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Full Version: Character sheet in a PDF form?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Has anyone made a character sheet in a pdf form? I saw several good versions of the form to print off but I haven't seen one that is in a PDF form where I can do all the basics on my computer without having to print off a new sheet ever time I change my mind about a new character that is forming in my brain.

I would do it but I don't have access to the full version of Adobie to do it. Thanks for any help you all could be.
If you're wanting something you can edit on the computer, it's best to get PDFx and that way you can digitally "write" on the sheet.
You havent stated whether its for SR3 or SR4, but heres an excel spreadsheet for SR4 (i havent used it, i dont play sr4)
and for SR3 in my opinion theres nothing better than NSRCG (link stolen from Stahlseele's sig).
NSRCG is great for tweaking and playing around with character concepts and the printout is customisable as to what you want on the page. Some examples of printout sheets are here:

Sorry if you were looking for specifically for a char sheet in pdf, the only ones i have seen dont have forms but someone else may be able to help you out
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