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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Lets say my char has no computer skill, but he wants to use the programm edit. Usally he would have to make a test in computer + edit , but what if he doenst have the skill computer? Can the char use instead his logic attribut? Or isnt he simply allowed to use the programm?
You'd be stuck with the program rating.
By RAW the Computer skill can be defaulted to so by RAW he'd roll Edit + (Logic-1). [BBB, p123]
IIRC defaulting would not let you roll more than once on extended tests as such repetitive rolls are usually limited to the characters rank in the skill.

Strictly speaking that could be taken to mean that one cannot default at all for extended tests.
QUOTE (Wasabi @ Sep 4 2008, 08:14 PM) *
By RAW the Computer skill can be defaulted to so by RAW he'd roll Edit + (Logic-1). [BBB, p123]

By RAW, he would roll Edit - 1, per the rules for defaulting. In the case of RAW hacking, Program is used in place of Attribute; when you would normally default to Attribute - 1, you instead default to Program - 1.

QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Sep 4 2008, 09:10 PM) *
IIRC defaulting would not let you roll more than once on extended tests as such repetitive rolls are usually limited to the characters rank in the skill.

There is no RAW limit to the number of times you may roll on an Extended Test. The suggested limit is Dice Pool.

QUOTE (SR4 p.58)
Though it may seem that characters are guaranteed of success in an Extended Test over time, that is not always the case. The character may have a limited timeframe in which to accomplish the task, so she may run out of time before she finishes the job. The gamemaster can also limit the number of rolls under the assumption that if the character can't finish it with a certain amount of effort, she simply doesn't have the skills to complete it. A good limit is to allow a maximum number of rolls equal to the character's dice pool (so a character rolling 6 dice has 6 attempts to get it done). A character can also fail an Extended Test by glitching (see below).
Actually that's something that should be addressed by the FAQ because it's quite obscure.
The FAQ answers only if programms are optional...

Are programs optional? It says to use Computer or Hacking skill + Logic when "interacting with a device," but to use Computer or Hacking skill + program rating when using a program. So can I just use Logic, or is computer use/hacking impossible without programs?

In most circumstances, you will be using Computer/Hacking + program rating. In cases where a program would apply, but isn't available, the character must default.

Logic is used when you are utilizing a device within its standard parameters (Computer) or trying to bypass those parameters through the device's own OS (Hacking). For example, let's say your character finds an unfamiliar electronic device in a research lab. Computer + Logic would be used to identify the device, figure out what it is, and figure out how to turn it on. Let's say that device happened to be a new holo projector prototype. Computer + Logic would also be used to determine what features it has and how to use them. If the character wanted to bypass the controls that prevent the projector from playing pirated movies, porn, or media feeds from unapproved Matrix nodes, he would use Hacking + Logic. If he wanted to take it apart and see how it worked, he would use Hardware + Logic. If he wanted to edit a holo media file, analyze the device's Firewall, or search its usage log, he would use a program (Edit, Analyze, and Browse, respectively).

Yes, the FAQ has a high "dodge (difficult issues)" skill.
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