Cheese Emperor
Dec 22 2003, 12:18 AM
Turns out I didn't make the deadline, Doctor, so I'm out. Or I was never in. However you want to look at it.
Dec 22 2003, 12:25 AM
Sorry- only read the first post of this topic ^_^.
Is there any room left? I wanna be a pirate! Yaar!
Dec 22 2003, 12:30 AM
It's looking like both us riggers missed out, *8-< So which of the norms can pilot a ship? *8->
Ol' Scratch
Dec 22 2003, 12:35 AM
I'm sure most of us can, just not as well as a rigger. :/ Guess we're going to have to hire us a pilot unless someone wants to invest in a VCR.
But then again, a ship with a Robotic Pilot in the 4-5 range with Robotic Reflexes 3 could be rather swanky, too.
We can have all those 2001: A Space Oddessey-style moments.
Cheese Emperor
Dec 22 2003, 12:43 AM
Have fun, guys.
Fresno Bob
Dec 22 2003, 02:15 AM
You know what? I forgot to put contacts on my character...
Oh, and Johnny can't pilot the ship. He has no ship skill.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 22 2003, 02:34 AM
So we have an incompetent first mate then? <smack> Get a Ship skill. <smack again for good measure>
Fresno Bob
Dec 22 2003, 03:06 AM
He's not incompetent...fine, I'll make some changes...
*several minutes of agonizing over skills later*
Ok, I've got it.
Diving: 6
Gyrojet Pistol: 6
Throwing Weapons(Grenades): 2/4
Stealth: 3
Demolitions: 5
Chemistry B/R(Explosives): 3/5
Underwater Combat (Knife): 2/4
Biotech(First Aid): 1/3
Etiquette(Nautical): 1/3
Welding: 3
Ship(Whatever Type of Ship We Start With): 2/4
Thar we go.
Hmm, Maybe I should think of some edges and flaws...
Fresno Bob
Dec 22 2003, 03:07 AM
Also, its probably going to suck to be your underling. More good ship names
The Devirginizer
The Velvet Fuck
Bunny Killer
Ol' Scratch
Dec 22 2003, 03:32 AM
<smacks you again> Quit your bitching.
Some Helpful Suggestions: Demolitions doesn't have a B/R skill; it's part of the main skill (the Chemistry Knowledge Skill is used to create explosives). Biotech is pretty useless at a skill of 2. You'd be better off specializing in First Aid at 1/3 or dropping it entirely and just defaulting or relying on a medkit's rating. Welding would likely be a Knowledge Skill that you use as a Complimentary Skill for a more appropriate Build/Repair skill (like Ships B/R). I think the specializations for Ships are Diesel, Nuclear, and Sails so you might want to choose one of those categories instead of the ship we're going to have (as hopefully we'll be upgrading to better ones as time goes on).
Dec 22 2003, 04:14 AM
My guy had ship 5
Herald of Verjigorm
Dec 22 2003, 04:22 AM
Just to make it easier as you re-work those skills, here's the relevant numbers from your quartermaster-magister.
Focused Concentration
Gremlins Lvl 2
Active Skills: 30
Sorcery: 6
Conjuring: 6
Athletics: 4
Etiquette: 5
Ship: 4
Negotiations(Bargain): 4(6)
Knowledge Skills: 30 (-7)
Parazoology: 5
Zoology: 4
Psychology: 5
Astronomy: 4
Navigation: 5
Language Skills: 9 (+7)
English: 5
Japanese: 3
Spanish: 3
Filipino: 3
Russion: 2
Spells: 25
Stunbolt: 6
Heal: 6 (Exclusive for cost)
Oxygenate: 1
Armor: 5
Create Food: 3 (Exclusive for cost)
Create Water: 3 (Exclusive for cost)
Shape Water: 4
Catalog: 1
Magic Fingers: 2
Fresno Bob
Dec 22 2003, 04:44 AM
Well, do we have a diesel ship, or a nuclear ship, or an old spanish galleon, or what?
Also, I used to have Biotech specialized as First Aid, I don't know why I changed it. And Welding as a knowledge skill? I meant it like, he could weld a hole in ships, and toss some explosives in, or use an torch to cut down doors. You know, crap like that. That seems like an Active skill use to me...
Large Mike
Dec 22 2003, 07:54 AM
Unless something kooky inspires me, you'll mosty likely have a diesel ship. I'm getting attacked by about eight things at once, all of which are required to maintain my standard of living, so have patience.
Dec 22 2003, 02:41 PM
Im gonna put up Iron Rodger for the master gunner. I gots gunnery 6.
As to a ship, Im gonna vote for a SHIP (aka hull rated) seeing as most of you have the ship still and not the moterboat skill (which covers all surface watercraft without hull rating). Im allready donating a speedboat to use in boarding operations.
Dec 22 2003, 03:58 PM
Curse my going to a LAN party! Ah well, have fun guys.
Large Mike
Dec 23 2003, 01:22 AM
Alright guys, so this is what's going on. A ship would have cost *easily* in the millions of dollars. What you guys can pull together on 617,480 is... A Biohm & Voss River Commander, but that sucks, so I'm gonna be nice and all.
You'll be getting a GMC Avenger (an alternate name for an Aztechnology Tiburon Patrol Boat). Sorry, standard version, not combat. Your ship skills will apply. My apologies for getting your hopes up, but getting a better boat is half the fun, no?
Anyways, I'll be making up the OOC and IC now. Thanks for being patient, guys. Things got a little stupid in my life for a couple of days.
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