Dec 16 2003, 04:40 AM
1) If the calcium carbonate of a Petrify victim was dissolved (weak acid?), could cyberware be removed without harming it? No doubt the victim would be harmed.
2) What would happen if Petrify was cast on the body of a projecting magician? Does it get a resistance test? Does the mage lose consciousness upon returning? (say he did not dispel the spell)
Is this a good idea to help protect the body of a projecting mage if done voluntarily (body rating is added to force of spell for barrier rating) by a second sorcerer? How would worn armor affect potential damage?
Dec 16 2003, 06:01 AM
Don't normally deal with the magic slingers, but isn't cyberware considered to be 'part' of someone once they've paid the essence for it? Personally though, that aside I'd say that everything got turned to stone regardless of if the rules say different.
Now you've got me trying to remember if it's canon or not whether the petrified person still ages or if they're considered to be suspended animation. Last time this came up the general consensus round here was yes, IIRC. I think an e-mail to the official types is called for.
Dec 16 2003, 07:59 AM
clothing, gear and cyberware - is not affected. |
It says the target is not conscious, not in suspended animation, so I wouldn't think they stopped aging. Then again, according to how aging works cells would not be replacing themselves so aging may not occur.
Dec 16 2003, 08:37 AM
1) If the calcium carbonate of a Petrify victim was dissolved (weak acid?), could cyberware be removed without harming it? No doubt the victim would be harmed.
Yes, but that is Evil in so many ways.... That is just wrong. Disolve a living being to steal his cyber....
2) What would happen if Petrify was cast on the body of a projecting magician? Does it get a resistance test? Does the mage lose consciousness upon returning? (say he did not dispel the spell)
Yes, he gets a resistance, but unless he's pre-allocated Spell Defense to his body, and is still within Range of his body, only his body is rolled. He'd be aware his body was 'petrified' before just slipping back in and could dispel it from the Astral Plane or, if the person sustaining it is about and astrally active, attempt to take out the caster.
Is this a good idea to help protect the body of a projecting mage if done voluntarily (body rating is added to force of spell for barrier rating) by a second sorcerer? How would worn armor affect potential damage?
It's definitely a possibility, but seems excessive. Worn Armour would reduce the Power level before being applied against the Barrier Rating of the body.