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Full Version: Art, baby! Give me some art!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Looking for some really good SR4/Cyberpunk art. Anyone have a collection of NPC pics, PC pics, stills etc?

I have done a lot of digging on various picture sites but I wanted to toss this out to the masses and see what came back.
I personally like to use You have to sift through a lot of stuff but there is some good stuff there.
I've personally done a lot of art for DS members u can look at. All posted on smile.gif or under Holychampion in the search for this forum.
Squinky ^^
Squinky is the MAN!

Even if he can't do costuming. nyahnyah.gif
Harsh Bro, harsh smile.gif
Shadowrun Image Archive
wRx galleries
Meh, something random I did: The ID badge photo of my namesake character, Rad, from his days as an Ares transporter.

Was going for sort of an anarchist elf meets Black Heaven feel. I left the hand a little rough since I intend to put some kind of blur or censorship logo over it in the final version.
Wesley Street
EDIT: Double post! D'oh!
Wesley Street
Cyberpunk art is pretty easy to find. Anyone remember the Cyberpunx album, by Cassandra Complex?
There's a book of cannonical art out there. I think it's called "Hi-tech Low life"
Absolute rubbish, don't waste your money on it. smile.gif
Wesley Street
I bought a copy of High-Tech, Low Life when I wasn't playing SR at the time and I liked it a lot.
Writing is art. *Points to Sig*
Wesley Street
Check out my Shadowrun interpretive dance!
Art is art. *points to sig too*
And more to come! (hopefully)
QUOTE (Wesley Street @ Sep 1 2008, 07:06 PM) *
I bought a copy of High-Tech, Low Life when I wasn't playing SR at the time and I liked it a lot.

I guess that's a good point. The book holds a bunch of recycled images from other products. If your collection of Shadowrun material is good enough you really shouldn't dish out the cred for this book.
Dare I refer to myself? Oh, what the Hell ...


Prime Mover
Love your galleries DV8, Prescott's stuff in particular which still use for inspiration and reference when trying to flesh out a look or a feel. He and Smif always captured my feel of SR.
QUOTE (Prime Mover @ Sep 2 2008, 03:26 PM) *
Love your galleries DV8, Prescott's stuff in particular which still use for inspiration and reference when trying to flesh out a look or a feel. He and Smif always captured my feel of SR.

Heh, thanks. It was kind of a half-hearted attempt at collating a bunch of SR artwork, next to SRIA, for which I did some back-end work together with lorg. None of the pages in that section have been updated in well over three or four years, I think. smile.gif
Pathological Pixel
Well I've not done any art in a long time, and while I have newer software and greater knowledge of it, working life leaves me little breathing room to create. At best I get to dink with it and practice various techniques sometimes.

Maybe I'll do some fresh work with my newer software if I ever get a break from the wageslave life. I'd like to. Unwired has filled my minds with all sorts of new inspiration. It'd be nice to put some of it to pixels.

But for what it is worth, some of my old art (dated to be sure, as is the ancient web page). Might serve as Matrix IC or somesuch:

Chrome Hornet

Worldwide Web?

FYI: There's some new SR content at my deviantart site.

Prime Mover
Some nice pics Raben-aas.
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