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Full Version: A new techno-critter (Need a name)
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As I'm still on a critter trip I decided to try to make something new and nasty by pushing the SR 4th Ed. rules to the breaking point. I still can't think of a good name, but I then to think of it as grey ooze or "The Stuff". This is a nano-critter and in pushing the bounds what the current system will let you do. This critter is a great way to let the party hacker have some combat glory and works even better if you have a technomancer.

The Stuff (I need a better name)
Body: X
Agility: 3
Reaction: 2
Strength: B/2
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 1
Logic: 2
Willpower: 4
Edge: 1
Init: 5
Magic: 0

Movement: 5/25
Skills: Climbing 3, Dodge 2, Infiltration 3, Perception 2, Unarmed Combat 3, Cracking 2
Powers: Engulf (Disassemble), Mitosis 14, Mist Form, Regeneration, Armor 6
Weaknesses: Allergy (EMP/EMI, Severe)

Matrix Stats:
Response: 2
Signal: 1
Firewall: 2
System: 5
Programs: Blackout 3, Armor 3, Medic 2
Matrix Condition Monitor: 11
Matrix Initiative: 4
Matrix IP: 3

Notes: The stuff is not aware and is just a nano-sludge operating at a very low level consisting of get bigger and split. It is able to flow like a liquid and can disperse itself into a mist for both travel and access. It starts with a GM determined Body attribute. If it is crashed in the matrix or reduced to 0 condition monitors the critter turns into a light grey dust.

New Powers:
Engulf (Disassemble)
Type: P Action: Complex Range: Touch Duration: Sustained
The Engulf power gives a techno-critter the ability to draw victims into itself, thus smothering the victim. Treat Engulf as a melee attack. If the attack succeeds, it inflicts damage (see below) and the critter engulfs the victim in its grasp. Every time the critter's Action Phase comes up, the critter automatically inflicts damage with a base DV equal to ½ its Body attribute. Net hits on the melee attack increase the DV of this damage. The victim resists this damage normally with a Damage Resistance Test, using Body + half Impact armor (round up) unless otherwise noted. For every 2 boxes of damage inflicted on the victim add one Body to the Engulfing creature. Engulfed victims may not move. During the victim's
Action Phase, the victim may attempt to escape. Make an Opposed Test, rolling the victim's Strength + Body against the critter's Body. If the victim prevails, then he has
escaped and takes no more damage from the attack.

Type: P Action: Complex Range: Self Duration: Instant
Mitosis allows a critter to split into 2 equal sized critters with ½ the body each (round down) when their body exceeds its threshold. So a critter with Mitosis 14 will be able to split into two equal critters after its Body exceeds 14. It does not need to once it reaches this point and can split at anytime after it reaches this point, but it must only ever split into 2 critters. So a Mitosis 14 critter with a Body of 36 can split into two Body 18 Critters, but not 4 Body 9 critters.
Call it Grey Goo
QUOTE (GreyBrother @ Aug 29 2008, 10:28 AM) *
Call it Grey Goo

I thought of calling it that, but I'm thinking that might be a class of techno-critter; all the nanotech based ones are called Grey Goo. I'm working on anouther one that is called Assimilate. It infects cyberware and consumes it at the rate of 1 Essence worth every hour you fail an Essence roll (threshold 4). Once it consumes all the cyber it leaves. Of course the person now has NO cyber and causes Essence Hole*2 physical damage.
You could always call it "Grey Jelly" nyahnyah.gif
Actually, 'The Stuff' might be a more SR-appropriate name for it, after all. Riffing on that horror movie from the 80's (link) about the ersatz ice cream that eats you from the inside out.
QUOTE (TonkaTuff @ Aug 30 2008, 01:01 AM) *
Actually, 'The Stuff' might be a more SR-appropriate name for it, after all. Riffing on that horror movie from the 80's (link) about the ersatz ice cream that eats you from the inside out.

That movie was one one of the things that stuck in my head. Still I tried to think of what runners would call it and all I could hear was "What is that F#@&ing STUFF".
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