I’ve never been very fond of the RAW Technomancer rules in SR4. The idea of the Technomancer on the other hand is just wonderful, but hardly playable – especially with the Unwired rules that include even more things that a TM need.
In a character building perspective they are like mages but still not as they more than regular mages NEED all the spells in the book for hacking.
And even if one built a “specialist� focused on say signal interception and simply listening to others they were always left in the dust by the Hacker who could do ALL of it from cratch, and better.
Just comparing the two in BP makes one wonder what they were thinking.
A maxed commlink and software for a hacker is roughly (All rating 6): 27BP or 135000Y
A TM maxed out with Complex Forms and Resonance (Not counting the cost in attributes) would be 205BP. (Yes, i know that per RAW they cannot start with it but this is just for comparison).
Then we have the additional skills for handling sprites…
This doesn’t take into the account of gaining the karma later to get access to a HANDFUL of the echoes, and they are LOTS of them.
SR4: 5 Echoes
Unwired: 19 Echoes! / 7 Advanced Echoes
So I’ve made some changes to even the scales and make a difference between the two and give the TM a chance to spend more of the karma he gains on trying to reach his potential with echoes and not just trying to catch up with the Hacker.
Cracking Skill Group and Electronics Skill Group is now linked to RESONANCE for Technomancers
Two reasons.
1 – All TM do is through the resonance and the way they handle machinery and code is through their link with the Resonance and is hardly logical to the rest of the world.
2 – It gives hackers an edge since they can take ware that improves logic linked skills.
Logic Cap is removed completely
Hackers roll Logic+Skill - Net Hits limited by Program Rating
Technomancers roll Resonance+Skill limited by Complex Form Rating
Software and Complex Forms are the same at chargen, programs bought with money representing the time and effort of the technomancer to learn his craft.
Threading by RAW is both too powerful and can sink the TM into unconciousness far too quickly due to a good/bad dice roll and the Resonance X2 rule. These now work more like spells.
Boosting an existing CF
Resonance+Software and Boosting is limited by Complex Form Rating. Fading is Complex Form/2+Net Hits.
Net hits cannot exceed Complex Form Base Rating
Creating a CF from scratch
TM Chooses the desired rating and rolls Resonance+Software – Fading is Desired Rating/2+Net Hits
Net Hits cannot exceed desired complex form rating.
If the Fading is higher than the TM Resonance rating then the damage is physical as per SR4 rules.
The Technomancer always have a Simrig from the start
The Technomancer always have a storage memory
Disregard the rules of Smartlink CF*
*Reason for this is that if the TM can get by with just Software then why not the rest of the runners? If they want a Smartlink they have to get the ware that include all the needed hardware.
Any matrix initiative enhancing cyberware is incompatible with the virtual persona - A TM is gonna need echoes to become faster.
AR vs VR
AR hacking works just as fast as VR hacking so Wired Reflexes work, but there is a difference.
VR hacking gains a dicepool bonus equal to the IP bonus the character has in the matrix as the actions he can perform are done at the speed of thought, and that is faster than any meat initiative.
IP1 +0 / IP2 +1D6 / IP3 +2D6 / IP4 +3D6 / IP5 +4D6
This would be in addition to the Hot-Sim +2 Dicepool bonus.
These VR bonuses also apply to Agents and IC.
Probing The Target takes 24H regardless of AR or VR – Dice Pool Bonuses Apply Instead
End Result?
The hacker can go 5IP in hotsim and the TM 3IP at chargen.
The hacker can get a lot larger dicepool at chargen than the TM at chargen.
VR Hacking becomes more efficient.
Both are equally good at matrix work from start but the TM is slower but can improve his CF by threading and need karma to become better – The Hacker can be the best there is at chargen (Almost, need to upgrade programs) and can branch out later. The TM can keep up in advancements with the team without being a liability and can even get a bunch of echoes and still be efficient at something except hacking (like firing a gun and surviving a firefight if need be).
*EDITED* Changed a bit on Creating a CF from scratch
*EDITED 2* Added limit on net hits on threading.