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Fresno Bob
I just saw Pirates of the Carribbean, so I have decided that Johnny Molotov will occasionally act like Captain Jack Sparrow. This is all.
Herald of Verjigorm
I dare you to come up with an actual negotiation check as confounding as that bit about reliably dishonest people.
QUOTE (Voorhees)
I just saw Pirates of the Carribbean, so I have decided that Johnny Molotov will occasionally act like Captain Jack Sparrow. This is all.

And you say this like its a bad thing?
Fresno Bob
No...just saying.
Come on guys, lets get to it!
Fresno Bob
I thought we were moving as we talked...
I already went over what Ziptide's tactics will be - I was just waiting for our boats to get there to start slinging some mojo. C'mon... who's driving here? biggrin.gif
Large Mike

I may just cow you all and start over...

: P
Fresno Bob
You're going to cow us? Sounds um...I don't know.
Herald of Verjigorm
Would "cow" be short for "orbital bovine bombardment"?
The hull armor should be able to take it... unless they're dikoted.
Large Mike

Well, as a mechanic of the GM, they deal 10000000DN. And it also... wait, shut up and just do something. I expect to see rolls here by the time I get back from the toilet, or men with guns will show up and deprive you of a boat.
Fresno Bob
5, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2

Take your pick...
Okay, we haven't caught up to them yet, but I'll go ahead and roll dice for some stunballs for when we do. I'm going to roll for five of them, although I doubt he will actually need to cast that many. They will all be cast at 6M, with 2 Spell Pool dice added to the casting and 4 used to help resist the Drain (2S):

Spell: 10,5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1
Drain: 7, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1 (resisted Drain)

Spell: 13, 11, 9, 5, 4, 4, 1, 1
Drain: 10, 7, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 (resisted Drain)

Spell: 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Drain: 9, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 (resisted Drain)

Spell: 11, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1
Drain: 10, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 (resisted Drain)

Spell: 10, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2
Drain: 16, 11, 7, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 (resisted Drain)
Just wondering how the Dolphin 3 is running that fast from the Colorado (unless my estimate is wrong, I loaned my copy of R3)
The sensors picking anything up as far as people?
Large Mike

Astral Perception test.
Herald of Verjigorm

just in case:
What are the water conditions? Will there be a TN penelty for shooting from a boat in the ocean to another boat in the ocean?
And if whom ever is Piloting the FacePuncher has any gunnery your gonna have a nice advantage over me (in the Turkey) with a sensor rating of 1. If we have the time though mounting a gun on it will REALLY benifit us to the point of being able to take 2, mabey 3 of these guys out very quickly.

Anyhow as cases may be:
Sensor lock:
03 01 03 09 03 01
3 Rd bust (sensor enhanced): (-1 Tn for tracers)
01 05 02 08 05 01 (02 09 01)
second burst: +1TN for recoil (negate with tracers)
09 05 05 05 10 07 (03 03 10)

As a note: the tracers negate the use of explosive ammo (as far as damage), but will drop my TN by 1 for each burst (non stacking.)
Large Mike

Neither of you are moving and the water's fairly calm, all said and done, so no modifier. Modifiers for darkness unless you have low-light or thermo, though. You're at long range for most weapons at this second. I kinda assumed that you ran with the lights off and unless you tell me something to the contrary of that, I'm going to say they don't know you're there yet. With guns pointing left and right, they seem to have forgotten behind them for the moment.

And should I take those rolls to mean you're opening fire?
Not yet, Im waiting for the call from El capitan
Ziptide will be using astral sight, so light level won't be a factor. I've already made some dice rolls, so we can say those are the first two stunballs (assuming that he can see either of them).
Large Mike

So, you'll be casting those as soon as you have line of sight? If so, a perception test with a target number of 8 to see if you can pick them out at this distance.
Large Mike

If you want to make it to the sub before it leaves for any reason, I'll need a boat test for some serious assed acceleration.
Nope, highest I got was a 5. Guess I'll have to wait until we're closer.
Herald of Verjigorm
Who else wants to steal the sub now (or when we catch up with it)?
Less see 3+3 control pool
11 01 09 02 05 02
3 sucesses aginst TN 4
not enough yet, rerolling with karma
ahh 05 4 suceses now. Brings me to 60 Mpct.
Large Mike

Imma rule that that puts you at the sub just before it would submerge again. What are you going to do once you get there?
Ziptide will cast his Freeze Water spell, at Force 5, near the aft of the vessel, hoping that jamming up its propulsion systems will keep it from diving. It is a transformation manipulation, so he gets his Totem bonus for it. He will use his sorcery and Totem dice, along with 3 dice from his Spell Pool, using the other 3 Spell Pool dice to help him resist 3M Drain.

The Spell: 10, 9, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 (7 successes).

Resisting Drain: 16, 11, 9, 9, 7, 5, 4, 4, 1 (Resisted Drain).
Is there anyone visable on either craft?
If so opening fire at them in order of bigest gun first.
Taking from previous attack roll with manual gunnery.

3 Rd bust: (-1 Tn for tracers)
01 05 02 08 05 01
second burst: +1TN for recoil (negate with tracers)
09 05 05 05 10 07
Large Mike

There are no visible people at all. You're perfectly welcome to try and kill either of the ships, if you're dead set on some combat.
pfff right, like the LMG I got is gonna do any real damage to a body 8 boat or a hull rated sub.
I full intend on storming one of them though.
So POST YOU WANKERS!!! I wanna do stuff
Still need characters Mike? I got a Pilot Rigger that I start the design on when this thread started up if your interested, although might have to wait until you hit port again *8->
Large Mike

I don't at this *exact* second. But I'll let you know if/when I do.
K, it just sounded as though you had a bit of a player sortage *8->

Cya'll Later *8->
Large Mike

I need perception rolls out of those on the Turkey.
04 09 01 03 05
Fresno Bob
5, 8, 2, 5, 3, 9

Damn those were good rolls.
Large Mike

You notice the name on it. Death's Head. There's also a great deal of graphitti on it. You can't really make anything out other than a bunch of colors and squiggles. You're sure it means something, but it's just not making sense.
Fresno Bob
On the boat, or the sub?
Large Mike
Herald of Verjigorm
Some perception rolls to learn more about that oddity I saw in relation to the Dolphin's engine (and anything that gets in my way).

Perception roll for Ziptide, who is still using astral perception (and will likely miss things like the graffitti as a result):

7, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1. (3 successes).
So what are we finding on this yacht?
Large Mike

Sorry, I didn't see anything saying you were actually going on the yacht. It'll get handled.
Large Mike

I should be more on the ball now. I'm employed again. So I won't be nearly as stressed.

If you want to do something besides run blindly, willpower test, TN# 4.
Fresno Bob it counting down from 20 minutes, or 20 seconds?
Large Mike
20 minutes. Sorry if I was unclear.
Fresno Bob
Yeah, I just thought "20 minutes? Thats plenty of time." Then you said the thing about running blindly, and I got a bit confused.
Large Mike

Gut reaction to a bomb would be running, no?
Fresno Bob
One would think.
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