QUOTE (boost @ Jul 21 2008, 07:03 PM)

ya. the problem that i see with them is that most people want the party to stick together for ease of game play. having a techno stick around with a bunch of street sams usually doesn't work very good once a fight breaks out and someone tires to shoot them.
Now, my group would disagree with this. We've got a razor girl, a super-speedy adept, and a combat shaman. Between running a tac-net (and getting bonuses) and having a level 5 machine sprite in their smart-gun (yes, it is a rules interpretation some GMs do not allow; we do), the street-sams in my group have pretty much declared I'm never allowed to play a plain hacker again. They don't want to give up their +4 to +6 from the machine sprite & +3 from the tac net. With the TMs ability to hack into commlinks and screw up smart-linked guns, other tac-nets, subvert opponent drones, and even hack cyberware, they can certainly be a great "support services" in combat scenes. Simply doing a sensory-override on commlinks (blasting them with noise and light) gives opponents a modifier. That combined with my street-sams bonuses, and they're loving the combat.
So, when we go into combat, the first one of the street sams has their first action be "I shove the TM to cover." This way they assure they keep their golden goose alive. Good armor and a high level armor spell help too.

That's not to say, the street sams aren't saying she needs to get a few cool echos, like Acceleration and Biowires, and (as they say, "learn the damn dodge CF!!!") E-Sensing has already saved us a few times. It's all about playing to their strengths. A TM can make a combat team
much better, in my experience.
[note: we use rules interpretations that allow these actions. YMMV.]