Ok looking over the Metasapient (AI) rules there were a couple points I was looking for clarification on.
It states:
"An artificial intelligence has two Matrix attributes, Response and Signal, that are always the same as the Response and Signal of the node in which they are at the time."
Does this mean that the AI's response and signal are equal to those of their present home node or the node in which they are presently performing actions? (ie. The AI is hacking into a node with a response rating of 4, even though their home node has response 6 because the node they are currently hacking has response 4 their response rating drops to 4.)
If the AI's response is based on node they are presently hacking it is going to make for some hellish bookkeeping as their system rating and program ratings will have to be recalculated every time they switch nodes.
My second question "Inherent programs automatically have the Ergonomic and Optimize (pp. 114–115, Unwired), but may not have any other options."
What rating of Optimize do inherent programs have? Is it equal to the program rating, half the program rating or is there a fixed value for it? Again I ask because:
"Additionally, AIs may improve an inherent program rating by 1 for a Karma cost equal to the new rating; the upper limit of the rating of an inherent program is equal to twice the AI’s System rating."
The only way for an inherent program to operate with a rating of twice that of the system would be for it to possess an optimize quality of at least half its own rating.
Anyway if folks could clear that up a bit it would be appreciated.