A lot of that depends on what the tone of your game is. I've been in games where the majority of the runners were 'Hooders' that tried to help out their "fellow oppressed man", and in games where people in the group were killing each other off left and right. I think that more than anything , you need to sit down with your GM and discuss how the two of you see the SR setting, and how you intend to play/run in it. You seem to be comng at it from different angles, and that's causing a disconnect.
I think your GM probably recently read
Fields of Fire and Matador's essay within it. It's got the whole "Professional Merc" bit down to a T, and could explain the attitude toward your mouthy gutter punk. Your character isn't
wrong for being an unprofessional asshat if that's the
character. A friend of mine played a self destructive, alientating a-hole who eventually got himself killed, but he played true to the
character, not necessarily what was best metagame wise.
So sit and discuss. Rationally, and openly. That helps stop a lot of these issues before they happen.
And please, try breaking up your posts a little bit. Separate paragraphs and spell check. It makes for easier reading.