Jun 24 2008, 07:31 PM
I know I've read something about this somewhere on the boards.
Is there a definitive list somewhere of which vehicles are 'security' or 'military' vehicles for purposes of determining their Device Rating?
Jun 24 2008, 08:19 PM
Not really, but if you need to, I'd use the "R" and "F" availability rating to identify security and military grade gear.
Jun 25 2008, 03:25 PM
there are 2 guidelines i am aware of:
1) some vehicles are explicitly security or military vehicles. the core book, for example, has 3 vehicles under the 'security and military vehicles' category. common sense and the descriptions should make it obvious which of those 2 categories it falls under. likewise, arsenal lists a 'security, military, and medical vehicles' section. again, it should be fairly evident.
2) if a vehicle has a built-in weapon mount, it is a security vehicle at minimum. (this is mostly needed to ID security drones, since the drones are only divided by size).
Jun 25 2008, 04:02 PM
Well, I'd say Software and Hardware that's bought for it.
If it's sold to a Security Company, it's a Security Drone.
If it's sold to a Military Company, then it's a Military Drone.