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Full Version: Sweden in Shadowrun?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I've joined a game where we are a special forces team, with members from across the world. Wanting something different to any of the traditionally major nations, I decided to pick a character who is from the Swedish Military.

However, I'm just wondering, has anything ever been detailed in English, about Sweden?
Have they been involved in any military conflicts?
Are they still considered to be a neutral country?
Has anything important happened nearby to them, that would change things? They had the ability to mobilise 1 million troops during the Cold War, but now it isn't close to that amount.

I would like to comment that I'm not Swedish, before anyone offers me any advice in Swedish, so I won't be able to understand and would merely reply with "Huh?".
Daddy's Little Ninja
Yes. there is a whole chapter on Scandanavia in Shadows of Europe.
Thanks Daddy wink.gif

Typical, that it's one of the few books I haven't got!

However, I'm pleased they got a whole chapter. I imagined most of the book would have gone to Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, with the odd detail for some of the other countries.

Now to just get my hands on a copy....
QUOTE (Nu_Fenix @ Aug 25 2008, 09:55 PM) *
However, I'm pleased they got a whole chapter. I imagined most of the book would have gone to Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, with the odd detail for some of the other countries.

Shadows of Europe details (in alphabetical order, with page numbers):
  • Allied German States (41-57)
  • Austria (58-67)
  • Czech Republic (68-77)
  • France (78-93)
  • Italian Confederation (94-119)
  • Portugal (120-129)
  • Scandinavian Union (130-146) [Denmark 136-139, Finland 140-141, Norway 142-144, Sweden 145-146]
  • Spain and Euskal Herria (147-163)
  • Switzerland (164-176)
  • Tír na nÓg (177-190)
  • United Kingdom (191-207)
  • United Netherlands (208-217)

Ikea is now Ikillya, selling a line of combat-oriented furniture at affordable prices.
QUOTE (nezumi @ Aug 26 2008, 09:09 PM) *
Ikea is now Ikillya, selling a line of combat-oriented furniture at affordable prices.

Combat-oriented furniture? eek.gif
Heath Robinson
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 26 2008, 09:26 PM) *
Combat-oriented furniture? eek.gif

Troll adepts are, clearly, a big enough market.
QUOTE (Heath Robinson @ Aug 26 2008, 10:36 PM) *
Troll adepts are, clearly, a big enough market.

hey, close combat with a specialization in bar stools wink.gif
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Aug 26 2008, 05:05 PM) *
hey, close combat with a specialization in bar stools wink.gif

all ikea combat furniture comes with easy breakdown(manual) as a built-in mod nyahnyah.gif although it's only easy if you haven't lost the allen key...
bah, any good geek have a collection of those attached to the key chain. that or as part of their swiss army knife wink.gif
Electric Nomad
First off: Why the Swedish military??

I've served my 10 compulsory months in the swedish army, so ask away..
Daddy's Little Ninja
QUOTE (nezumi @ Aug 26 2008, 03:09 PM) *
Ikea is now Ikillya, selling a line of combat-oriented furniture at affordable prices.
They are into bioengineering, developing pets for the home, but you have to put their dogs together from a kit.
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