Aug 22 2008, 10:47 PM
Any official or unofficial info on New Zealand in the Shadowrun universe?
Ancient History
Aug 22 2008, 11:51 PM
Sprawl Survival Guide and Shadows of Asia...cannae remember if they got more than a passing mention in Target: Awakened Lands when they were talking about Oz.
Tiger Eyes
Aug 23 2008, 01:50 AM
Places I see New Zealand mentioned in the PDFs I have:
Portfolio of a Dragon (pg 36) - mentions roses from a greenhouse there
Year of the Comet (pg 98 & 108) - Mt. Ngauruhoe volcano erupted.
Sprawl Survival Guide (pg 80 begins an entire section on Auckland)
State of the Art 2064 (pg 52) - most of a page
Shadows of Asia (a bunch)
Street Magic (one itty bitty reference on pg 44)
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