One of the players in my 3rd edition SR group has built a Ki-adept who "multiplexes" his power points, i.e. he has more powers then his power points would allow, but he can only use an amount of powers simultaneously that "fits" into his actual power points. He claims that there is a canon rule that covers this.
I actually DO darkly remember something of that nature, but I have no idea when or where I came across this. I checked the SR3 core rulebook and Magic in the Shadows, but couldn´t find anything. Maybe this was actually in 2nd edition? I don´t have those books.
If anyone could tell me where to find the rules in question, or even quote them to me, I would be grateful. (Or conclusively debunk that they ever existed, as the case may be).
On a related note: When examining the Ki-adept rules in detail, I noticed that the rules for purchasing power points (20 Karma a point) don´t make much sense. Not only do you risk loosing multiple points when loosing a point of magic, not only does Initiation have additional benefits (Metamagic, fringe benefits of higher magic attribute), depending on how you initiate, it even costs less for grade 1 (self- initiating) to grade 8 (!!!) (group initiating with ordeal).
Does anyone have any proven house-rules for correcting this? I was thinking along the lines of dropping the cost to 15 Karma AND allowing the same rebates (magical group, ordeal) that affect Initiation to apply. Comments?