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Full Version: Is Damien Knight HMHVV positive?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Shanshu Freeman
What do y'all think? Sound off. Perhaps it pertains to some of his motives.
He has a datajack...
Is there something that makes you think this? I mean, sure he's a blood sucker but I don't know about vampire biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Nath @ Dec 17 2003, 02:11 PM)
He has a datajack...

He has a datajack, he goes through leonization, etc. Those don't mesh well with HMMVV regeneration.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Cray74 @ Dec 17 2003, 02:38 PM)
QUOTE (Nath @ Dec 17 2003, 02:11 PM)
He has a datajack...

He has a datajack, he goes through leonization, etc. Those don't mesh well with HMMVV regeneration.

Do we *know* it's a *functional* Datajack? Maybe it's just a cosmetic, surface thing... ? and can we prove he takes leonization?
Large Mike

I can tell you with the utmost confidence that, unless someone decides so in response to this thread, Damien is not HMHVV positive. And *that* is *Very* unlikely.
Fresno Bob
He is now!
Its time for me to sound stupid but what is HMHVV?
Ol' Scratch
Don't worry about asking stupid questions -- there's no such thing as long as it's sincere. HMHVV is the abbreviation for the Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus. It's the "disease" responsible for creating vampires, ghouls, wendigos, and all those fun critters. You can read up on them in sourcebooks like Critters (which is found in the Game Master's Screen, or whatever it's called; I can't remember anymore).
Nath wrote:
He has a datajack...
Cray74 wrote:
He has a datajack, he goes through leonization, etc. Those don't mesh well with HMMVV regeneration.

Guys, the Krieger strain of the virus--which creates ghouls--does NOT confer regenerative abilities. Ghouls may have cyberware implanted just like everyone else.

For the record, I don't think Damien Knight is HMHVV positive.
Being as my GM's screen name is Damien Knight I seriosly doubt that he is in fact HMHVV positive.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Joker9125)
Being as my GM's screen name is Damien Knight I seriosly doubt that he is in fact HMHVV positive.

Oh, well then I guess that answers my question!

Plus (and I'll probably get flamed for mentioning it) the is canon (well the novels) references to Vampires having cyberware *ducks for cover* it's bizarre and freaky but according to that novel as long as they had the cyber *before* infection they keep it..... well with some major drawbacks like if it gets damaged at all they die *8-> I'd never let a cybered vampire into any game I was running... or really was in... too silly and faaaaar to powerful....
Shanshu - I'd just like to know what you're basing your hipothesis on. Any canon fact that eluded us? What motives would it justify?
QUOTE (Callidus)
Vampires (can have cyberware) as long as they had the cyber *before* infection they keep it

SR changed that I think. Now, even pre-infection cyber gets rejected -- in painful and dramatic fashion no doubt. In 1st edition they could keep their cyber. Just check out the vampire hit-mage, Nemisis, in the adventure Total Eclipse.
Well I'd certainly make their cyber and bio be ejected painfully..... *8-> But I didn't know that they had errata'ed the cybered vamp issue, biggrin.gif very glad they have though as the only reference I've ever seen to whether they can or can't is that novel.....
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Synner)
Shanshu - I'd just like to know what you're basing your hipothesis on. Any canon fact that eluded us? What motives would it justify?

*visions of a hunted man who knows too much flash through Shanshu's head*

Oh no, I'm not falling into that trap!!!11one
QUOTE (Munchkinslayer @ Dec 19 2003, 11:55 AM)
QUOTE (Callidus @ Dec 19 2003, 05:50 AM)
Vampires (can have cyberware) as long as they had the cyber *before* infection they keep it

SR changed that I think. Now, even pre-infection cyber gets rejected -- in painful and dramatic fashion no doubt. In 1st edition they could keep their cyber. Just check out the vampire hit-mage, Nemisis, in the adventure Total Eclipse.

I have seen no canon rule that contradicted the creation of someone like nemesis. SR3 blatantly states that all old sourcebooks are still valid as long as they were not contradicted by newer books. Unless someone provides a book quote saying that this specific circumstance is not possible I will continue to use it.


There is something seriously wrong with you! biggrin.gif
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (BitBasher)


There is something seriously wrong with you! biggrin.gif

I'd still like to know the basis of your theory.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Fortune)
I'd still like to know the basis of your theory.

To be precise, I never said I thought he was. I just asked if *you* guys thought he was...

Maybe I'll elaborate sometime.
Frag-o Delux
I hate to dig up old topics, but the Hidden Life thread got me thiking. What if it isn't HMHVV but a spirits hidden life that keeps him enternally youthfull. He is after all a AAA CEO. How hard would it be for him to convience a low level spirit to do that for him. He could do a lot for the spirit, and it would make him basically immortal, immune to just about all damage. The only side effect would be the mental flaws he picked up when the spirit got stronger. He could have a mage find its true name though and have it bound so it couldn't do anything or whatever, the spirit surely couldn't kill him for betraying it, other wise it would die. He could then never really have any mental flaws from it, and with his money he could have them fixed, plus he has karma to burn to fix them also. He could them kill the mage so no one knows the spirits name to do anything to his protection charm.
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