May 31 2008, 10:40 PM
I want to make a prime runner who duel wields two mono whips but i need help in finding the best (biggest DP) build for this I can get a DP of 20 thus 10 for each whip+modifiers but i sure I could make him better. I need to have stealth skills as well as just pure DP one-trick power but as a NPC for the PC to run with he cant just woop-ass. Needs to be made with 500BP with or without gear.
Ps Cookie for who gets the reference and two for the name of the inspiring person.
P.p.s extra for any other ideas to make him like the inspiration.
May 31 2008, 11:37 PM
Lets see
Genetically Optimized elf with Exceptional Attribute and Aptitude.
Agility 9
Monowhips 7
Muscle Toner 4
Agility 9(13)
Monowhips 7 (+2)
Adept (Magic 4-1) Improved Ability 3
Agility 9 (13)
Monowhips 7 [10] (+2)
Weapon Focus 3
Agility 9 (13)
Monowhips 7[10] (+2)
Create a Martial Art that gives a bonus to monowhip usage and lets you take it twice. Take it twice.
Agility 9(13)
Monowhips 7[10] (+2)
[+3] [+2]
Now, if you don't have avability limitations you could forgo the high agility and muscle toner and instead get a pair of cyberlimbs with Agility 14 and optimized for monowhip use. This, however, requires buying an extra point of magic.
Agility - - [14]
Monowhips 7 [10] (+2)
[+3] [+2] [+1]
This combination leave you with 24 Base dice and 8 bonus dice per limb. Remember, modifiers are added after splitting and are thus bonus dice are worth twice what base stats are when dual wielding.
May 31 2008, 11:46 PM
Thank I forgot to use Bio/cyberwear as much as well as genetics. Now I will still need cheapish multiplie IPs or hell get wasted.
May 31 2008, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Monowhips 7 (+2)
Although I personally house rule this, technically canon states that the Monowhip requires the Exotic Melee Weapon skill, and as such is not eligible for Specialization.
May 31 2008, 11:59 PM
And minus the Martial Art witch I'll not use or I'll make my player ask for ott ones too leaves me with
Agility 9(13)
Monowhips 7[10]
or 23 dice plus an effective 6 for 15 dice per arm witch should be enough for both whips.
Plaesae correct me if wrong i was going to add the skill monofilliment for both whip and grottes plus their offspring nets, bolas ect. and for that Specialization would be allowed and it bing my total to 17 per arm
Jun 1 2008, 01:41 AM
I think you'd get the best mileage out of a dual cyberarm person. Make an elf with optimized agility, that's an augmented max of 12. Then grab a cybertorso and two cusomtized cyberarms with agility 12 (or 10 or 11, whatever turns out to fit best for points). It's cheaper BP-wise than maxing out to 9 with optimization and exceptional. Might allow you to have a monowhip guy who does more than just swing monowhips, which might be important. As deadly as they are, they are very close ranged, and you need a broad skillset to survive as a melee specialist in a world of magic and guns.
Jun 1 2008, 01:55 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Jun 1 2008, 09:59 AM)

Plaesae correct me if wrong i was going to add the skill monofilliment for both whip and grottes plus their offspring nets, bolas ect. and for that Specialization would be allowed ...
Technically, not according to canon.
QUOTE (SR4 pg. 112)
Exotic Melee Weapon (Agility)
The Exotic Melee Weapon skill must be taken separately for each different weapon you wish to be able to use. Some examples: sais, pole arms, chainsaws, cyber-implant weapons in unusual locations (ie, elbow spurs, foot blades).
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None
Specializations: N/A
It is easily house-ruled, but if you want to stick to the actual rules as written, then the character would need separate Exotic Melee Weapon skills for Monofilament Whip and Garrote. Nets fall under the Throwing Weapons skill, but Bolas are considered Exotic Throwing Weapons, and the character would once again need different skills. By canon, the only weapon from among those you listed that you could actually use a Specialization with is the Net.
Jun 1 2008, 02:11 AM
An ork called "The Whip" from an assassin group called "The Compound" who were sent to kill a guy named "Owen Glendowner" in the Shapcano net novel "Inheritance"?
Daier Mune
Jun 1 2008, 03:36 AM
another technicality: you can only dual wield with weapons that have a reach of 0 or 1.
Jun 1 2008, 04:17 AM
Mono whip Riposte Combat Sense Counterstrike Kung Fu (melee parry) - Mystic Adept and buy 1 point in Magic, summon a spirit with Guard.
Jun 1 2008, 04:17 PM
I do think the optimized limbs with a torso is the best bet.
On top of this, you can juice their Body and Strength to nice heights too; so if for some reason they didn't have the whips they could still lay some nasty smackdown on people as well as take hits. (If its an NPC and you want him Prime, you might as well max out the Torso and Limbs for all they're worth for all of Body, Strength, and Agility).
As for the martial art, I could see a type of art dealing with odd exotic weapons. If it doesn't exist? Make one up. If the rule doesn't work for you about dual-wielding reach 2 weapons? Change it(but make sure that it doesn't get abused. Sure, you CAN do it...but it's not going to be easy.) While as a GM I always, 99.9% of the time play by the same rules as the players-if something would add to the storyline, and improve the game overall, I might switch things up. Perhaps this martial art he knows is something new-which is why PCs can't dual wield reach 2 weapons. Perhaps if they get to know people who know this martial art and LEARN it...always good fuel for the story. That way PCs don't start running around right away with two combat axes, you get to make your monowhip guy, and the PCs might have something to look forward to in learning the art if they want to.
In addition, I might as well give the guy two cyberlegs too and a fair coating of armor on all limbs. Wielding two monowhips might get messy.
Jun 1 2008, 05:27 PM
Dual wielding two whips should probably be an exception to the rule. The rule is there because you can't dual wield a pair of swords that are as tall as you are, for instance. But whips are entirely possible. The only reason it even makes sense, though, is for two weapon mastery. Splitting your dice and making two attacks is absolutely pointless, because you could do that with just one melee weapon. Regardless, if your prime runner is splitting his dice all the time, he won't end up being very prime. The players will full defense to evade him, and then shoot him dead. There's not much point to 20+ dice unless you use them to one-shot people, in the end.
Jun 1 2008, 07:04 PM
Well here he is: (link to and .xls file on my unused site)
http://cbat.g3z.com/index.htmClick on the link called Mr. Monowhip looks like an add.
Enjoy I cant think of what to fill the last 5 capatisty on his cyberarms.
Im sorry about how much the site suck but i didn't have enough time to make it fancy.
Jun 1 2008, 07:25 PM
more armor?
plastic explosives?
more monowhips for the occassion where he loses one or both of them? O.o
Jun 1 2008, 07:50 PM
I've not really added the full amount of gear he'll have only the cyber and a few other bits and bobs.
P.s The link should work now Click on the link called Mr. Monowhip looks like an add.
Jun 2 2008, 11:43 AM
QUOTE (Fortune @ Jun 1 2008, 02:55 AM)

Technically, not according to canon.
It is easily house-ruled, but if you want to stick to the actual rules as written, then the character would need separate Exotic Melee Weapon skills for Monofilament Whip and Garrote. Nets fall under the Throwing Weapons skill, but Bolas are considered Exotic Throwing Weapons, and the character would once again need different skills. By canon, the only weapon from among those you listed that you could actually use a Specialization with is the Net.
It's my understanding that the garrote requires unarmed combat and an unsuspecting victim. At least that's how I read the specific garrote rules in Arsenal. Considering that you can't use it when a target is aware of you, I see no need to require an exotic weapon skill.
Jun 2 2008, 02:23 PM
QUOTE (Arsenal pg. 38)
The Exotic Melee Weapon skill is used for any exotic weapon that is held by the character or attached to him (as in the case of some cyberweapons) while he fights with it.
The description for the garrote (the first weapon listed in the section that contains the above quote) goes on to state that the Subduing Combat rules are used with certain exceptions and changes, but makes no mention at all of the Unarmed Combat skill, or gives any other indication that would override the statement I quoted.
Jun 3 2008, 04:51 PM
A quick question with two cyberarms both agil 12 would I split the 12 when spiting the dice pool or not? I am assuming not.
Jun 3 2008, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Jun 3 2008, 12:51 PM)

A quick question with two cyberarms both agil 12 would I split the 12 when spiting the dice pool or not? I am assuming not.
Yes, you'd split the 12. You split you dice pool and agility is part of the DP. Only thing you don't split are modifiers to the dice pool.
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