Me and my team have this gig for Lonestar, doing special jobs requiring special abilities. Trouble is, we do not get paid much and I need to make serious dough to keep my flat running with all the wattage my toys pull.
So, what kind of business could we sideline in, on the low, without daddy Star catching on, or even better, not caring.
We are three, two mages and one cybered gun-bunny. Between us we have spirits, agents and good technical skills, sucky social abilities and way too much soakage and firepower.
'sides the Qabbala Union is gathering soon to celebrate Madonna's 120th birthday, and I really wanna be flash at the party. Got this genuine looking python doll and I really need the outfit to go with it from Zoe's collection. Once I put a spirit in the doll I'll be killer!

So, let me know what you think, where can I scrounge good cash and still keep my day job fighting oppression?

Karla, dwarf rollergirl
Qabbala rocks!