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Large Mike

So, I just came home from GenCon SoCal, where not only did I pick up Cyberpirates and Smuggler Havens, my roommate for the duration was (I'm not kidding) a pirate. Random plug for Sade

So, naturally, I'll be running a pirate game. It'll be set in the Carib, because the Huk seems too bleak (yes, this is me, saying something is too bleak), and Africa seems a little too... cutthroat. I'd kill you all *far* to quickly.

So, we will be having a flamboyant, over the top, pirate game.

This time, I will not be limiting starting cash (although remember these are poeple desperate enough to risk their lives for money), but I will be asking for donations towards the crew again, so give generously. As usual, the guy who gives most gets the top spot, and there is the matter of buying a ship out of this.

Let's hear interest
*blink blink*


Stop it.

You're eating away at my free time.

*runs off to make up good idea for character*
Large Mike

That's what I'm here for. Remember, I want a very Pirates of The Carribean, flamboyant, trying to build legends vibe.
Why don't I have those two books?!

*bash forehead off table*

I have an idea, kind of, and as such, once I get it in a firmer position I'll be throwing questions your way. Hope I don't sound like too much of an idiot asking things that should be basic for people who've read it.
Fresno Bob
Sweet, I want to be a pirate!
Cheese Emperor
Max avail? rating? BPs? etc. etc.
Cheese Emperor
And I'm thinking drone rigger, btw.
Herald of Verjigorm
"A pirate I was meant to be, trim the sails and roam the seas!"

I prefer magical character types, let me know the restrictions.

Now I have to decide what psychology (and thus magic style) would work...
Ol' Scratch
Oh my god! This game sounds fantastic! I've always wanted to play in a Pirate game. Count me in. I can't wait to hear more details about this one. smile.gif
Large Mike

Avail as usual, with the following exceptions: Cyber, Bio, etc. :7 Nautical stuff: 9 If the cyber also falls under nautical stuff: 9

BPs: 123. I prefer priority or sum-to-10, and those guys will get priority. I know it's stupid and irrational, but I don't have to be rational.

Oh, also, I will be counting the 'Ship' skill towards more than just driving the damn thing. It'll also cover everyday stuff on the ship. So, I recommend it.

Don't worry about purchasing a ship, I'll do it out of what's donated. Contacts for various supplies and in various ports will be *very* helpful.

And you don't need to have read either of the aforementioned books to play. There's nothing really rules-wise, so...

Don't worry about asking newb question. As a matter of fact, I encourage it.
Ol' Scratch
Are we going to be "bad guy" pirates or "Robin Hood" pirates?
Herald of Verjigorm
I will remind anyone who is uncertain of what choices to make, that combat at sea has a chance of falling overboard and heavy armor can make those swimming TNs painful.
Digital Heroin
Damn... and just when I'm way from my tower, and still a couple weeks from my actual books... *shakes a cutlass at ye* I'll have to think of how to make a character with little/no paper or digital book access... but I be wantin' in...
Fresno Bob
Sum to 10 is like, As are worth 4, Bs worth 3, Cs worth 2, Ds worth 1, and Es worth nothing, right? So, I can make a mundane human with race and magic at E, and then Attributes and Skills at B, and then Resources at A, or some mix thereof?
Large Mike

You should know by now not to ask about good and evil in Shadowrun. You will fall somewhere in the middle, to be determined by you.
Fresno Bob
Hella same time post, LM...
Large Mike

For Sum-2-10, A is 4, B is 3, C is 2, D is 1, and E is 0.

And, DH, you're talented enough that we can work something out with building that character.
Large Mike

Herald, the character seems to pass mustard, but you totally didn't describe him or give him a personality. You really need to do that. Cause the concept of a Wujen pirate is really cool.
Damn, It's too tempting to not play... *8-> Is there still room? I was thinking of a piloting rigger, mostly boat but possibly with a little drone for fun, either that or a seriously techie rigger... you the guy you rarely see in the daylight and then always covered in oil... *8-> If nothing a game were you've got to start yell "Arh! Jim lad!" *8->

On the character front I'll try and put something together this weekend... still stuck in germany with no books *8-< but will get it to you as soon as....
Maybe a adept pirate....

Furiously thinking of a char concept
HA! Im all over this. Ill have one (at least numbers) shortly. And yea, hanging out with Mr. Sade will turn anyone into a pirate. just hope he has more bandanas this year at GenCon indy.
Working on a Wind Shaman if theres still room..
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (Large Mike)
Herald, the character seems to pass mustard, but you totally didn't describe him or give him a personality. You really need to do that. Cause the concept of a Wujen pirate is really cool.

I'm still trying to figure out an approprite background and personality, I have some fragments and am trying to fill it together.
Ol' Scratch
Just in case you don't see the pop-up, I sent you a PM with a quick sketch of the character I'm thinking about proposing (an ork aspected conjurer hougan of Baron Samedi).
Me me me!!! I wanna play!!

*bats eyelashes*

I have these two FANTASTIC pirates I made for my one shot. Yin and Yang!! A pair of twins, one's black and the other's an albino smile.gif

Anyone wanna play my better half?

If you want LM..I can email you the files asap
Large Mike

heh. Yeah, blitz, you can play either one, just remember to tone it down to starting character level. Oh, wait, wasn't one of them a magician of the physical path? If so, let's maybe not. Otherwise, go crazy.

Herald's the only one to have sent me a complete character and be approved. Anyone feel free to send me character concepts, or numbers, or anything. The thing of the day seems to be PMing my with info. If you really feel like mailing me, though, icedwarf at
Large Mike
Lindt, the numbers look solid, but you realize with gear like that, you'll sink to the bottom of the sea as soon as you fall overboard. Also, I intend to set you guys up with a ship, so what are you going to do with that Cigarette Hydrofoil once the game starts? I recommend getting rid of it and putting that money into the crew.
Few questions, I have a really bad memory.

1) How much is it to Dwaf-size something?

2) Would a peg-leg be considered nautical? grinbig.gif

3) Are there options to make things more water-friendly (Say cyberware-wise)?

4) Feelings on created guns? (Cannon Companion, obviously)?

5) If you don't mind the self-created guns, how much would it be to seal a gun so it could fire underwater?

That's all for now.
Cheese Emperor
Will the money we put in on the ship at least partially go for ship weapons? Also, can you be a bit more specific on what qualifies as nautical? Finally, what are the thoughts of everyone of getting something like a Yellowjacket autogyro?
The Grifter
Hoi, mates. I'm new to these forums, and wanted to get in on a game, so I was told this one was recruiting for players? Anybody wanna give a n00b a chance here? I'm very familiar with Shadowrun (6+ years of playing), and I think a pirate game would be a very unique twist? If so, let me know, I'm coming up with alot of cool character ideas.
Fresno Bob
Hmmm...character concept...

Decker...thats out.

I could make a Rigger...wait, thats already taken.

Well, theres always room for an asskicker on a boat, right?
Herald of Verjigorm
Decker may have a use, paydata can be as valuable as good ol' booty. A decker could also serve the role of back-up rigger.
Fresno Bob
Man, I want to make an Elf, but I kind of want to use the priority system. Damn, I'll just use BP. LM knows me, and hopefully likes me. He knows my RP capabilities, and the like.
Herald of Verjigorm
I used sum to 10, he likes that better than BP.
Fresno Bob
I'm going to make an Elvish underwater demolition specialist.
Priority for me, only because it would've come out the same that way and Sum-to-10.
Fresno Bob
You know what? Screw it. I'll use Sum to 10. Cause I'm awesome that way. I'm thinking B, B, C, C, E, with B in resources and skills, and C in race and attributes, with E being magic.
Large Mike

To Dwarf-size things cost an extra 10%

Yeah, I'll consider a peg-leg nautical. Just cause I dig it.

I'm not sure if there are any options to make things water-proof, but add another 5% to its price, and we'll call it water-proofed.

I'll look at created guns, but no guarentees I'll accept them.

To make a gun that can be fired underwater, I think I'm going to have to triple the cost and hook it up to an air tank. I can hear you saying 'TRIPLE, that's crazy!" You're right, it *is* crazy. My reasoning for doing this is to make you guys be way more creative than that. Spearguns, gyrojet guns, etc. Be creative guys.

Blue, I noticed Yin is initiated. I'm morally opposed. Would you be upset if I said let's go with no on the initiation?

Grifter, of course I'm open to new players. I'm not a *complete* Ogre. Feel free to submit a character.

Voorhees, just because I *prefer* priority or sum-to-10 doesn't mean I'll dismiss points out of hand.
QUOTE (Large Mike)
To Dwarf-size things cost an extra 10%

Yeah, I'll consider a peg-leg nautical. Just cause I dig it.

I'm not sure if there are any options to make things water-proof, but add another 5% to its price, and we'll call it water-proofed.

I'll look at created guns, but no guarentees I'll accept them.

To make a gun that can be fired underwater, I think I'm going to have to triple the cost and hook it up to an air tank. I can hear you saying 'TRIPLE, that's crazy!" You're right, it *is* crazy. My reasoning for doing this is to make you guys be way more creative than that. Spearguns, gyrojet guns, etc. Be creative guys.

Peg-leg is nautical! Yays!

OK, time ta get crackin'.
Count me in as your other half you SEXY BEAST!!! (referring to Blitz and her twins) I am jetting off for the weekend but I will be back this Monday afternoon sumbit a character then if there's still room.
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (Large Mike)
I'm not sure if there are any options to make things water-proof, but add another 5% to its price, and we'll call it water-proofed.

Then drop 370 nuyen.gif from my donation to the group needs, (100 for the pocket secretary, 270 for the fancy shades).
Im cool with that..I hadn't even realized it!

How much would a cutlass be? Same as a regular sword?

Forgive the sheer idiocy: You have to Dwarf-size cyberware and bioware, correct?
Herald of Verjigorm
Ares Mono-cutlass...
I have sabers, but I just entered them as cougar long blades since that was as close as they come...unless you (large mike) think a katana is more appropriate.
Ol' Scratch
For anyone interested, I abandoned the idea of the hougan in favor of a "face" type of character. Figured we had plenty of magic and, apparently, plenty of muscle... so someone able to actually get us a good deal on our booty (not to mention to secure a sweet ship) was in order. He's also going to be quite the swordsman.
Digital Heroin
Thinking of one of my famous purists... the no cyber type... got a zen for Boarding Party types, being that it's something I aspire to do myself one day (Canadian Navy's boarding parties, the elite of the world)... I think I could muster something... of course BPs are my bread and butter, so I'll have to kick the habit...
Large Mike

Basically, as long as it follows the rules for *something*, it's all good. If you want a cutlass with the same stats and price as a fineblade, or mono-sword, or anything else, you're more or less good. If some else bases theirs on a katana, then it will just be different qualities and makes of cutlass. Feel free.
This sounds like a cool game. I sent you a PM with my character. He's a human sea shaman sorcerer.
FYI to you all....I'll be playing Yin, an albino adept while my cohort buddhaboy will be playing Yang, my twin, who is a face with high demolitions...
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