friday) but if we can get everything squared away by Sunday when I get back we can start the IC/OoC thread then.

As far as starting the actual game, I'm going to ask for some feedback. I want to have Lidralyn role play his characters involvement before he meets the team because I think it will help set the tone and give some good background to the story. For the rest of you guys there are a few options. Option 1 would be some "day in the life" role playing basically introducing your characters and contacts through their day to day exchanges. Option 2 would be to have the team working on a quick simple mission so you guys can sort out all the tactical operations business. Maybe we could start that in media res to keep it short. Let me know what you guys would prefer.

Either way I'm going to introduce a free contact: a Yakuza Fixer named Tadashi Kurita (C5/L1).

[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Method @ May 26 2008, 02:08 PM) *
OneRonin/BlackHat: Both characters seem to be coming along nicely. I haven't looked at them in great detail yet, but I don't see any glaring problems.


All: this week I'd like to work through all the character creation stuff and finalize the teams shared background. I will be out of town next weekend (starting Friday) but if we can get everything squared away by Sunday when I get back we can start the IC/OoC thread then.

As far as starting the actual game, I'm going to ask for some feedback. I want to have Lidralyn role play his characters involvement before he meets the team because I think it will help set the tone and give some good background to the story. For the rest of you guys there are a few options. Option 1 would be some "day in the life" role playing basically introducing your characters and contacts through their day to day exchanges. Option 2 would be to have the team working on a quick simple mission so you guys can sort out all the tactical operations business. Maybe we could start that in media res to keep it short. Let me know what you guys would prefer.

Either way I'm going to introduce a free contact: a Yakuza Fixer named Tadashi Kurita (C5/L1).

[ Spoiler ]

I'm okay with either option, or maybe a little bit of both. spin.gif

Next weekend is going to be rough for me as well since we are closing on/moving into a new house over the whole weekend. I probably won't have any internet access from home until Sunday, but should be good to go after. Worst case scenario, I just have to wait until I'm at work on Monday to post.

@BlackHat: Wanna hash out how Carter and Desmond met/started working together?

QUOTE (TheOneRonin @ May 26 2008, 02:29 PM) *
@BlackHat: Wanna hash out how Carter and Desmond met/started working together?

Sure, it sounds like, from our backgrounds, both characters decided to drop off of the grid for a while, and change their identities. At the same time, they hooked up with a new crew (presumably, the other PCs) - so I think that still makes sense. Perhaps it was through either one of our contacts. I imagine, a situation where there was a salvage mission where the team would need to breach the hull of a ship/plane/whatever - Des needed a ship to reach it, which Carter had, and Carter needed someone with some underwater demolition experience, which Des had. Whether it was a mission they conceived of on their own - or something one of their contacts arranged, it would be a good reason why they would need each other for at least one mission (and probably some of the other PCs, but it wouldn't matter if we had met them at different occasions).

Any other ideas? I think, in your SBS days, it wouldn't have made much sense to run in the same circles as a small-time smuggler. I'm thinking the best time is when they're both trying to lay low.
That works just fine for me, BlackHat.

@ Method: Mind if I ask how you handle explosives? They have not ever come up in my games since I've switched to SR4, so this is really my first time reviewing them, and they seem a bit off.

According to canon:

Effective Explosive rating = Net hits (Demo+Log) + Base Rating.

Base Rating of commerical explosives is 3.
Desmond rolls 10 dice for breaching, and can expect about 3 hits.

Effective rating when Des uses commercial explosives is 6.

Explosive DV = Effective Rating x Square Root of Kilograms of explosives.

So Des can make 1 kg of commercial explosives do 6P damage.

Sounds reasonable, I suppose, but I kept reading and found this:

QUOTE (BBB @ pg 157)
Barrier Rating Table Chart:

Toughest material: Hardened Material
Armor: 32
Structure: 17

QUOTE (BBB @ pg 158)
Damaging Barriers Table:
Explosive = base DV x 2

QUOTE (BBB @ pg 158)
Against Indirect Combat spells and explosives attached
directly, barriers roll only their Armor rating.

So a hardened material door will get about 11 hits rolled or 8 hits bought, meaning you have to do between 28 and 25 total DV to breach it.

If your demo specialist can expect 3 net hits, he only needs 6kg of the weakest commercial explosive to blow open the toughest door. A single kg of rating 11 explosives can do the same thing.

Wow...explosives sure are pretty badass...

Bear in mind 1kg is a boatload of C4. As I recall the Germans used shaped charges that were man-portable (less than 10 kilos probably) to blow holes in Belgian bunkers that were designed to withstand direct artillery bombardment. YMMV but my initial reaction to those rules was 'that's not very much damage.'
Just want to double check that we are still having the 50 BP Gear limit? (Which I think is a good idea)
QUOTE (crizh @ May 27 2008, 02:55 AM) *
Bear in mind 1kg is a boatload of C4. As I recall the Germans used shaped charges that were man-portable (less than 10 kilos probably) to blow holes in Belgian bunkers that were designed to withstand direct artillery bombardment. YMMV but my initial reaction to those rules was 'that's not very much damage.'

To be fair, I was talking about the lowest rating commercial explosives, not C4, which in SR4 rules would be rated higher. Though after some more research, it would seem that C4 isn't leaps an bounds more powerful than plastic explosive.

From the HOWSTUFFWORKS website, I found this quote:

"To take out one 8-inch (20.3-centimeter) square steel beam, for example, they would probably use 8 to 10 pounds (3.6 to 4.5 kilograms) of C-4."

The Shadowrun4 equivalent of that steel beam would have 16 armor and 13 damage boxes. The 16 armor will give you ~5 rolled hits, or 4 bought hits, which effective add 4-5 damage boxes. This means the C4 needs to do 17-18 boxes of damage.

Explosives, as per the BBB, page 158, do double base damage to barriers. That means our C4 needs a base damage of 9P.

DV for explosives is calculated as follows: DV = (hits + rating) * sq rt(kg)

Since we know it takes about 4kg of C4 to breach the beam, and we are going to assume no net hits on the demo test, that means C4 must have a rating of around 5.

DV = (0 + 5) * sq rt(4)
DV = 5 * 2
DV = 10

So C4 really isn't that much nastier than your rating 3 commercial explosives. Which, I think, is more of a problem with how powerful the cheap stuff is as opposed to how weak C4 is.

As it stands, you have the following:

1. Desmond will never need more than 1kg of rating 10 or higher explosives to breach ANYTHING.
2. Desmond will never need more than 5kg of the weakest explosive to breach ANYTHING.
3. You cannot beat the cost effectiveness of commercial explosive for ANY type of breaching.
4. The only reason to ever use anything but commercial explosives is when weight is limiting factor.

Again, I don't have any real gripes...I suppose these rules really work in our favor. Its just there really isn't any reason to invest in anything more elaborate than Rating 3 commercial explosives.

Oh, and one more thing...does anyone have any idea why on earth you would ever choose "Plastic Explosive" over "Foam Explosive"? They cost the same and do the same damage, but plastic explosive is a LOT harder to get a hold of. Not to mention that the foam explosive would be infinitely more flexible.

OneRonin: I haven't had a chance to play with the SR4 demolition rules yet either, but there will certainly be opportunities during the adventure. I'm actually excited to see what Des can do. Personally, I'd be happy if explosives are that effective in the hands of a trained individual because they should be. Barriers in SR are pretty daunting, and having decent rules for demolitions makes a character like Des a valuable addition to a team.

[EDIT]: The only reason I could imagine not to use foam is that you have to carry around a small aerosol can / tank which could be harder to conceal. Plastic you can mash into all sorts of fun and unrecognizable shapes.

DireRadiant: Yes 50 BP max for resources/gear. Sorry I was unclear about that.
QUOTE (Method @ May 27 2008, 11:26 AM) *
OneRonin: I haven't had a chance to play with the SR4 demolition rules yet either, but there will certainly be opportunities during the adventure. I'm actually excited to see what Des can do. Personally, I'd be happy if explosives are that effective in the hands of a trained individual because they should be. Barriers in SR are pretty daunting, and having decent rules for demolitions makes a character like Des a valuable addition to a team.

[EDIT]: The only reason I could imagine not to use foam is that you have to carry around a small aerosol can / tank which could be harder to conceal. Plastic you can mash into all sorts of fun and unrecognizable shapes.

DireRadiant: Yes 50 BP max for resources/gear. Sorry I was unclear about that.

I suppose you are right. Most likely, Des will keep a decent quantity of commercial explosives on board the ship for normal savage operations, and will probably have a couple of kilos of the nasty stuff for emergencies. I'm about to hit the explosives section in Arsenal, so their might be a few more things I'll be asking you about. But for now, my plan is, if it needs breaching, Des can do it. cool.gif

BTW, I work with a guy who is a former Special Operations Engineer Sergeant, and he is giving me all sorts of cool ideas for explosives use.

Bartholemew Smith

CS Rough start, I'll be updating a bit and adjusting as needed. Making tech characters involves a lot of details. Also still muddling through a few character and background details to flesh out. But at least this is something to look at for review.
@ Method: Not sure if you have access to Arsenal, but I'm really digging the advanced explosives rules. They offer a lot more flexibility than the BBB rules do, and the explosives effects are much more in line with what I expect. And here is a cool bit from that section:

QUOTE (Arsenal @ pg 93)
The gamemaster (not the player of the character doing the demolitions)
now rolls a Demolitions + Logic Test for the character.
The dice pool is modified for the information the character does
not have from the Breaching Calculations Table. After making the
roll, the gamemaster informs the player of the weight of explosives
the character thinks are needed. This is the weight as calculated,
plus or minus a factor based on the number of hits rolled—see
the Breaching Calculations Table. Roll a die: on an odd roll, the
character overestimated the amount needed, on an even roll, it
was underestimated.


Information Not Available (Modifier)

Material of target (–2)
Plans (–1)
Rating of explosives to be used (–2)
Thickness of target (–3)

Number of Hits Rolled (Charge Weight*)
None (±50%)
1 (±25%)
2 (±10%)
3+ (As calculated)

* Roll 1D6: add this percentage on an odd roll, subtract it
on an even roll.

If Des does his homework, he should average about 3 hits on the demo test, so his estimates should be dead on. I like that the GM rolls the test and not me. Fun times!

Also, keep in mind the underwater combat rules. Explosions underwater have their DVs increased by 1.5, but if the explosion's damage is mostly from shrapnel (probably not hte case with most explosives) the blast is doubled (so explosion diameter is halved).

So, if we're diving, and you need to breach something, you need to use less explosives, and swim farther back. Otherwise you'll blow us all up!
QUOTE (BlackHat @ May 27 2008, 02:25 PM) *
Also, keep in mind the underwater combat rules. Explosions underwater have their DVs increased by 1.5, but if the explosion's damage is mostly from shrapnel (probably not hte case with most explosives) the blast is doubled (so explosion diameter is halved).

So, if we're diving, and you need to breach something, you need to use less explosives, and swim farther back. Otherwise you'll blow us all up!

If Method ops to use the advanced demo rules in Arsenal, it's even better than that. If I want to blow a 1 meter hole in something that is more than 1 meter under water, I get a x4 multiplier for damage.

Don't worry, I'm doing all of my homework on this. Desmond knows his shit when it comes to explosives, so I'm gonna make it my business to know mine.

I do have Arsenal. I will be sure to review as it becomes necessary. One of my goals is to explore some of those core rules that don't see much use.
I've got a rough draft of Guy built up. I'll post it when I get home. Big product demo tomorrow, so it might be rather late.
pragma: no problem. Good luck with that.

DireRadiant: do I have to have a gmail account to access that site? I signed in with my google logon (which is a yahoo account) but it said "...that email address doesn't have permission to access this spreadsheet." I'm excited to see what you came up with. I think this character will be very handy.

Lidralyn is just about ready to go as well. Just need to hear from crizh- but no pressure. If everyone is ready to roll this week we can start, but otherwise I'm planning on starting next week so take your time.

OneRonin: I skimmed some of the advanced demolitions rules and they do look pretty sweet.

I'm going to do some thinking tonight about the team boat and I'll try to post my ideas in the AM. Also unless there are any objections I'm going to start the team off with a short one-shot job and have Lidralyn's character doing his thing separately. I think that will work well because everyone can intro their character, the A-Team of the Sea can work out their SOPs and the main plot will still be advancing.
All of this is still in flux, just felt like I should get some rough numbers up. so that I can start getting feedback.

[ Spoiler ]
Very preliminary and tentative for now, I've got a whole chunk more background to somehow get out of my head still. Got to sleep now so...

[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Method @ May 28 2008, 01:26 AM) *
DireRadiant: do I have to have a gmail account to access that site? I signed in with my google logon (which is a yahoo account) but it said "...that email address doesn't have permission to access this spreadsheet." I'm excited to see what you came up with. I think this character will be very handy.

My fault, i linked the wrong url, I edited the post to fix it to point to the published version. And also the correct link below.

Bartholemew Smith
All the characters are looking good. No glaring problems thus far, but I'll continue to review them as the week goes on.

DireRadiant: very cool character concept. Kind of like a Mentat from Dune, eh? I'm excited to read his background. smile.gif One question: Neurocortical Stimulator = Neocortical Amplifier?

As for the team boat, none of the canon vessels for SR4 seemed large enough to transport and deploy a minisub except maybe the Celebrian Striker Corvette which is a little out of a starting character's price range. Thus, I am whipping up stats for a small cargo vessel. I'll try to post them tonight.

and the stats for a minisub? wink.gif Or were you thinking, the drone submarine I had (which can fit on any ship with body 15+, with the drone rack modification - which might not be many)
Well there is the Vulcan Electronaut in the BBB, but there may be some stats for a larger minisub in due time... devil.gif
QUOTE (Method @ May 28 2008, 01:31 PM) *
DireRadiant: very cool character concept. Kind of like a Mentat from Dune, eh? I'm excited to read his background. smile.gif One question: Neurocortical Stimulator = Neocortical Amplifier?

Correct. My mistake again.
QUOTE (Method @ May 28 2008, 02:44 PM) *
Well there is the Vulcan Electronaut in the BBB, but there may be some stats for a larger minisub in due time... devil.gif

True missed that one. There are only vague rules for vehicles carrying other vehicles as cargo, and they don't line up at all with the drone rack rules (which, I presume, is because the drone racks allow the drone to be deployed rapidly as opposed to simply fitting inside a box).
Start on BG
[ Spoiler ]
I'm working on equipment and I've come up with this. Let me know what you all think.

[ Spoiler ]
Hey bossman, there seems to be some issues with the advanced demo rules in Arsenal. I started a thread about it here, but haven't gotten a definitive answer yet. Basically, the rules state that "Cutting" takes fewer kilograms than "Breaching", but the actual mechanics make it work in the opposite manner.

There are a few user suggestions on how to fix it, but no word from the devs.

It's not THAT big of a deal, but it does influence Desmond's explosive purchases. As it stands now, I have no reason whatsoever to purchase any cutting charges, or even attempt to do any "cutting" with explosives.

Anyway, if you could let me know your stance on this, I would be able to finalize my gear selection.
I'm still working out what I want to do with the 9 points I have left over, and will rejigger some gear (probably to pick up some toolkits, or dump a big expensive boat once we have a replacement).
QUOTE (BlackHat @ May 28 2008, 04:01 PM) *
I'm still working out what I want to do with the 9 points I have left over, and will rejigger some gear (probably to pick up some toolkits, or dump a big expensive boat once we have a replacement).

Feel free to donate a point for $5000 worth of explosives. cool.gif

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