Jul 11 2008, 06:27 PM
Ok we watch the jamews Bond movies and some read the books and imagine bond as the runner, but, forgetting that he's a govenrment agent, look at his opposition in the books and those are more the shadowrunners, if you look beyond the ties to the soveit union.
For example:
Live and Let Die, Casino Royal and Property of a Lady are all about money laundering. To some extent so is Diamonds are Forever.
From Russia with Love is about false information, the plan is to lure Bond into a situation where he will be compromised.
Thunderball is blackmail and theft of a well guarded object
Moonraker is about discrediting a major project.
in fact the only Bond stories that seem to have bond as the runner are:
For Your Eyes Only- an assassination
A View to a Kill- covering a defection from A to B
A Quantum of Solace. well sabotage.
Jul 11 2008, 07:03 PM
Aww, I was hoping you were gonna stat some of the villains out.
Well, then again, I was gonna suggest some of the movie villains, like Jaws, Nick Nack, or Oddjob...
Jul 11 2008, 07:10 PM
Well, our group once had access to a tactical nuke. We liberated it from a terrorist cell in Tacoma.
While that may on the surface seem like a Bond mission, all claims of belonging to the good side where lost in the debate on "profitable uses of this rare and powerful asset" (we chickened out. The GM was clearly displeased).
Jul 12 2008, 12:30 AM
Well...Bond's originals enemies were SPECTRE not the Soviets. And SPECTRE is essentially just an organized crime/terrorism ring.
Dr. No, Goldfinger, Le Chiffre, Bloefeld, Bunt.
Jul 12 2008, 06:30 PM
That's the movies. when they started making the movies in the 1960's the cold war was a little calmer and no one was looking to stir up the rivalry-too many recent bad memories, So the movies started with the villains that came in at the END of the books
The books started in the 1950's when the soviets were the big bad boogiemen. The way 'uslim extremists' are convenient villains in modern movies.
Casino Royal, Live and Let Die, Goldfinger, The Property of a Lady, Dr No, Has Bond facing agents, usually paymasters, of Soviet organizations in the west.
Moonraker, From Russia with Love, A View to a Kill Has Bond facing actual agents of the USSR.
Diamonds are Forever, The Man with the Golden Gun The Hildebrand Rarity he faces criminals, though Saramanga, the MwtGG isa former KGB assassin who went private.
Ironically in For Your Eyes only the target is not a communist but a Cuban thug who's fled the communists.
only Thunderball, On Her Majesties Secret Service, You Only Live Twice had Bond facing Spectre.
Jul 21 2008, 09:53 PM
Almost any techno thriller, action movie or heist movie fits the mould...
...And that's what they are.
Anything with those elements can be used as the inspiration for a shadow op...
...and that's all a Shadowrun is - quasi-legal activity by criminals, police forces, military forces or independents.
Hocus Pocus
Jul 27 2008, 03:16 AM
Pussy galore and Dr. goodhead no doubt
but man i just saw goldeneye again today and i forgot how hot that russian chick was, the evil one, the good one wasn't bad either. Man the bad one, sado-masachisting chick, i hope i dream about her tonight.
Jul 27 2008, 03:25 PM
QUOTE (Hocus Pocus @ Jul 27 2008, 03:16 AM)

Pussy galore and Dr. goodhead no doubt
but man i just saw goldeneye again today and i forgot how hot that russian chick was, the evil one, the good one wasn't bad either. Man the bad one, sado-masachisting chick, i hope i dream about her tonight.
Then I suggest you watch X-Men so you can oggle her in tight spandex.
Jul 27 2008, 09:04 PM
QUOTE (Synner667 @ Jul 21 2008, 05:53 PM)

Almost any techno thriller, action movie or heist movie fits the mould...
...And that's what they are.
Anything with those elements can be used as the inspiration for a shadow op...
...and that's all a Shadowrun is - quasi-legal activity by criminals, police forces, military forces or independents.
oh i agree. but my point was that you can look to the 'bad guys' in a movie as well as the hero's. I mean James Bond is the good guy and maybe some guys play with that cool ability in mild but not all the bad guys should discarded.
Hocus Pocus
Jul 28 2008, 02:44 AM
QUOTE (Cheops @ Jul 27 2008, 04:25 PM)

Then I suggest you watch X-Men so you can oggle her in tight spandex.
the only chick i can recall that might fit the russian babes descripiton is the one who plays jean grey. is that her? man the intermitant years were not too kind, would hever have put them two together. She looks better dark haired no doubt.
Wounded Ronin
Jul 28 2008, 06:52 AM
Dr. No is the best Bond film ever. If you haven't seen it yet, you must.
Snow Fox, I admire your knowledge of Bond.
Jul 28 2008, 01:42 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jul 28 2008, 01:52 AM)

Dr. No is the best Bond film ever.
Isn't 'Dr. No' Ron Paul's nickname? What did he do to become a James Bond villain? Decide to cut spending on defense intelligence?
Jul 28 2008, 02:05 PM
QUOTE (Hocus Pocus @ Jul 28 2008, 03:44 AM)

the only chick i can recall that might fit the russian babes descripiton is the one who plays jean grey. is that her? man the intermitant years were not too kind, would hever have put them two together. She looks better dark haired no doubt.
Correct. They are one and the same.
Jul 28 2008, 03:23 PM
But back to the topic: Oh, yes many of them most certainly are, and here's a few rough ideas to play with (only movie characters, I'm afraid, never liked Mr. Bond well enough to read the books):
Oddjob - hidden ware or physad (GM's preference) - Strengh/Body enhancement; pain editor or equivalent; supreme with thrown weapons; very good at hand to hand combat; reasonable driving and etiquette skills.
Jaws - Cybered to the gills (why not make him a troll as well, just for fun) - Enahnced physical attributes; bone lacing extending to teeth.
Samedi - Woodoo shaman (Orc or human, most likely), that's pretty straight forward.
Tee Hee - Enhanced Orc with cyber arm and all the normal combat wires.
At least here's a few ideas.
Wounded Ronin
Jul 28 2008, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jul 28 2008, 08:42 AM)

Isn't 'Dr. No' Ron Paul's nickname? What did he do to become a James Bond villain? Decide to cut spending on defense intelligence?
Because he's a Yellow Peril asian with robotic hands, duh.
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