Jul 2 2008, 11:20 AM
Morning everyone,
My search-fu has failed me(must be the early morning). I am looking for a PDF or Word version of a 4e character sheet I can use on my computer to add in the name and stats and stuff. Just want to be able to add the info and then print out the sheet so it looks nice. You should see some of my groups sheets. Sloppy.

Any help pointing the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Jul 2 2008, 11:43 AM
Something that could be updated on the computer would be great. I found some character sheets at
tirsales.de/sheets, but somehow none of them felt *just* right.
Ended up going with a plain text file, after making the characters with the excel character generator.
Not pretty, but easy to update.
Jul 2 2008, 02:45 PM
I like Mintcar's sheets myself, and those are the ones that we use... but I could use more room for equipment, contacts and notes.
Jul 2 2008, 03:17 PM
Have you tried looking on the forums here under Community Projects?
http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showforum=3Besure to scroll all the way to the bottom first and change the selection from "Show: 30 days" to "Show All"
My crew and I like the character creator by Harri Tusa and updated by Jamz, because once you click on the "Finish & Advance Character" it moves all the information to a nice character sheet and it allows you to advance your character. The one that you can download from the community projects does not have all the current supplements. I also had to add some of the SR4 equipment in as well, and I'm slowly working on adding the other supplements for my crew.
Any way plop your butt down and do some serious meditations, and then head over to the Community Projects forums here and use your Search-Fu there. I think you will have better luck.
Jul 2 2008, 04:19 PM
I will do that WhiteWolf. I forgot to change that at the bottom.Your Search-fu skills impress me. I bow before a master. I though it rather weird that the list only went back 1 month. Told you it was early for me.

Jul 2 2008, 04:30 PM
I am surprised and disappointed that the Shadowrun official site does not have the character sheet as a pdf download. Let me see if I have the ability to make mine work.
Jul 2 2008, 05:18 PM
yeah, sorry. I cannot make it into a form.
Jul 2 2008, 05:29 PM
www.foxitsoftware.com has a free pdf viewer program. They also currently have a special going where you can get one of their purchasable packages by singing up for some spam. I got their foxit form creator (it just unlocks the functionality within the reader program) and allows for me to add fields into PDFs. Also, unlike adobe acrobat, foxit lets you save a pdf with the data in the fields, making it nice for easily updatable char sheets. (And to boot, it opens the shadowrun pdfs a lot faster than adobe). I didn't have any issue with getting the form software key from them after signing up, and called the company I signed up with the next day to ensure I didn't get billed anything.
If you want to do that, I'll leave it up to you, but I'd be willing to add forms onto a pdf if someone makes a poll on which PDF people would like me to do, and I'll throw it back up on the page once I'm done.
(The reason I only offer to do one PDF, I am currently doing this for another game's sheets, and the 1 page (double sided) charsheet is currently at 800+ fields in it. So its just time consuming.
(Edit: Corrected link to Foxit PDF Reader website)
Jul 2 2008, 06:32 PM
QUOTE (JTNLANGE @ Jul 2 2008, 10:19 AM)

I will do that WhiteWolf. I forgot to change that at the bottom.Your Search-fu skills impress me. I bow before a master. I though it rather weird that the list only went back 1 month. Told you it was early for me.

No need to bow before me. Fortune is the one who showed me that option.

Helpful elf that one is, strong in the shadows that one must be.
Jul 2 2008, 06:37 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker @ Jul 2 2008, 10:30 AM)

I am surprised and disappointed that the Shadowrun official site does not have the character sheet as a pdf download. Let me see if I have the ability to make mine work.
Jrayjoker, Have you tried here?
Game ResourcesLook towards the top in the sectino labeled "Resources and Record Sheets - Shadowrun Fourth Edition"
Here is a direct link to the SR4 character sheet from the official Shadowrun website.
Two Page Character Record SheetHope this helps!
Jul 2 2008, 07:14 PM
I personally like
SuperSpy's sheets. They're inspired by Wordman's SR3 sheets, in that they have different backs/second pages for different archtypes. They aren't perfect. I miss the dedicated street sam and merc backsides with separate columns for cyber and bioware and nice long lists of weapons. More contacts would be nice too, but all and all they're pretty serviceable.
Jul 2 2008, 08:05 PM
QUOTE (WhiteWolf @ Jul 2 2008, 12:37 PM)

Jrayjoker, Have you tried here?
Game ResourcesLook towards the top in the sectino labeled "Resources and Record Sheets - Shadowrun Fourth Edition"
Here is a direct link to the SR4 character sheet from the official Shadowrun website.
Two Page Character Record SheetHope this helps!

I can't believe my eyes skipped that file 3 times, but there it is. Of course it is not a form, so you have to print it or modify it in some way, but there it is...
Critical glitch on data search, bummer.
Jul 2 2008, 08:32 PM
Jray, if you want, I'll go ahead and throw forms on that official sheet, and throw it in the projects section.
Jul 2 2008, 09:30 PM
Thank you SO much for pointing out SuperSpy's sheet! I love it!! I only browsed over it for 10 minutes, but this is exactly what I've been looking for. The only think I can see that it's missing is being able to fill in the fields in Adobe.
Maybe a few more lines for Weapons and Contacts would be nice.
I might work on adding fields to this one myself. We'll see how much time I have...
Jul 2 2008, 09:56 PM
http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=15479Zxaos is working on converting it to an entry form I believe. No updates yet as to when it will be complete.
Jul 5 2008, 06:49 PM
Well if your still looking follow the link in my sig and check out my sheets. Not all that impressive but they work I used MS Word so they can be edited as you see fit.
Jul 7 2008, 03:56 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Jul 2 2008, 03:32 PM)

Jray, if you want, I'll go ahead and throw forms on that official sheet, and throw it in the projects section.
That would be very much appreciated, thanks a bunch!
Jul 7 2008, 05:47 PM
Those are good. Now I just need Word.
Let me know when you put those sheets up. You can never have too many sheets.
Jul 7 2008, 06:31 PM
JTNLANGE, check out www.openoffice.org. It'll read word files, and its free.
Jul 7 2008, 07:06 PM
Yea but it won't let me add anything to the file only read it.
Jul 7 2008, 08:48 PM
Unless he did something really strange with them, they should be able to be saved with openoffice also, I'll check on it when I get home.
Jul 7 2008, 09:06 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Jul 7 2008, 03:48 PM)

Unless he did something really strange with them, they should be able to be saved with openoffice also, I'll check on it when I get home.
If your talking about my sheets.......
Hehe I don't really know enough to do anything strange with them lol.
Should be as simple as right clicking the sheets you want and choseing save as to get them.
Jul 7 2008, 09:12 PM
Yes. Openoffice will default to .odt document type, you can just do a save as and choose .doc (xp/2000) instead, if you want microsoft office users to also be able to open it.
Jul 7 2008, 10:46 PM
Any of these guys updated easily while still in .pdf? I'm looking to run a play by post game on another forum, and I'd like something similar to SuperSpy's sheets, but able to be updated on the sheet proper, so I can keep track of it online rather than on hardcopies.
Jul 8 2008, 01:01 PM
Not yet, I plan to start adding forms to the official SR4 char sheet today. Note: Adobe won't let you save data inputted in forms, regardless.
Foxit will however.
Jul 8 2008, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Jul 8 2008, 09:01 AM)

Not yet, I plan to start adding forms to the official SR4 char sheet today. Note: Adobe won't let you save data inputted in forms, regardless.
Foxit will however.
Adobe 8.5+ will. I've got the D&D 4th edition sheets to prove it.
Jul 9 2008, 03:34 AM
And the entire install folder of foxit (including the form editor addon) is 5.9meg. The installer for adobe reader 9 is 33.5mb before installation. I'll stick with my smaller/faster/less bloated reader.
Anyway, finished the first half of the sheet today, will work on the backside tomorrow.
Jul 9 2008, 03:35 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Jul 8 2008, 09:34 PM)

Anyway, finished the first half of the sheet today, will work on the backside tomorrow.
Woot, thanks.
Jul 9 2008, 09:14 PM
Front side is finshed and gorgeous, backside has all the forms, but not even remotely pretty like. Probably finish it up tomorrow sometime. Cheers to downtime between answering calls.
Here is a quick screenie of how it looks so far with all the form names turned on. Final count is 829 different forms.
Jul 10 2008, 02:46 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Jul 9 2008, 04:14 PM)

Front side is finshed and gorgeous, backside has all the forms, but not even remotely pretty like. Probably finish it up tomorrow sometime. Cheers to downtime between answering calls.
Here is a quick screenie of how it looks so far with all the form names turned on. Final count is 829 different forms.

Talkin' 'bout

Jul 25 2008, 08:25 PM
Hey folks.
I played around with SuperSpy's sheets
http://sr.superspystudios.com/files/sr4cs03.pdfAnd made them into a fillable PDF form. I emailed what I have to Superspy, he said he'd be glad to host them. I don't have anywhere to put them online to link to here right now unfortunately.
My only qualm is that I don't think Adobe Reader users will be able to save the PDF forms. I haven't tried it with Adobe 8.5+ or Adobe 9 though, so maybe that will work.
If anyone has any other great character sheets they'd like to be turned into forms I can do it relatively easily.
Hopefully Superspy will put them up soon and link to them.
Jul 25 2008, 08:57 PM
Murrdox, I don't see any fields that I can type into in your PDF. I tried with both foxit and adobe and neither displayed any fields.
I apologize for how long it took me to update this with info on my progress. I got 2 trainees at work, and have been having to train them with my "free time" instead of work on the sheet. I just got them out and on their own today, so I should have some more time to get this sheet finished up sometime mid-next week with any luck. I'll keep you guys updated.
Jul 25 2008, 09:00 PM
No no, read my post more carefully

I posted Superspy's original sheet. I don't have anywhere to host the updated form-fillable version that I created. Hopefully Superspy will put it up for hosting relatively soon so that you can check it out.
Jul 26 2008, 09:19 AM
Maybe you could employ a free file host, while we're waiting for the real deal.
Drop.io and
Mediafire come to mind...
Jul 28 2008, 01:46 AM
Thanks for the tip.
I Updated the PDF so that it should now be save-able as well as edit-able. The previous version didn't allow users of Adobe Reader to save the form information. Until Superspy can put up links to the modified version, you can download the editable, save-able version here:
http://www.mediafire.com/?tm4bnltxmtyPlease others let me know if it works well for you or if there's anything I need to fix.
Jul 28 2008, 07:26 AM
Thanks a bunch! Works like a charm on Foxit. Maybe the ammo boxes could be tick-able, but personally I don't think I will be using them in any case.
Jul 28 2008, 01:17 PM
Thank you! Very nice.
Jul 28 2008, 01:17 PM
the ammo boxes aren't tickable because making those things tickable is very very tedious. I may get to it eventually when I have a couple spare HOURS to spend on it

It still irks me though, so I'll probably get to it sometime.
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