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Full Version: Am I missing anything?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Well I'm going to be running a new campaign at college this year, and it's been a few years since I've actually run a campaign of any length. My old gaming group owned all the books so I've been slowly collecting them to take with me. So far I've got :

SR3 Main Book ( 2 copies)
Cannon Companion
Man and Machine
Shadowrun Companion
Rigger 3
Magic in the Shadows

I also have a homemade screen and have gotten a set of the little 12mm D6s for each of my players as an early birthday present.

I can't help but feel that I'm missing something though. I can borrow the copies of all the adventures I need, and I can print out character sheets as needed, but is there anything else that looks to be missing to you guys?
You might want one of the setting books -- Seattle Sourcebook or New Seattle for a 3rd Edition game, one of the Shadows of series [Europe, Asia, North America], or any of the old location sourcebooks depending on where you game is taking place -- and Sprawl Survival Guide for further setting information. Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book wouldn't kill ya either, with extract contacts, quick decking/rigging rules, an adventure generator, and a good essay on planning a Shadowrun.

Rules-wise, though, you're set!
Aight, I have enough notes from my old campaigns to make my seattle setting pop, I just wanted to avoid the usual everyone sits down at the table and within ten minutes going oh piss as we've forgotten a major element to the game.
The Seattle source books are also good to have for just giving to other characters. It can improve their ability to understand and act in the world they're in.

One last thing, and it's a bit optional, but you might want to consider getting the 4th edition main book. If you don't want to go full forth at least borrow it and look over the hacking rules. Well, I suppose the Matrix book's rules are pretty fast too.

Really I guess what 4E brought that you might want to throw into a 3E campaign is that stuff can be wireless. This would allow the decker to be doing stuff all through a run (hacking into the other guys comchannels to listen in, going after the cameras down the hall, all sorts of stuff).

Matrix 3 had rules for wireless connections (I would personally ignore the upload/download speeds as they cause me headaches)

Ruleswise, either of the SOTA books would add more options for gear and metamagics, as well as a dozen new adept powers.

You may want to try and get your hands on a copy of McMackie's NSRCG. That will make character generation go faster for the kids who are familiar with the system and just need a computer to calculate the point spend and dice pools.
Well right now the group is going to be:
Dwarf Street Sam
93 yr. old Human Rigger
Human Indian Sun Shaman
Dwarf Fire mage

I'll be running an NPC decker that will come in when needed, so I'll roll out the decking beforehand most likely. I'm starting the campaign in 2055 so I don't see wireless cropping up for a while. Do the SOTA books cover anything useful for that time period?

Unfortunately most of the group isn't familiar at all with the game. The only person that's played played 2nd edition once. I plan on running them through a quick primer to get the rules down before I throw them into anything too heavy though. Anyone got any suggestions for breaking them in?
Nope, the SOTA books are 2063 and 2064, so they are a bit later.
How about a munchie run down at the local Stuffer Shack (while it is being held up by a local gang). Will get the players use to the combat and magic rules.
If you know the SR3 rules, it shouldn't be a big deal to convert Food Fight 4.0 backwards:
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