I'm thinking of writing up some form of excel document that can be updated during gameplay that each character gets, where you stat down all their silly achievements, a lot like in video games. So when it's finally time to scrap the character, you have something to show for it. Some things I'd like to include:

-Karma Gained.
-Edge Spent:
-Edge Burned:
-Bullets fired:
-Glitches rolled:
-Critical Glitches rolled:
-Highest Hits.
-Times punched:
-Punches thrown:
-Vehicles/Drones Owned:
-Vehicles/Drones Stolen:
-Vehicles/Drones Destroyed:
-Total Kills:
-Civilian Kills:
-Runner Kills:
-Corpsec Kills:
-Drugs Taken:
-Jokes told:
-Money Spent on Booze:
-Money Spent on Hookers:
-Money Spent on Drugs:
-Total Money Earned:
-Total Money Spent:
-Women slept with:
-Men slept with:
-Contacts gained:
-Contacts Killed/Lost:
-Maximum Speed:

And etc. So chip in things for the list that you think would be fun to look at once the runner dies/retires.