Jul 29 2008, 08:07 AM
I was wondering if you guys had any simple runs for beginners preferably not hinging on matrix/rigging skills nor magic. The fact of the matter is, we're all new to SR4 and RPing in general and as a GM it's difficult to put all of the rules, the setting, coming up with decent ideas, and keeping it fun together. If it's important I have the core rulebook only but also have runner havens (which I quite like and am more attached to Seattle as it seems more basic and set out)
Currently an idea I have is that the Octagon Triad (working under a pseudonym) is wanting the runners to do a data steal and then trash the factory under the idea of something like a new mushroom beer (like in the back of Runner Havens). It is in fact a Yellow Lotus Triad BTL factory in Auburn near Blood Brother territory who source the BTLs they deal from the Triads and so tend to keep an eye on it.
As for the fact that it's a data steal and I don't want matrix stuff, it's more so they have to sneak in first rather than blow it up from outside. They'll get a optichip thing to do the hacking bit for them (I know that's probably wrong, but it'll work.) I hope that nothing contradicts itself in is at least slightly plausible.
Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.
Jul 29 2008, 08:19 AM
Jul 29 2008, 08:22 AM
In the past, they've seemed more complicated than I was hoping, I'll look into it again though.
Thanks for the help
Jul 29 2008, 08:22 AM
I would have to second Muspellsheimer.
Jul 29 2008, 08:27 AM
With those missions, there's the issue that atm i only have 2 players as one is in year 12 and is studying a lot as well as having relatively frequent character changes sort of ruining them, if you get what I mean.
Jul 29 2008, 08:40 AM
QUOTE (Carriage @ Jul 29 2008, 03:27 AM)

With those missions, there's the issue that atm i only have 2 players as one is in year 12 and is studying a lot as well as having relatively frequent character changes sort of ruining them, if you get what I mean.
You've got a 12 year old that changes characters a lot? That what you're saying?
Anway a classic beginner bit is to have them out somewhere, have some gang come by and one of the gang members starts flirting with one of the runners, another gets jealous and starts talking drek, hilarity ensues.
The advantage here is that there isn't a lot of planning ahead of time, there's a chance to roleplay the flirting and trash talk a little, and if(when) a fight breaks out it's likely lower intensity with hand to hand combat and not against a large security force.
For a first proper run if you want to not do the magic or matrix thing just leave it out. Instead maybe a simple grab. (You could just have them grabbing a server and running with it).
I'd suggest two things. One is full auto weaponry using flechets and recoil compensation on goonish characters/drones (which actually increase impact armor by 5 not 2 after the errata). It will let you hit them with a whole lot of damage, but since the extra damage from full auto doesn't aid armor penetration and flechet ammo increases the total armor value it'll probably be stun.
Also try to throw some little twist in for flavor and setting. Doesn't have to be too elaborate. Maybe some wageslaves are making out back in the server room the runners are trying to grab the box from.
Jul 29 2008, 08:45 AM
Playing with kids is a tricky one to advice on since the maturity level can vary quite a lot from one 12-year-old to the next, but for some simple mayhem fun where you get to use a few rules and introduce some nice elements of the setting try to dig out the old run "Food Fight".
It was printed in the 1st edition rulebook, and returned at in at least one later edition's scenario pack. Someone here are bound to have made a conversion of this classic with its reidicolous NPCs and the chance to shoot up a whole cornershop. That last bit was just too good to pass up.
Jul 29 2008, 08:46 AM
Thanks sunnyside, and no, not a 12 year old who changes character often, but someone in their final year of high school in Australia. Character changing is due to players wanting to experiment and not knowing what is actually needed and so on.
Fletchette idea seems good. So you think I shouldn't bother in the mean time with story twists and scheming, more just little things to add flavour?
EDIT: Fleinhoy posted while I was and I just want to make this clear. We're all about 17-19.
Jul 29 2008, 08:54 AM
Twists and sceming are great, but I'd suggest saving anything elaborate for session #2. In your first session you'll be working out the basic game mechanics, and it's quite possible that your players will cause some twists you didn't see coming.
Eventually you'll want to get more elaborate, and have reoccuring NPCs.
Oh, another option for starting out is to have the characters be more like gangers. It isn't so realistic to be breaking into megacorps and the like without magic or matrix support.
At the ganger level neither you characters nor the opposition is likely to have either. Note that the players don't have to be gangers themselves. They could for whatever reason wind up in someplace like the edges Puyallup or Redmond or whatever and they get caught up in some of that stuff.
As things progress you can get more elaborate. Local gangs often have ties to organized crime so that could start playing in. The kidnapped girl they rescued last week could turn out to be an exiled daughter of a Tir noble and the elves are fighting over her by proxy. Stuff like that.
Jul 29 2008, 08:54 AM
Hehe, I see, in year 12. Too early in the morning to make sense of unfamiliar phrasing, my bad.
Anyway, at that age you will definitely see the ironic and ridiculous side of Food Fight, so the recommendation still stands.
And for added fun send you players to the local shop to pick up the munchies before you start play, and do this at a busy time in the day. Then they can vent their annoyance with supermarkets in general at their heart’s content once the lead starts flying.
Jul 29 2008, 09:08 AM
Food fight is in the quick start rules but being a bitch to print I gave up on it. Plus, it involves all the groups even though the mission mightn't.
Jul 29 2008, 11:40 AM
There is always the classic smash and grab from anywhere really. Forceful extractions and what not. What is the make up of your group and we are likely going to be able to help you with ideas more.
Wesley Street
Jul 29 2008, 02:16 PM
The SR3 book First Run might be helpful. Three quick and easy adventures to get you started. You'd just need to do some converting for SR4.
Jul 29 2008, 03:15 PM
I got this idea from a previous post I started. Someone had the idea of a Beer Run in the Barrens, so this is what I came up with based on that...
Bartender - “Hey <runner’s name>.� <looks around and leans in the say something in their ear> “Keep this quiet, but we are almost out of beer. Our delivery didn’t come in today. I’m worried if we run out the patrons will start tearing the place apart. I’ll pay you and your friend xxx nuyen, plus free drinks for a month if you can make a Beer Run for me.�
If they agree:
“Here’s the nuyen for the beer. I need 2 kegs. I’d say you got about an hour before we are out.�
They need a vehicle large enough for two kegs.
Have one or two of the liqour stores be closed, or out of the particular brand of beer the bartender needs.
The Barrens is a static zone
Idea for encounter lay out:
As they are leaving the bar, do number 1 or number 7 (if they have meta-humans in the group). As they are looking for a liquor store, number 1 (if it didn’t happen yet) will happen. They finally make it to a liquor store. Just after buying the kegs, number 2 happens right out front, and the runners are caught in the cross fire. As they are driving back, the toxic spirit causes an accident (flat tire, using its accident power). Have the runners make a mechanic check to change the tire. While they are doing this, the sprit attacks. On their way back to the liquor store, number 6 will happen. He’ll run out in the street shooting his gun back at someone (ork gang) and try to get the runners to stop and help.
1. Robbery: A group of gangers (probably at least 2 per runner), hold up the runners at gun point and attempt to steal their car, coat, money, etc. (See Shakedown). In the case of the car, the runners get boxed in by two ganger cars.
2. Gang fight: As the runners show up (or when they are leaving) the liquor store, a gang fight erupts between two groups of gangs and the runners are caught in the middle. (See Turf War). Sons of Sauron and the Night Hunters (SR p.50 and Runners Haven p.92)
3. Hell Hound pack looking for their next meal
4. Toxic Sprit - Sludge (Toxic Spirit of Earth or Water) – Street Magic p. 146 (Runners Haven, p. 106 for environment)
The Toxic Sprit uses its accident power to cause the vehicle to crash (or blow a tire). When the runners are changing the tire, the Sprit will attack.
5. Ghoul pack, or the 162s (Runners Haven p.93) also looking for their next meal
6. Undercover cop’s cover is blown: An undercover Lone Star agent has his cover blown and is being shot at by several gang members (The Cutters, Runners Haven p. 89-90). If the runners help, the can gain a contact within Lone Star. (See The Rescue)
7. Hate Crime – The Humanis Policlub is rolling around Redmond to blow off some steam. What better way they to attack some meta-humans. They will be driving around in a van. Have the runners make a Perception check to notice they are being followed (see the Shadowing skill). The runners could use this for delivering the kegs.
This turned out to be fun, and was pretty easy to run.
Jul 29 2008, 06:23 PM
*Sniff* My Beer Run, all growed up. I'm so... Proud!
Jul 29 2008, 07:12 PM
Ahh, it was you CanRay. I turned out pretty well and the players had fun. One of the runners had a van with some mounted LMG’s. When it came time for the gang fight between the Sons of Sauron and the Night Hunters, instead of running, the troll jumped on the gun and went full-auto on the Night Hunters.
And the undercover Lone Star officer…well they just drove around him as he yelled for their help (making their Pilot Groundcraft (1) to avoid hitting him). The next night on the trid they heard of an undercover officer being killed in the Barrens. They just chuckled and shrugged the shoulders.
I think they enjoyed letting lose and not having to worry about Lone Star chasing them down for their violent methods. Thanks CanRay.
Jul 29 2008, 07:42 PM
Next time my group is broke, they'll be doing this.
Jul 29 2008, 09:14 PM
My group doesn't have a composition of sorts in a game perspective, but I will only have 2 players for this next run. I think one wants a duel pistol wielding cowboy sort of character and I think I'll make the other one.
Jul 29 2008, 09:37 PM
I figured the bartender might not be able to pay too much, so I thought the run would pay more out in Karma and less on nuyen. Now I’m not saying they didn’t loot. The Robbery encounter involved two orcs on Harley’s. They pulled up along side them and pulled out shotguns. Well, our troll pulled out his gun and rolled exceptionally well, and the orc critically glitched on his reaction, so he went down. Next was the driver (newbie player) wanted to spin the van and run over the other orc. He scored 5 hits on his Reaction/Pilot Groundcraft and managed to pin the orc (and bike). Next round he jumped out and did 14P on his unarmed combat (Bone Density 4, 9 Str, and Boxing Quality from Arsenal for an additional 2DV). So the runners then decided to take the Harley’s. Since the driver (Dwarf) is a mechanic, he fixed up the bikes and they sold them for some cold hard nuyen.
So, even if there isn’t a bunch of nuyen up front, I’m sure any runner in the Barrens can walk off with some loot. You could also make someone a drug dealer and have a bunch of nuyen on cred sticks in their pockets.
Jul 29 2008, 09:45 PM
Figuring out extra ways to make Nuyen is just part of the game!
My group made THOUSANDS extra selling "High-End Real Coffee" as part of a Datasteal at a Warehouse! All it cost them was a stripped Ice Cream Truck, a Paint Job, and a couple of big pots of SoyCaff that the Doctor Doctored.
Jul 30 2008, 02:25 PM
Nicely done!
Jul 30 2008, 02:45 PM
Aug 1 2008, 06:45 PM
QUOTE (Carriage @ Jul 29 2008, 04:07 AM)

I was wondering if you guys had any simple runs for beginners preferably not hinging on matrix/rigging skills nor magic.
You're in a room with an Ork. He has a pie. You've been paid 5,000

to recover the pie from the Ork.
Aug 1 2008, 06:54 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Aug 1 2008, 01:45 PM)

You're in a room with an Ork. He has a pie. You've been paid 5,000

to recover the pie from the Ork.

No no no no no.
"You're in a 10-by-10 room with an Ork..."
Get it right.

Or, as one of my players put it, "You're in a 10-by-10 room with an ork, she's protecting her chest, and screams, 'Get out of my bathroom you perverts!'."
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