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Full Version: What's The Best Node For An AI's Home?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So I know it might be a bit early to ask this, but what do people think the best node for an AI to live in is? (Assuming you're not using your body for combat.)

On the one hand, living in a cred-chip seems like a great way to get Rating 6 and your friends can carry you around... but your chanes of being dropped/stolen/randomly picked up are high. On the other, drones can get blown up.

Oh man, you could live in a commlink in someone's head. That would be awesome. Or heck, you could in someone's GUN! biggrin.gif
QUOTE (tsuyoshikentsu @ Aug 2 2008, 11:18 PM) *
So I know it might be a bit early to ask this, but what do people think the best node for an AI to live in is? (Assuming you're not using your body for combat.)

On the one hand, living in a cred-chip seems like a great way to get Rating 6 and your friends can carry you around... but your chanes of being dropped/stolen/randomly picked up are high. On the other, drones can get blown up.

Oh man, you could live in a commlink in someone's head. That would be awesome. Or heck, you could in someone's GUN! biggrin.gif

...or their cyberpeen
[Munchkin]Orbital Defence Laser[/Munchkin]
...Yeah, that wins.
I can one-up the Orbital Laser.

As cool as it is, it doesn't beat the Orbital Crowbar Cannon, more commonly refered to in Shadowrun as a "Thor Shot".

"They wasted a Thor Shot to take out one guy?" "No, they took out one guy with a Thor Shot."

Now THAT is a message!
Thors have limited shots while a defence laser has as many as there is sun.
Personally I'd pick something like a Bunraku parlor.

Usually they've got pretty good physical security on site, providing the owners are tied to a decent sized crime group.

You've got plenty of metahumans with skillwires, Data Filters and Personafix's which you can screw around with to slow down anyone trying to storm the place. And I guess they could even be handy for runs if you could had the quality which lets you jump into drones (although I suspect using them as biodrones might be pushing the rules a little too far)

All it really needs is a friendly Shadowrunner type (or a drone you can sneak in or just bring in with the owners permissin) to fit a series of fiberoptic escape routes and it's ideal.
Here's an idea for a AI Node: 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am!
orbital factory with assorted drones running various technical B/R autosofts which can *build* orbital lasers *and* thor shot launchers and add them to itself? (ideally, it would need lots of raw materials i suppose...)
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 4 2008, 12:03 PM) *
orbital factory with assorted drones running various technical B/R autosofts which can *build* orbital lasers *and* thor shot launchers and add them to itself? (ideally, it would need lots of raw materials i suppose...)

"Hey, that satelite has the components I need! And it's derelict!" "What is your definition of Derelict, anyhow?" "Unable to shoot back."
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 4 2008, 01:04 PM) *
"Hey, that satelite has the components I need! And it's derelict!" "What is your definition of Derelict, anyhow?" "Unable to shoot back."

lol... fair enough =D

"I'm Gorgoth, King of Darkness and Lord of Evil, sworn enemy of all that is good and pure. Guys in robes and loin cloths beat the drek out of me twice a day, but it's a living."
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