Fresh n00b here; might as well jump in and ask some questions. So far my search-fu has failed me.
I've got a player who's interested in building a drone that works very similarly to the ED-209 from the old robocop movies, minus the incompetent malfunctions. What this really boils down to, however, is a set of twin light machineguns on one large drone.
This is where the debate comes in: how would a drone target and attack with two weapons simultaneously? Initially I had thought of using the 2-weapon fighting rules that have you split the die-pool on attack, but something doesn't quite sit right with me there. A drone should be much more coordinated than that.
One idea we came up with was to set up the limbs as autonomous drones in their own right, each following "orders" from the main drone on what to shoot at, allowing each weapon-limb/mount to make its own attack roll.
I'd still like it if there were simpler rules for setting up linked-guns for drones and vehicles, and I've so far been unable to find any.
That leads me to a secondary questions about drones though: Why are almost all of them capped at a Body rating of 4?
Anyway, that's all I got for now.