Okay. I really like the "A Team of the Sea" concept thats developing. Just the kind of crew I need... or rather Mr. Johnson is going to need.
crizh: I love that character. I can't imagine a better seafarer magician.
TheOneRonin (who is not wounded...yet): Also a very good presentation. I especially like the detailed explanation of how he went from an operator to a borderline criminal. I'm always a little skeptical about that since most ex-ops can make a killing in legitimate security work, but your back story is good and plausible.
BlackHat: also very nicely done. You're character is definitely jumping to the forefront as a useful support character and the underworld connections play directly into my evil plans. Muahahaha...
pragma: again a very good character concept. Oddly enough I met a dude last night at a bar called the Kangaroo and the Kiwi here is Seattle that almost fits that description. He sails around on his boat surfing and writing programs and working by satlink and then puts to port to fly to meetings all over the world. Oh and he was apparently a monk of some kind. Anyway, I like it.
As of right now I think this will be the team, since these four characters all fit together nicely in form, function and motivation and they have pretty much all the basses covered in terms of skills and abilities.
However, given the flood of interest, I am seriously considering adding one more player, though I'm not sure who. I wanted to give everyone else some feedback so you can try to sell me on your characters. I know its difficult to create a character that fits the GM's vision without knowing the plot, but believe me this plot will be better served if left unspoken.
DireRadiant: I absolutely love the character. I'd love to GM that character in a more traditional SR setting, but as it is I'm just struggling to see how she will fit in with this team and in the context of the story I'm envisioning. Plus, to be fair I should say that the opportunities for a face will become more limited after the early part of the adventure (basically once the crew sets out to sea). Her combat skills would be useful, but I just don't think she would shine in this adventure the way I'd like to see her. Plus all those wonderful plot hooks would largely go to waste. Any other ideas?
Dakka: overall your concept is sound and mixes in elements of OneRonin and pragma's characters. I really like the image of the merc past his prime, spread a little too thin and trying to keep himself in the game as his edge starts to dull. Its very "John McClane" or "Rick Deckard" and has a real gritty cyberpunk feel to it. The main issue I have is that I would foresee a lot of overlap between your character and OneRonin's, both functionally and in terms of role playing possibilities. If I were taking a large group I wouldn't hesitate to take him as well- sometimes overlap is good. But I really want to keep this group small in order to keep the game moving (less waiting / schedule conflicts) so I would really like to see the team as lean as possible. Any other ideas?
Lidralyn: So heres the deal. I know you are really interested in getting into a game and I'd love to give you a shot. I think that there is some good stuff to work with in your character concept, but it seems to me that most of what you have presented would be hard to incorporate into this somewhat niche game. Like I told DireRadiant I think this particular character would be better served in a more traditional SR campaign where he is free to really explore his prime motivation- finding those dastardly parents (out of curiosity what did they do exactly?). The issue I have is that you've presented him as having *only* one motivation- one driving force. Its hard to work that into this particular adventure in any meaningful way and doesn't easily incorporate the rest of the group- its kind of a solo quest for vengeance deal. Any thoughts?
Also, regarding the plot-driving PC. Nigel was the first to express interest, but if he's not able to swing it I'd be happy to work with you on that. The character I need would require a distinctly different motivation than revenge though in order to fulfill his place in the plot. Understand that this arrangement would in effect bring the game up to 6 players, which is way beyond the number I wanted, so I'd really need you to stay active or else the character would have to revert to an NPC. Anyway I'm waiting to hear from Nigel so I'll let you know.
Nigel: any ideas? If so its probably safest to PM me so you don't give up any spoilers. I hate to ask this, but if you really can't think of anything you might consider stepping aside so Lidralyn can have a shot. As I understand it you are already involved in Dakka's PbP game, and Lidralyn is dying to give this a try. Just a thought.
Mickle5125: given the high demand for spots in this game and your rather severe schedule limitations in the crucial near future, I don't think there's any way I can hold a spot for you. Thanks for your interest though.
I welcome any feedback.
As for lifestyle / team boat- let me think on that a bit.