I have scanned ranged combat, damage resistance, healing, medicine/biotech skills, and am left empty...
I can't find any information on how to handle wounds. In the section about being Stabilized, it really appears to me to only require Stabilization when you're UNCONSCIOUS.
Although I want more realistic gameplay, I still want movie-style bullet-wounds and the like.
I dont want a character to suffer 1 damage box and that causes him to bleed out after a few minutes.
Likewise, I dont want a character to suffer 6 damage boxes- a severe shot to the chest- and afterwards just be like "Hey I'm fine, it's just a bullet in my lung. No biggie I still have 4 boxes of life left!!"
I find it is easy to access when a character suffers bleeding (glitches, a heavy amount of damage boxes taken in a single hit, etc.) but I would like something along the lines of bleeding, blood loss, shock, WITHOUT having to go unconscious first- and without having to do a Logic stabilization.
Would a Body+Willpower stabilization test work? Do Damage Resistance Tests (Body dice) basically count as a character's body stabilizing from bloodloss, shock, etc. (a character with 3 body scoring 2 hits, 5DV turns to 3DV)- or are wounds explained in a different way then I imagine?
I am trying to find a balance between movie-style "It's just a fleshwound" so taking a bullet isn't death, but realistic enough to want, but not REQUIRE, a Combat-Surgeon. Perhaps a mix between a Body Stopping-Bleeding test anyone can have, in addition to the benefit of not requiring that test and suffering no extra damage if the Combat-Surgeon intervenes.
I want my Elven Doctor to be more than just a Logic + Biotech + Medkit test and a stim patch.
I am new to Shadowrun, and even after reading the SR4 Rulebook- I still have a problem understand some aspects of the game because the rulebook seems very vauge at times.
HOUSE RULES anyone? Does anyone have any extra or different Rules for wounds? Combat-Surgery? Bleeding Out? Shock?
Any advice? Hints? Tips? Perhaps something I missed in the rules?
Another problem with wounds is that, although I dont want them to be too lethal- I would like them to be more incapacitating. I find it odd that a character can shoot a man twice in the chest, doing 6 boxes of damage at the start of the Initiative, but the man simply responds after being shot twice by taking out his gun of about 6 dice with only a -2 wound modifier (4 dice against a character's 3 reaction, the wounded man still is gonna succeed in shooting)
In the movies- usually once shot the villains are "out" even if not dead.
I want to find a balance though, something along the lines of more incapacitating wounds, but NOT more lethal.
I want my PC's to stay alive, my NPC's to be incapacitated, and the game to be BALANCED between PC and NPC's. Im at a loss
The problem isn't the fact the NPC's dont stay incapacitated, or go "out" after being shot- but that immeditely following the player's brilliant successes in successfully wounding 2 NPC's in a 1v2 shootout, the two NPC's seem to be almost completely unhindered and are able to just fireback. Most of the time, even if the 3DV knocks down the character (Average Body of 3)- it doesn't require a "Stand Up" action to pull out their gun and shoot the PC.
Is armor a huge factor in roleplaying? I imagine if the armor doesn't stop the bullet entirely (Stun Damage) then it goes through the armor and the character gets shot- maybe by a weaker bullet- but still shot and bleeding, having had a bullet fly through them. What are the physics like in roleplaying with armor?? Does the armor stop the bullet- even if it's still Physical damage- so there is little to no actual bleeding- just internal bruising?
Does anyone have a list of ranged and melee combat in relation to DV?
1DV- Sliced outside of skin- Bullet slices shoulder
2DV- Bullet hits minor part of body, Knife stabs but not deep.
4-8DV- ??????
12DV- Shot in head- Character is most likely dead.
Explaining the wounds in relation to the amount of damage boxes it causes is rather difficult too. And the entire process of AFTER combat- do you always need to find a surgeon to remove the bullet- or should it be cinematic enough for "It's just a fleshwound. Some soup and rest will heal that in a few hours." lol
I just have a problem with someone shooting a shotgun pointblank in someone's face, and then having that someone just pull out their pistol and fire back, wounding the attacker who otherwise would have had an amazing combat encounter in his favor. What is combat normally like?
Examples are what I really want. As a new player to both RPG's and Shadowrun- the Core Rulebook doesn't provide examples on everything- which is kindof what I need.
If anyone can- provide an example of combat between characters, a normal shadowrun- perhaps one that youve recently done? I am having a tough time getting a good general idea of the game's flow, and incorporating specific things like Blood Loss, Shock, Incapacitated but not Unconscious- to allow for a more advanced Combat-Surgeon role for a PC- without hindering characters who have no Logic, Medkits, or Surgeon Teammates.