Aug 22 2008, 01:31 PM
there have been many great shadowrun character sheets produced. None of which is "just right" for me. I was wondering what software yall use to create them.
Aug 22 2008, 01:57 PM
I've always defaulted to a sheet of notebook paper and a pencil, but I'm old fashioned. MS Publisher or other similar programs can work out really nicely since they're built for designing complex layouts for printing. I've had some success making sheets in Word or other word processing suites, as well.
Aug 22 2008, 04:23 PM
Open Office, I actually like to use the presenter (power point). Yes I am odd.
Aug 22 2008, 07:36 PM
I just give my players photocopies of some DSF user created cheats. I can't remember whose they were, but they all shared the same front page, and then based on the "archetype" had different backs and supplemental sheets. It was pretty complete...
But yeah, we all pretty much use pencils and brains to fill ours out...well, of course after using notebook paper to get through chargen.
Aug 22 2008, 07:43 PM
I just use an Open Office Spreadsheet.
Once you've got a decent layout configured for Karma and BP gen you can just save as a template and re-use it.
Formulae work nicely for calculating skill costs and suchlike. Plus a page ref box next to /everything/ helps no end when looking up what your random bits of gear actually do.
Aug 22 2008, 07:50 PM
I'm partial to Notepad and Calculator, mostly. I have a simple template that I use so I don't forget anything. If I want it to look extra nice, I'll copy it into Word and apply some actual text formatting.
When I'm away from the computer, which is most of my non-working hours, I use paper and pencil. Maybe a calculator.
Aug 22 2008, 07:55 PM
The ones I made were done with MS Word.
If you haven't seen them yet follow the link in my sig.
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