Alright, so I am attempting here to build a nice, balanced combat mage. As many know I love the martial arts rules, and wanted to build a good combo of hermetic magician and bookworm who could kick your ass if the proverbial crap hits the fan. He has some weaknesses...I'm not necessarily looking for uber-optimization here(I know there are things I could have done differently, like take an Intuition based tradition and drop/switch some skills). I also wanted to try this without skillwires. They are cool, and they do help the combat mage concept a lot, but I just wanted to see if I can roll without them.
We've been using FrankTrollman's house rules as of late, and we love them. (We love the way characters can be so much more rounded. They don't grow up at chargen, per se...since the caps are still in place, but they can grow OUT, which we like, by getting other skills to round them out with.) So the rules are
here, for those unfamiliar with them. So this character was built under those rules; this is why his skills are less, and his magic was maxed out with 50 BPs rather than 65.
We also don't bother with Availability rules at chargen, so all gear he has is kosher to begin with in our campaigns(he's only got one piece of ware and a couple pieces of gear that would have gone over, anyway.) We also have a couple pieces of gear we use in our home campaigns(like hardliner boots as well as gloves.) We also use the old Companion's Edges and Flaws as well as SR4's, with converted costs. (The Dark Secret flaw is the entire *table* ended up having them. Needless to say we would have to be very, very careful around each other and others. The whole party with Hung Out to Dry or Bad Reputation would suck ass. <_< Then again, it opens up tons of roleplaying we help each other? Sell each other out? Blackmail? Help some/blackmail others...?)
The lower Conjuring skills are more or less due to the fact he would rather depend on his own magic or his own body to get him out of trouble, and besides some watchers and the like, doesn't like to use spirits unless necessary. This is also why he lacks guns...he would rather rely on his own skills...likewise, he lacks Ritual Sorcery for a similiar reason(other mages would probably screw everything up.) He does lack a stealth skill at the moment, but he can pick one up fairly quickly(and can toss 4 dice on a default infiltration check if he needed to anyway.). He does have some decent social skills to use if needed(Etiquette and Intimidation). He's got room to grow in skills, and I like that. His Edge is a base 2, but also can be improved. Naturally, he's a mage, so he'll be a karma sink. I'm pretty happy with his physical stats and skills at this point(I might get him another point of Body and maybe Reaction if I can afford it after mage-stuff), but you can't have everything.
As usual, I'm more or less looking to see if he has any glaring problems I might have forgotten/not noticed.
He's not meant to dump craploads of dice at everything, but he has strong pools in both his combat and magical skills, as well as a good set of stats with no uber-high ones, but now glaring weaknesses either. With 13 dice in unarmed, a modified 4 Body and the ability to wear good armor(he has a decent armor collection that doesn't send him overboard), with his focus active he throws 12(13 dice with Kick Attack) unarmed, at a base 6P damage with hardliners with 3 Initative passes, making him a substantial physical threat; his manuevers can help with this, too. His Magic is a 5, he has an array of offensive and support spells(some which fit his slightly...odd personality), that he can use to good effect as well. His Drain is likewise decent. I have considered maybe switching a spell out for a Stealth-like spell to help out until he can pick up the skill(but it won't cost him *that* much Karma.)
Don't have a background written up here, but I know where I'm going with him, basically. I put a few quotes up to give him an idea of his personality. He's sort of a ''madness and greatness-two sides of the same coin'' kind of guy, with his studies...the party members might help determine which way he could go. A bit eccentric, haughty, and a little dangerous, to be sure.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Lexiss F. Kiesl
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Height: 6'
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: Reddish-brown, medium-long, straight
Eyes: Amber
Lifestyle: High(1 month prepaid)
Appearance/Notes: Fairly tall, his rather pale, slender build is deceptive-under his clothing, he is pretty well corded with lean muscle. He's rather strong and robust for your typical hermetic, bookworm of a magician, built more toward dealing damage(strength/agility) than tank(body/reaction), though the latter two stats are in the healthy range as well, all four improved more with a piece of bioware. His eyes are amber, his hair thick, medium-long and reddish-brown, usually looking windblow, he's clean-shaven and has a handsome appearance that makes him look a bit younger than his 30 years. He wears a pair of glasses; it's unknown whether he needs them or if they are just used for his vision enhancements(though he does have them anyway in them). Usually a somewhat curious, smug look about him; he dresses a bit in old-fashioned styled trousers, heavy boots, a shirt, gloves and a nice cloak; he wears a longcoat if he needs to look a little less obvious. He does have a staff he carries with him for a more traditional look; he can use it fairly well, but unarmed he is a lot more deadly. He seems to enjoy the confusion that is caused when a more combat-type tries to strike him, thinking the bespectacled man will go down like a sack of potatoes, ends up on the ground with his neck at an odd angle.(He likewise tends to happily let people underestimate him.) If he dresses casual, it's jeans, boots, a loose sleeveless shirt or sweatshirt and a longcoat, but he tends to prefer his slightly more eccentric garb; he usually wears earth tones, dark greens, and grays.
''You know, I find the old street saying 'Geek the Mage First' rather offensive.''
''A few motes of sanity is but a small price to pay for limitless knowledge. Nothing is free in this world, or any other world for that matter. I can use knowledge in a practical manner...I cannot say the same thing of sanity.''
''I don't set out to make enemies. No one wants enemies. I would much rather be friends with people. Friends help you out, have your back. If you're my friend, I would do the same for you. I'm telling you, we can be friends. If you work with me, we can be friends. Even if you don't work with me or against me, we can still be friends. However, if you work against me...then I'm afraid we cannot.''
''Use of excessive force? That's a rather harsh way of putting it. I prefer the term 'Effective Force.' It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?''
''Your accusations of my inability to keep a promise upsets me. I promised I would not hurt him. Trust me when I say that when I took him in my hands and snapped his neck, he did not feel a thing.''
Positive Qualities(30):
Magician(15 BP)
Guts(5)-+2 dice for resisting fear and intimidation
Martial Arts Lv. 2(10)-Savate. +2 Damage to Unarmed Attacks, max 4 Manuevers
Negaitve Qualities(+35):
SINner(+5)-has a legal SIN(like an ID), has to cover tracks better
Astral Beacon(+5)-+2 dice for opponents to track him astrally.
Enemy(+5)-Figuring out who his Enemy can be.
Allergy(+10)-Deciding on a cool allergy that fits him. Either a Common/Mild allergy, or an Uncommon/Moderate allergy.
Dark Secret(+10)
Net Gain: +5 BPs
405 BPs total:
Body: 3(4)
Agility: 4(5)
Reaction: 3(4)
Strength: 4(5)
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 4(5)
Willpower: 4
Edge: 2
Magic: 6(5)
Essence: 5
Initative: 6(7)/1[9/3]-With his Focus active, he gains 2 extra initative passes and +2 to his Initative.
Total BPs on Attributes: 250
Remaining: 155
Drain Stats: Logic+Willpower
Resources: 25 BPs(175,000 nuyen)
Remaining: 130 BPs
Suprathyroid Gland-.7 Essence, 45,000 Nuyen(+1 to all Physical Attributes)
Cerebral Booster Lv. 1-.2 Essence, 10,000 Nuyen(+1 Logic)
Synthacardium Lv. 1-.1 Essence, 10,000 Nuyen(+1 die to all Athletics tests)
Cost: 1 Essence, 65,000 Nuyen(110,000 nuyen remaining)
Active Skills: (81 BPs)
Spellcasting: 5
Counterspelling: 4
Astral Combat: 3
Arcana(Spell Design): 2(+2)
Enchanting(Alchemy): 2(+2)
Summoning: 1
Unarmed Combat(Martial Arts): 5(+2)
Clubs(Staffs): 1(+2)
Athletics Skill Group: 2(Includes Gymnastics, Running, Swimming, and Climbing)
Intimidation(Mental): 3(+2)
Etiquette(Magical): 3(+2)
Perception: 2
BPs Remaining: 49
Knowledge/Language Skills(21 BPs free):
Occult: 5
Magic Background: 4
Anatomy: 1
Old Imported Wines: 1
Martial Arts History: 2
Forbidden Literature: 3
Martial Arts Techniques(Lethal): 1(+2)
English: N(Native)
Latin: 3
Martial Arts Manuevers: (8 BPs)
Riposte(On a successful block or parry, can counterattack)
Kick Attack(+1 reach Unarmed Combat attacks)
Finishing Blow(On successful hit, can follow up with a second attack in an attempt to finish off opponent)
Watchful Guard(Takes penalties starting with 3rd melee attacker rather than 2nd)
BPs remaining: 41
Focus Bonding Cost(Sustaining Focus Level 4)-8 BPs
Remaining: 33
Spells(30 BPs):
Mind Probe
Increase Reflexes
Ball Lightning
Mass Agony
Improved Invisibility
Contacts: 5 BPs(15 Contact Points by developer houserules)
Remaining: 1BP(I might get more nuyen or take another specialization in a skill with this.)
Contacts(5BP=15 Contact Points):
Fixer: C3 L2(6 points)
Talismonger: C2 L1(3 points)
Occultist: C2 L3(6 points)
Gear: (110,000 nuyen remaining)
Lv. 4 Sustaining Focus(40,000)
High Lifestyle(1 month)-10,000
Hardliner Gloves/Boots: 200(+1 Damage Unarmed Attacks and Unarmed attacks do Physical damage)
Form-Fitting Body Armor Lv. 3-1600
Shin Guards: 150
Forearm Guards: 250
Vitals Protectors: 200
London Fog Cloak: 1000
Lined Coat: 700(more low key, sometimes replaces cloak)
Other:(Not Complete)
Fake ID Lv. 5-5000
Fake ID Lv. 3-3000
Fake Licences, 2x Level 6(1200, magical licences)
Commlink(Sony Emperor, Redcap Nix OS, Skinlink, Subvocal Mic)-1200
Earbuds(With Audio Enhancement 3, Select Sound Filter 3, Spatial Recognizer)-1010
Glasses(Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Magnification, Low-Light, Thermographic, and Flare Compensation)-
Medkit Lv. 6/2 refills-800
Enchanting Kit-10000
Conjuring Materials Rating 3-4500
Magical Lodge Lv. 6-3000
Clothing(Nicer Quality)-1500 nuyen worth
But yeah. It was kind of fun tinkering with this guy. I'm still trying to pick a tradition of sorts(Hermetic, but I'm not sure which way I want to go here. I might want to check more sourcebooks.) Ideas, questions, comments?
EDIT: Dropped Conjuring group, picked up Summoning 1 and Improved Invisibility. Still has 1 BP left.