Now, I don't think anyone will really want any of this information and it's probably group/campaign independant, but for some background information. For approximately 12 years myself and my group have been using the Halloweeners as a main source of playing for our shadowrun games. Seems we prefer more low key-style stuff.
I like being a scummer!
Anyway. As a result, we've entirely developed the gang out (through various wipe-outs and rebirths), with personalities, stats and all that junk. Doubt anyone is MAJORLY interested, not sure what the usual SR4 gamer expects these days and all that, but if anyone wants a look over what we have, it's below.
To note mind, the stats are higher than the SR4 main book would suggest, primarly because multiple members have survived various wipe-outs, which suggests a serious ability to survive (also, it's our prime campaign material, but meh!).
I have an absolute TON of details, but I'll just post a bunch of crap (would should be understandable), which we wrote recently, but I do have full personalities, likes, dislikes and all that junkoid for everyone. Three of the posted are PCs (most die!).
Anyway, if anyone wants to piss with it, happy days.
One last thing. We have completely transformed Seattle into an anarchist state controlled by the japanese Military. Only several portions are even in a fit state to live in, thus gangs are massively important (cyberpunk thang!), which is why they may seem overpowered to what most believe simple "gangers" should be. But remember! The halloweeners have been in business simce 2050 chummer!
Slash B5 A4 R5 S4 - C4 I6 L3 W5 - E3 I2 M7 (5) (n' burn)
Bison B8 A7 R6 S7 - C3 I3 L3 W3 - E3 I2
Zaney B4 A9 R7 S8 - C2 I4 L2 W4 - E2 I3 (Janey)
Bobby B14 A2 R3 S13 - C2 I2 L1 W3 - E1 I1 (Blue)
Tiggs B3 A4 R8 S3 - C4 I5 L4 W4 - E5 I2
Brad B5 A4 R4 S5 - C2 I4 L1 W4 - E7 I1
Tara B3 A7 R6 S4 - C4 I3 L2 W2 - E5 I3
Suzie B3 A6 R5 S3 - C5 I4 L2 W2 - E6 I2
Plum B4 A3 R6 S4 - C3 I3 L3 W4 - E4 I2 (Short for Pummel)
Mary B2 A3 R3 S2 - C2 I2 L2 W5 - E6 I1 M9 (Little Mary)
Pepper B2 A3 R5 S2 - C3 I2 L5 W3 - E3 I2
Slash : Smartlink, Wires L1, Cybereyes (low-light, thermo)
: Killing Hands, Elemental Strike (fire), Critical Strike L2
: Smashing Blow, Commanding Voice, Sustenance,
: Imp Unarmed L2, Combat Sense L2
Bison : Smartlink, Boosted L3, Muscle Replacements L3, Dermal L1
Zaney : Retractable Spur (1), Wires L2, Cybereyes (thermo, low-light)
: Cyberlegs - Spurs (2), Hydralic Jacks L3, S8, A9
: Cyberarms, Spurs (4), S8, A9
Bobby : Titanium Bone Lacing
Tiggs : Smartlink, Datajack, Cybereyes (thermo, low-light, flare comp),
: Boosted L3, Reaction Enhancers L2, Internal Shotgun.
Brad : Spurs (2), AimLink, Thermographic, Olfactory L6
Tara : Smartlink, Wires L2, Muscle Replacements L2, Cyberfangs W/sac
Suzie : Smartlink, Wires L1, Sound Filter L3, Olfactory L2
: Taste Boost L2, Spartial Recognier
Plum : Cyberarms (Extension R1), S11 A8, Smartlink, Boosted L2
Mary : Berserk, Killing Hands, Critical Strike L6, Imp Unarmed 6
: Attrib Boost STR+3, AGL+3, REA+3, BOD+3.
Pepper : Datajack, Smartlink, Commlink, Wires L1
Major Skills
Slash : CLOSE COMBAT 3, Unarmed +2, FIREARMS 5, Shotguns +1
: INFLUENCE 3, Leadership +1, STEALTH 3, Infiltration +1
: Throwing 2, Intimidate 2, Heavy Weapons 3, ATHLETICS 2
: Running/Climbing +1, Dodge 5.
Bison : FIREARMS 3, Assault Rifles +2, CLOSE COMBAT 3, Blades +1,
: Intimidate 3, ATHLETICS 2, Heavy Weapons 3, Throwing 2,
: Dodge 2
Zaney : Blades +5 (implanted), Offhand Blades +5 (implanted)
: ATHLETICS 4, Gymnastics+2, STEALTH 2, infiltration+4
: Throwing 4, CLOSE COMBAT 2, Unarmed +3.
Bobby : CLOSE COMBAT 3, Unarmed +1, Throwing 4, Intimidate 2
Tiggs : FIREARMS 4, Shotguns +2, CLOSE COMBAT 1, Blades +1, INFLUENCE 4
: INFILTRATION 2, Intimidate 3, Drive 3, Perception 4
: Heavy Weapons 1, Dodge 3.
Brad : CLOSE COMBAT 4, Blades +1 (cyber),Blade Offhand 5 (cyber)
: Throwing 4 (knives/lobbed), Intimidation 4, ATHLETICS 2,
: Perception 2 (scent), Dodge 2 (ranged), Infiltration 2 (urban).
Tara : ??
Suzie : ATHLETICS 2, CLOSE COMBAT 2, blades +2 (knives),
: offhand blades 4 (knives), FIREARMS 2, Automatics +1
: INFLUENCE 2, Leadership +2 (morale), Intimidate 2, Drive 1
: Throwing 2 (knives), Perception 3 (sound/smell),
: Dodge 2 (ranged).
Plum : FIREARMS 4, Assault Rifles +1, CLOSE COMBAT 2, Unarmed +3,
: Drive 4, INFLUENCE 2, Leadership +2, Dodge 4 (ranged)
: Throwing 2 (lobbed), ATHLETICS 3, Heavy Weapons 3.
Mary : CLOSE COMBAT 2, Infiltration 2, ATHLETICS 1
Pepper : CRACKING 5, ELECTRONICS 4, Drive 2 (bike), FIREARMS 2
Slash : Homeground, Guts, Adept.
Bison : Homeground, Will to Live L2, Guts,
Zaney : Homeground, Pain Tolerance L2, Guts, Aptitude (blades)
: Ambidexterity.
Bobby : Homeground, Pain Tolerance L3, Guts, Toughness.
Tiggs : Homeground, Guts, First Impressions.
Brad : Homeground, Guts, Resistance to Toxins.
Suzie : Homeground, Ambidexterity, Guts.
Tara : Homeground, Guts, ??
Plum : Homeground, Guts, Blandness.
Mary : Homeground, Quick Healer.
Pepper : Homeground, Codeslinger.
Major Equipment
Slash : Enfield Pump-Action, Raging Bull, Kevlar Vest
Bison : Ares Alpha, Plated vest, Combat Axe
Zaney : Aztech Flexi Suit.
Bobby : Reinforced Clothing.
Tiggs : SPAS-32, Monoblade,
Brad : Survival Knife, Assorted Grenades, Plated Vest.
Suzie : Uzi, Armoured Clothing, Dikoted Blades (2).
Tara : Ares Predator, Lined Coat
Plum :
Mary :
Pepper :
Looking roughly over it, I'd imagine yah'll would want further information, race, ethnic background blah blah blah. I'll look in to it if I anyone gives a crap enough and likes the gangs as much as myself.
- Baatorian
Edit : All stastics are already adjusted for cyberware.